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Victoria Online in Need of Team


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**Positions Available**

* Coder - 2
* Pixel Artist - 2
* Concept Artist - 1
* Mapper - 1
* Musician - 1
* Writer - 1
* Developer

**The Jobs**

>! * Head Developer - The head developer (Runeblade) carries the responsibilities of a developer, plus is in charge of advertising, hiring, and reviewing the work of all team members.
* Developer - Team members with this position are in charge of reviewing work done by other team members, and coming up with new, creative, and exciting features, quests, and events. But if a developer does another job as well, they cannot review their work themselves, instead they send it to another developer.
* Coder - Team members with this position would code features the developers request and send their update(s) (PM or e-mail) to the head developer (Runeblade).
* Pixel Artist - Team members with this position would draw sprites and items the developers request and send the graphics (PM or e-mail) to the head developer (Runeblade).
* Concept Artist - Team members with this position would create GUI's developers request, and send the graphics (PM or e-mail) to the Head Developer (Runeblade).
* Mapper - Team members with this position would design map mockups, and send them to a developer to be approved. Then, if approved, would put it into the game as a map.
* Musician - Team members with this position would design a new track one to two times a month, and send it to the head developer to be reviewed.
* Writer - Team members with this position would write folk lore, poetry, and other short, in-game, stories, the send them in to a developer.

**Short Description: **>! A victorian era game… with a twist! A beautiful mixture between the victorian era, and medival times.


>! Once upon a time… When Queen Victoria's reign began... A loyal subject stumbled onto a strange object with Queen Victoria's coat of arms on it. This loyal subject took it to Queen Victoria. As soon as she touched it, a green light came out of it and shone into her forehead. And then, nothing. The object disappeared, and was forgotten. The loyal subject forgot why they came, and hastily left. When they went outside, though, there were monsters all over london. And then the loyal subject saw a scroll on the ground. The loyal subject picked it up, read it, and suddenly realized they could set people on fire with their mind! What will happen in this transformed world?

**Features I hope to include:**

>! * Pets
* Fire-Making
* .MP3 support
* Quests
* Smithing

**Current Team**

>! * Wanda Smith (Runeblade) - Developer, Writer, Musician, Mapper, and working on Concept Art
>! [\list]


>! TIP: The maps are attachments. Not all maps are posted.

Unfortunately, right now, all I can offer is credit in the game. But I will try to change that. :) If you would like to join the team, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or PM me. Thanks!  :cheesy:****
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Seems decent.. Here's a few pointers though:

-Improve the story, really.
-Add something other then plain generic features, give people a reason to join!
-Please don't ask for specific amounts of people..

I've approved it so you can change it a little bit.. Or perhaps a more experienced moderator will put a stamp on it saying it's alright, or removes it.. Just figured I'd give you the chance. :)
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> Seems decent.. Here's a few pointers though:
> -Improve the story, really. After I posted it, I realized how dumb it is. :P
> -Add something other then plain generic features, give people a reason to join! That's (one) reason I added FM. I'm going to be adding more ideas later… And it's for people who are fans of the victorian era; that's why I'm making it. :)
> -Please don't ask for specific amounts of people.. That's just how many positions I am requesting…I guess I should have mentioned that in my post, I'll add that now :)
> I've approved it so you can change it a little bit.. Or perhaps a more experienced moderator will put a stamp on it saying it's alright, or removes it.. Just figured I'd give you the chance. :)
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OFF TOPIC: Sadly, compared to the amount of WIP games and such our "average" = poor

I do agree with kris. I personally judge books by their covers everyday. If the mapping is bad I do not even take the time to read the story and such. The mapping needs work. As in, add detail, small scrubs/bushes keep using multiple layers like in your first sceen shot to keep everything interesting. Use different grass tiles and make them work together like dirt/grass etc. Also the tiles you are using for paths in screenshots 2 and 4, those are not paths. Use a dirt path or similar.
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> You added your text in the quote….thats a fail xD It cuts down on the clutter.
> The game seems okay but you should really improve your mapping, most of the maps seem really blank and boring.  The maps are in the development stage.


> maps are bad.  read mapping tutorials. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.  make them look more interesting.  However, i like the bit at the end of the storyline where they learn to set people on fire with their minds. I stole that from the skill that came with EO. :P


> OFF TOPIC: Sadly, compared to the amount of WIP games and such our "average" = poor Thanks for telling me, now I can improve it. :)
> I do agree with kris. I personally judge books by their covers everyday. If the mapping is bad I do not even take the time to read the story and such. The mapping needs work. As in, add detail, small scrubs/bushes keep using multiple layers like in your first sceen shot to keep everything interesting. Use different grass tiles and make them work together like dirt/grass etc. Also the tiles you are using for paths in screenshots 2 and 4, those are not paths. Use a dirt path or similar. Okay, first of all, I know. I wanted them to look poor. And second, there is no map four. But the fourth one SHOWN needs to be updated. I already fixed it. It isn't supposed to look poor, and has had a giant update.


> First map is alright, the rest seem really blocky though. Instead of just adding lines of stuff trying making the roads curve a bit or add a fringe layer of grass around it. I'm working on that. :/


> maybe you need more tiles to get your map better I have gotten quite a few tiles since this was last updated, that probably will help. :)
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