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Spell Scaling

Rob Janes

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Something I needed in my modification of 1.3.1 was the ability to have spells 'scale' so that their damage (or healing) was proportional to the level of the player, rather than having various 'rankings' and having the player relearn the same spell at a new level.

To accomodate this, it's as simple as modifying the 'vital' in the CastSpell sub (modCombat - Server Side)

In modCombat, just after it determines the type of spell, you will see
Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital
To make it scale according to their level, you can use something like this
Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital
Vital = Vital * Player(index).Level
That's a very basic version, as it will simply multiply the Damage Done * the Player of the level.  Since you don't want it to be too over powered you may want to work out a better equation, such as
Vital = (Vital * 0.80) * (Player(index).Level * 1.13)) –-my current version.

Good luck!
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That's a very good part to tweak in the game :D, mostly because I don't really know if the player attributes are really doing something to the spell damage (they aren't right?).
Seeing that it is very simple, I will try also to introduce STR/INT/WILL influence percentage.

Good shortie tut ;D,
L'ark Mitsinikos
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When I did this I used the melee damage formula:
GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(index, Strength) * Item(weaponNum).Data2 + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 5)
But replaced the str stat with int and the weapon damage with the spell damage:
GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) * Spell(spellnum).Vital + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 5)
```(I think it looked like this)

By the way, when i made this and just edited the castspell sub, my HOT's and DOT's ticks didnt take affect. So i had to edit all of that too.
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Very nice! This should really be the way EO handles such things. Ambardia had regular players on for 3 years and it was always a pain making new spells and items to accomodate the change in levels over time. Our highest level player at level 176 took him 3 years to get btw.
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