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What do YOU want to see in 2.8?


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I would love to see an option to have indoor maps use the night time option. This would allow you to create dungeons or dark rooms that you could use the light tiles around fires and torches on. This option would not be affected by the change from day to night. It can be added just like the optional weather options per map.
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> ummm, im not sure if you considered this, but people have been saying that visual basic 2008 is alot easier to use than vb6, and alot easier to find and download. i hope u take this into consideration.

unfortunately vb6 is actually faster than vb.net at calculations and does not need the .net framework. Also, vb.net is too similar to C++.net so there's little point in using vb.net
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I wanna only ban all inis and *.dat´s and work with an Database!
Thats a very nice idea, because of the better data-handling and u can do trigger and consistency checks. and i think its not to much work, because only the server must save to a db.

But i think i will change it myself,…
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> ok, because it is very hard to get ahold of vb6 for ppl who have no clue, i mean i got it but it dont work, and ive just heard that it has an easier interface.

The other problem is you cant convert vb6 to .net without doing a full rewrite. Might as well just make a whole new engine.
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I agree that the light system should me given some more oomf.
there should be the ability to make night only maps.
we should also beable to make actual shadows…
it wouldnt be hard. using the corect color on the lights sheet you could make the angles and whatnot of basic geometric shapes such as buildings. and then you could put shadows in and around buildings.
then people would have to get light in the area somehow.

and if its not already possible(i think it isnt) Light(and shadow for that matter) should be able to be applied to items.
perfect example is a torch.
when equipped as a weapon it should cause a small circle of light around the player.
And for those into the Drow mythology should be thinking about when Drizzt put his darkness power around his shield and was able to be a large shadow running around.
this would make EE have one of the most unique features of all the 2d engines.
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> Sure. Unique. Shame Eclipse uses that ancient, ugly night rendering system.
> Go use vbdabl.dll or something and make an alpha blending code that works.

lol, it's not that bad… ;).. at least we have a night-day system :P
to bad that was only incremented 'in-doors map'.. and not a 'Cave'.. so it would be dark all the time

From: Zananok
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It is that bad. I don't care if you have a night-day system or not. If it looks so shit, why bother? You might as well just have it there for RP purposes and tell the players it's night.

Or pre-render the tilesets darker and load those instead of the usual sets when it's night.
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everyone complains that its too light. i would love to have a system where you can control it with a setting per character. humans its pitch black, drow its practically day, a torch light woudl slowly fade in distance rather than be an almost perfect circle around you… i think once bugs are complete, light system should be the first system to get an overhaul
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Wouldn't it be 2? :P (there is already npc avoid)

> lighting is different now.

What you mean by different? for me it looks the same… just that on 2.3- it didn't lag, it worked like if it was day, just it was dark, but from 2.5+ it gives a supper lag on the server...
Anyway, coming back to topic: nice if it would change the night tiles depending on what time of the day it is.. and not just... day.. then suddenly poof, dark as a cave (some1 already made the script, just didn't post it [don't need to thank me for remembering.. because actually i have no idea who did it :P])

Comment and wishes

From: Zananok
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