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*random topic about canada*


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Canada is America's backyard XD

We go there to smoke pot, buy cheap medication, and escape the draft!

BTW Tylian.  My WIP in Paint lol

> ![](http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/1432/pngef4.png)

May finish later.
"shadowing" is so gay in paint XD Takes forever
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*eye roll*
America is about as far away from an "enemy" of canada as it gets.
As for Mexico, we arent their enemy, (most of us) just dont like the steady stream of illegal immagrants comming across the border and sapping our public resources.

If Either Canada or Mexico were invaded (in the pretty unlikely event)  America would undoubtedly pour our military into both of your defence's, so I'd say we are a pretty reliable ally.
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w/e, screw canada then.

I hate anti-americans, especially since they obviously dont know crap about the people, and judge us by our governments actions.
Suprises me how easy everyone looks past all the many numerous good things we have done and continue to do, and point at our faults and say "america sucks, see?"

Well screw you, if I knew anything about Canada I'm sure I could point out numerous shortcomings in your system of government too, but I wont, because I'm not arrogant.
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> *eye roll*
> America is about as far away from an "enemy" of canada as it gets.
> As for Mexico, we arent their enemy, (most of us) just dont like the steady stream of illegal immagrants comming across the border and sapping our public resources.
> If Either Canada or Mexico were invaded (in the pretty unlikely event)  America would undoubtedly pour our military into both of your defence's, so I'd say we are a pretty reliable ally.


> *shrug*
> w/e, screw canada then.
> I hate anti-americans, especially since they obviously dont know crap about the people, and judge us by our governments actions.
> Suprises me how easy everyone looks past all the many numerous good things we have done and continue to do, and point at our faults and say "america sucks, see?"
> Well screw you, if I knew anything about Canada I'm sure I could point out numerous shortcomings in your system of government too, but I wont, because I'm not arrogant.

exept that you have a market economy and canada has a mixed economy our government is basically the same (exept for G.W.B who many people base you guys off of, but i wont) be fair Dr. nova by calling us america haters you kinda sound like a dick

Lets not turn this into a debate, but yea your military is bigger BECAUSE you have more people. so yea whatever. but alot of europe dont like americans that much, but love canada and mexico so if it was team vs team many countries would come to mexico's or canadas side.
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> How did this turn into a debate :(. Cool pic, canada rocks.

When you started your bullshit "america sucks" crap.

@ Munro-I could care less how europeans feel about america, or the rest of the world for that matter.  We constatnly try to improve things around the worls best we can, and this "world cop" crap we got suckered into puts us into the spotlight, and when your in the spotlight, it doesnt matter how much good you do, people naturally want to single out your mistakes.

And 90% of this "anti american" bullshit is over a fucking war in Iraq that the american people DONT EVEN AGREE WITH.
So basically Europe is another arrogant country with no knowledge of the american people or our own opinions on matters, and just looks for mistakes our unpopular at home government makes.

I'm getting to the point where I say screw the rest of the world.
Lets stop sending billions of dollars in aid to other countries EVERY YEAR, stop funding world wide AID's prevention/treatment, stop trying to prevent commie countries from taking over little guys, and let the rest of the world deal with their own fucking problems, since nothing we do is appriciated.

Fuck the rest of the world.
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> When you started your bullshit "america sucks" crap.
> @ Munro-I could care less how europeans feel about america, or the rest of the world for that matter.  We constatnly try to improve things around the worls best we can, and this "world cop" crap we got suckered into puts us into the spotlight, and when your in the spotlight, it doesnt matter how much good you do, people naturally want to single out your mistakes.
> And 90% of this "anti american" bullshit is over a Ducking war in Iraq that the american people DONT EVEN AGREE WITH.
> So basically Europe is another arrogant country with no knowledge of the american people or our own opinions on matters, and just looks for mistakes our unpopular at home government makes.
> I'm getting to the point where I say screw the rest of the world.
> Lets stop sending billions of dollars in aid to other countries EVERY YEAR, stop funding world wide AID's prevention/treatment, stop trying to prevent commie countries from taking over little guys, and let the rest of the world deal with their own Ducking problems, since nothing we do is appriciated.
> Duck the rest of the world.

you guys dont do everything, you just hear more of what you do. but I kind of agree with what you say. exept for Europe disliked you before iraq now they just dislike you even more.
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this started off as a joke, then DrNova made a joke, then marsh retorted with another joke, whyd the fuck you go all serious Dr.? you fallen off your rocker or something?

nobody was bashing on the US, in fact you started the bash first, if you cant take what you give then dont post at all

jeez, i dont hate americans, but i cant stand people that act stupid and cant take their own shit
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I never said anything bad about Canada, I made a humerous comment that was extremely vauge and had no direct meaning, but Marsh wants to start directly putting down my country (ignoring my posted attempt at a reproduction of the original pic, the main point of this topic, and jumping straight to bashing my country again)

And then Munro threw in this "well europe hates america too" comment, so dont even give me that shit Renzo, because you are clueless, Duck off.
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> I never said anything bad about Canada, I made a humerous comment that was extremely vauge and had no direct meaning, but Marsh wants to start directly putting down my country (ignoring my posted attempt at a reproduction of the original pic, the main point of this topic, and jumping straight to bashing my country again)
> And then Munro threw in this "well europe hates america too" comment, so dont even give me that shit Renzo, because you are clueless, Duck off.

you said screw canada, so i commented back.
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> I meant being Canadian, is it permament.
> Medical Science can do some amazing things these days, maybe there is a treatment :(

fuck you and your shit Dr, nobody meant any ill will, it was all supposed to be a joke, you just lack a sense of humour or intelligence
i know that was a joke, and marsh made a joking defense, if you cant take it then shut the fuck up

if your going to leave, go do it already you fucking asshole, the US gets a bad name because of retards like you
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Fuck you
"The US gets a bad name because of retards like you"

That just shows how fucking stupid you are.
You have no idea how fucking irritating and aggravating it is to hear stupid litte fuckers talking shit about your country, when they have absolutely no fucking idea about your country, besides some biased fucking newsfeed they saw on tv (as if the news had any integrity anymore)

So since you dont know what its like, shut the fuck up and dont jump into something which you obviously dont have a fucking clue about.

I'm done with this topic, and anti-american fucking assholes
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oh but i do know what it feels like to have my country bashed on, you did it early in the topic!
quite acting like a retard, if you dont want us to bash your country, dont bash ours
its your fault for this topic getting out of hand so just shut up already
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