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Eclipse Origins.Net


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Short sweet and to the point. Rob Janes inspired me to create this as I was looking for an alternative to Visual Basic 6\. So I decided to share my work with the community. Ill have a BitBucket or whatever set up momentarily to allow everyone to have the source from the standpoint of where the project is at. Too easy…yes??

[**Download Current Build**](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21046207/Eclipse%20Origins.NET%

=========Change Log========= 7/27/2014

-Created the initial base of the solution to contain the Client, Server, and the custom networking class designed to handle game's.

-Created the initial class to use the networking and ByteBuffer class

-Started form work

-Created the basis of a server as a console based application

-Created a class to create components such as buttons within a custom control in the tool bar. Meaning you can design the UI for your game, write it in a class, then every-time you use the UI in your game, access it from the tool box.

1:23 PM

-Added SFML to handle input, graphics, and audio.

-Completed an Audio engine based from SFML to play simultanious audio/sfx at the same time. Added my own compression/decompression algorithm to load the audio quicker.

-Added a killer audio track for the main menu that suite eclipse well. Hope you like techno.
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-Added SFML to handle input, graphics, and audio.

-Completed an Audio engine based from SFML to play simultanious audio/sfx at the same time. Added my own compression/decompression algorithm to load the audio quicker.

-Added a killer audio track for the main menu that suite eclipse well. Hope you like techno.
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I see nothing wrong with using VB, it makes it easier for complete beginners to pick it up and mod it. The VB syntax was meant to mimic English thus making it more intuitive for the average person to learn. as a general rule it's easier for a non-technical person to learn VB than it is for them to learn just about any other language. Even if it's platform locked, and not the smoothest thing around doesn't mean it's not a good idea from a design perspective in terms of armature game dev friendly.
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> I see nothing wrong with using VB, it makes it easier for complete beginners to pick it up and mod it. The VB syntax was meant to mimic English thus making it more intuitive for the average person to learn. as a general rule it's easier for a non-technical person to learn VB than it is for them to learn just about any other language. Even if it's platform locked, and not the smoothest thing around doesn't mean it's not a good idea from a design perspective in terms of armature game dev friendly.

This is why I support this idea. Keeping it easy for beginners is always a good thing in my opinion.
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