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Eclipse RuneScape??


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Hey guys, you know what I don't get? The fact that nobody (well I think nobody) has ever tried to make a RuneScape Eclipse version.  Seriously. I could SO see that happening. It would definitely be big, with all of RuneScape's minigames and such, as well as the vast exploration of the game. I dunno, call me crazy, but that seems like an amazing idea, even though you could get, you know, in legal trouble, just rename it and have it as a clone. Like World of Warcraft was cloned by Runes of Magic. Seems like a fun project, but, well, whatever. Give me some of your thoughts.
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Not neccesarily, RuneScape WAS originally 2D. It wouldn't be a fail though, if some major coders and programmers got into making this game, it would be epic. With all of RuneScape's unique skills such as Construction and Summoning, God, that would be crazy to have as an Eclipse game.
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A runescape game made with eclipse would put shame to eclipse…forever, I mean look at the game, so many things that require "membership", so many components, you lose everything but 3items(4 if you use prayer), your bank will be stuffed with valuble stuff that you probably won't use again, EVER.
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I like his idea, just if you dont mean to copy runescape exactly, I mean with everything…
Just If you have the same system, like some skills (even not all skills) and other maps.
Something I really would like to have in eclipse from runescape is like emotes, like dance or Yes! and No! or shake hand, if those things can be on eclipse then it would be great.

I will say one other thing, some assholes here are just effected to say it's a bad idea, cause the first post!
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Why remake an already popular game, with loads of features, contents, and actual 'real' developers? I seriously don't see how people can say "This game is awesome, let's redo the years and years of work, a professional team put in, except this time have a couple of inexperienced children use a small-time engine!"
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The fact that I hate runescape aside, this just is a dumb idea. If you're already doing the huge amount of work that would be needed to try to clone it, why not get some writers and designers on board and make it an original game?
Clones are just retarded as hell. I don't care if Runes of Magic is successful, you're talking about cloning an mmo aimed at kids, and doing it with a hobby grade engine.
I dislike fan games in general, but clones are just kind of pathetic. Nothing creative about them, just trying the get popularity from an existing franchise.
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> Hey guys, you know what I don't get? The fact that nobody (well I think nobody) has ever tried to make a RuneScape Eclipse version.  Seriously. I could SO see that happening. It would definitely be big, with all of RuneScape's minigames and such, as well as the vast exploration of the game. I dunno, call me crazy, but that seems like an amazing idea, even though you could get, you know, in legal trouble, just rename it and have it as a clone. Like World of Warcraft was cloned by Runes of Magic. Seems like a fun project, but, well, whatever. Give me some of your thoughts.

Come up with an original idea! There's something to be said for one. The makers of Runes of Magic didn't plan to make Runes of Magic a "wow clone" (an overly used term imho). Why? Cuz the idea is just plain stupid (and boring mind you). All online games have things in common, but that's only cuz we have culturally defined sub genres very well, and within those definitions exist certain things game creators need to follow to some extent. Be original as possible, cuz even then youre still gonna be playin of someone else's ideas, but you'll look better doing it ;)
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> Eclipse isn't fast enough for the huge amount of shit it has to do then, also… It has been trieds multiply times.

Origins can handle a world as big as Runescape's. Why you'd want it to, I honestly don't know. It's a horribly designed game. The only reason it's so popular is because of accessibility.
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Its a huge grindfest if your trying to raise your fishing, mining, cooking, and basically any skill 'cept melee. The game is an icon because (as Robin previously stated), it is easily downloadable, is featured on tons of sites (ie Miniclip) and is produced by a popular name. If it wasnt for Miniclip, I doubt it wouldve gone too far.
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