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Everything posted by MrPerfecTR

  1. hi, this is my new website design, I'm in the process is how the coding Can you tell yet. I'm sorry because my english bad. # Php site began to cast to. # users system was completed. # Members of the panel has been completed. # Added chat between members. # Project Adding added to the system. # admin panel was made. **About Us** Perfectgames | Studio-search-my-blog-pgsdev -What is perfectgames; perfectgames separated into different sections in the online gaming platform developed is versatile, generally offers support to independent games. At the same time your project develops indie (independent) game makers open source code-sample game files-script etc … offers resources found in the Developer (developer) through a network for your projects much more comfortable team can find and get support. In addition, AMAS perfectg find all the projects are easily accessible under one roof. ![](http://sv102.piclect.com/373fc0bf7b48ff1adee6fb2dea294fcc/748b666bc/o/13/11/22/adsiz.png) Demo:[http://perfectgamestudio.com/](http://perfectgamestudio.com/)
  2. I like an interesting project
  3. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqtj6JuVsz8](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqtj6JuVsz8) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exX9j6qQhb8&feature=player_embedded](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exX9j6qQhb8&feature=player_embedded) ????
  4. > Actually, Lavos successfully did this, try to ask him. Ok. Thank you =)
  5. Hi, I start a new project, and this project would be different from other projects Can I Play Fake 3D Visual Basic6 program There are examples in the picture ![](http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/extras/image/name/san2/814/294814/original/fake3d2.png) ![](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/vEcu4bun1og/mqdefault.jpg) Before I forget I'm sorry I do not know English. how to make ??
  6. **hi, i want to change something in my game project. when ii want to atack some enemy i want to select a enemy and press "ctrl" and atacking will start automaticly** **and when enemy will die atack will stop**
  7. Help Error source ![](http://g1303.hizliresim.com/17/9/kwxdj.png)
  8. "miracle classic" special version of the data files . miracle extension How to edit graphics
  9. I want to use as DirectX7 my english is bad
  10. I do not DirectX8 want to want DirectX 7
  11. Want to change to DirectX 7 version of the Eclipse version DirectX 8 How do I ??
  12. I installed the library file Still the same error I installed the DirectX 9-8 is still the same please help
  13. ![](http://d1212.hizliresim.com/14/5/glrr9.jpg) My pc WÄ°ndows XP
  14. Source pleaseeee ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  15. Very urgent please send a detailed training
  16. Tutorial Please ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  17. Hi, How do I make the target system that attack the enemy???
  18. Hello my game I want to add a feature 1: The enemy attacked the enemy with skill skill over and over again until his death attack 2: Ability to act using I'm sorry for my English
  19. > [www.samugames.com/eclipse/EORJ_ReleaseCandidate_1.zip](http://www.samugames.com/eclipse/EORJ_ReleaseCandidate_1.zip) SOurce please
  20. [http://perfect-gamez.tk/kadimdunya/](http://perfect-gamez.tk/kadimdunya/) in dev.
  21. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/314176_489395711079295_800795658_n.jpg) ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
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