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Everything posted by Drakiac

  1. @Robin: > More than anything school teaches you how to deal with egotistical people in charge, how to deal with disappointment and how to deal with people. Oh, and how to lie through your teeth. See? It is teaching you a good life lesson. That's just like the world of business. Egotistical people in charge and lying through your teeth. -Drakiac
  2. @Rithy58: > Frostyy is right and because also the poor will always be poor and the rich will always be the rich. That's why the American Dream is dead. What are you talking about? My grandfather lived in a 10 foot by 10 foot shack in New Orleans, and now he's a millionaire. Do you really think he inherited it? He worked his butt of in medical school and paid for it by himself. People who have the motivation to work hard will be successful. The college students who get out of schools like Harvard and Princeton will always have opportunities. companies are just not hiring for unskilled workers, demand for real skilled workers is at an all time high. Have you noticed that most people unemployed are poor and have no skills? Most don't not even have a college education. Do you want to know how most of those people got into the good colleges? It's called an extremely strict work ethic and motivation, something you clearly don't have. I don't even know why I waste my time on you guys, your all high school drop outs and junkies. -Drakiac
  3. @Rithy58: > I hadn't take school seriously cause school is boring and it's not gonna help me in life so I was pretty excited about the Programming Class cause it's something I enjoy. > The American Dream is no longer true. Are you kidding me… One, school is going to help you in life if you have the will to learn and you take challenging classes. You clearly do not care about your future. Two, why the heck is the American dream dead? Is it because people like you do not care anything about education? This is one of the most pathetic posts I have ever seen. -Drakiac
  4. Thanks a lot Soul. I guess I first tried it out with a new install of VB6 that didn't have it so then we I tried it with my correct version the source was messed up. Thank goodness for backups! :)
  5. When i finished the server side of Alatar's Quest System ([http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,70502.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,70502.0.html)) I tried to compile and I got the error: Compile Error: Method or data member not found It highlights .socket in this line Sub UpdateCaption() frmServer.Caption = Options.Game_Name & "
  6. Drakiac


    It compiles and runs it but it doesn't create a new client.exe
  7. I have scripted NPCs and I was wondering how I could make it so that every-time I enter a map, it randomly picks a sprite for the scripted NPC placed on the map. Thanks -Drakiac
  8. What is with the Majora's Mask creepy pasta? What's the deal behind it? If you don't know what it is look here: [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/majoras-mask-creepypasta-ben-drowned#.TipYQ2PvbTo](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/majoras-mask-creepypasta-ben-drowned#.TipYQ2PvbTo) After I read about the Cleverbot scene I had this conversation with Cleverbot. I know Cleverbot learns from other conversations but still, WTF! Cleverbot conversation RUE00679194 User: Who killed Ben? Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that. User: Where is Ben? Cleverbot: He. User: Where is Ben? Cleverbot: Majora's Mask. User: Who did Majora kill? Cleverbot: Um no but did ben suffer.
  9. @Robin: > lul. Go read up on Majora's Mask creepypasta BEN. Watch the videos. Quite fun. My god that scared me. I don't believe it but who would be sick enough to make all of that? -Drakiac
  10. Yeah, it's still pretty impressive that's it all online
  11. Drakiac

    Item Image

    The two next to each other means what it looks like on the ground and what it looks like in your inventory. I don't know what you would do with only one…
  12. 1\. You can make it so that there is a sprite for hood on and one for hood off. Whenever you click a button in the frm it will change your sprite
  13. It's okay! The site is back now! -Drakiac
  14. When I open the map editor in EO it only shows 9 tilesets when I have 16… They are all .bmp and they are in order from 1-16\. What's the problem? -Drakiac
  15. Drakiac

    Shut down?

    That really wasn't funny guys… Hey Soul or should i say Scootalo...
  16. I still believe it is a joke. There's no way they would make touchofdeath a my little pony site. Also, if it wasn't a joke they wouldn't be making such a big deal. -Drakiac
  17. Happy birthday, um… *reads name* DrNova! Your pretty lucky you have lived to the age of 30\. You know how many people die before 30? Around 1%! -Drakiac
  18. Drakiac

    Black screen

    evomay, can you see your character? If not then post a screenshot -Drakiac
  19. @boynaar: > Someone is gonna die… is that not serious?? You don't even know her. She may be ugly as hell (not saying you are). Just because she is a girl does not mean that she is really what you want. -Drakiac
  20. Put this in off-topic. This is only for serious questions. -Drakiac
  21. @boynaar: > Haha between my edit and your post there is just 1 sec, watch it xD > > Edit: oh lol 1 min and 1 sex xD lol 1 sex…
  22. Do you mean a website? If you mean a website and you are a total noob at programming then you can create one at webs.com for free; it's really easy. Banner, you can make using photoshop. -Drakiac
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