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Eventful night


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So yeah, I'm bloody exhausted now.

9 o'clock last night my Dad was struggling to breathe. He couldn't even talk properly he was so out of breath. Called an ambulance as soon as I saw what state he was in. They came around and gave him a nebulizer of steroids/oxygen to help him get his breath back. He's got chronic shakes anyway (A lot of us in the family do, it's hereditary) but they were really bad. When we finally got to the hospital he couldn't even hold a glass of water without it spilling everywhere.

I was on Skype to my cousin when all this was happening so she was trying to get in touch with my Mum who'd gone to some weird religious thing where they were praying so she had her phone turned off. She eventually got in touch with my grandma who drove up and picked up my Mum and met me at the hospital.

Anyway, they kept doing blood tests, blood pressure tests and some heart graphing thing. Fast-forward a few boring hours waiting and we finally got a spot on a ward at 1:30am.

By then my Mum and I were exhausted. My grandma came back and picked us up and dropped me off at home (I live alone with my Dad.) where I managed to eat something, phoned up my sister (From my Dad's previous marriage) and get an hour's sleep or so. Woke up around 8 o'clock this morning (After falling asleep at 7) and phoned up the hospital. I was told the doctor wouldn't be doing the rounds till ~3pm this afternoon, but eventually got a phone call from my Dad saying he was getting discharged.

Got in touch with my sister and we went to pick him up, dropped him off home then did a bit of shopping so we could stock up on food. Aaand here I am. xD

He's got some antibiotics for the infection they think triggered the attack as well as a daily inhaler he needs to take. It's one I've never seen before though. You get little packets of pills which you take via. the inhaler. ;x

So yeah, a fairly eventful night.
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> Atleast you were there. That must have been terrifying.

Eh, not really. I was concerned, but he could at least still breath. He was having difficulty but the ambulance service over here is fantastic. Within half an hour of calling we were at the hospital.
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Yeah. I'm actually awake now and I'm reading through all this paperwork the doctor gave me.

Apparently his lungs are fine. The x-ray didn't pick up anything. It's just his bronchi which are buggered up.

They're surprised with how healthy he is, really.

The thing is he used to be really active. He's used to running his own businesses, being out doing gardening, cleaning up the house and stuff. He hates just sitting around which is exactly what he should be doing right now.
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> kind of wants to make you stop smoking dosent it?


> Apparently his lungs are fine. The x-ray didn't pick up anything (…)
> They're surprised with how healthy he is, really.


And about those pills - if they are capsules they probobly contain dusted medicine like most of those do. Dust is sprayed and inhaled - pills are too small to contain amounts of liquid that could possibly matter unless those are fucking big pills. Anyways…

it's really good to hear your dad is fine. Tho it's a sad thing it takes someone suffocating to get the family in one place. Last time I saw my family in full was my grandpa's funerall... before that it was my grandma's...

cheering up fail! ;D
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