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Do You Give A Damn? I Do!


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Hello eclipse, I saw this on the tv, went to the site, signed up, and now I am here to speak on behalf of the gay community…  ;D

> Did you know that Gay, Bi, and Transgender kids are nearly 4x more likely to commit suicide? It’s shocking, but true: Gay and transgender youth are at a much greater risk for suicide than the average adolescent. More than 2 out of 5 think about suicide often, and 1 in 3 have attempted it.
> It’s not because of who they are. It’s because adolescence is stressful, and facing adolescence as a gay or transgender teenager is even more stressful still.
> Because imagine how you would feel if you were regularly harassed and assaulted for being “different”—not just by your peers, but even by your parents.
> Imagine finally being brave enough to completely open up to your loved ones about yourself—and being rejected, or even thrown out of the house.
> Imagine feeling like you have nowhere to turn for help or support. Imagine feeling so isolated, unloved and  alone that you start to wonder if anyone gives a damn whether you’re alive—or dead.
> It’s time to give a damn about the suicide risk of our gay and transgender youth. Not just because all kids deserve to know that someone cares about them, but also because research has shown that giving a damn actually makes a huge difference in the lives of gay and transgender teens. Peer support groups, teacher training, a caring adult — all help lower the suicide risk among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth.
> It’s time to give a damn, because growing up should be about making friends, discovering the world and discovering yourself—not about finding a way to end your pain and end your life.

Do You Give A Damn? I Do!
[Give A Damn](http://www.wegiveadamn.org/)
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> I think I was fairly lucky in that I've got a group of friends who don't give a shit about what I am. Sure, you get some chavs insulting you, but you get those people in all walks of life.

I wish I had friends like that.  :sad:

If I was openly gay, people would shun me, assualt me, and many other things. I live with a bunch of racist rejects(not my family, but the people in this town). I couldn't even imagine what my family would think of me.. Anyways, I plan to move away in the future, and start my own lifes story, screw there hate, that's how I feel. ;D


> homo ;D

Where?!! XD
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> I didn't give a damn, suicide was their choice. They could have toughed it out, but they didn't, so whatever.


Taking into account that the normal teenager already experiences stress and dysfunctionalism within their home, being gay **definitely** does not help. You don't know what it's like for them. I bet if you were in there shoes, you wouldn't have had enough socialization to be a "tough guy."
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> Well…
> Taking into account that the normal teenager already experiences stress and dysfunctionalism within their home, being gay **definitely** does not help. You don't know what it's like for them. I bet if you were in there shoes, you wouldn't have had enough socialization to be a "tough guy."

At my old school everyone thought I was gay… And that was on top of being a nerd who wears glasses, has acne all over his face and is in AP Algebra 2\. So I do think I have an idea what it's like.

and it's not about being "tough", its about being smart about it.
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