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Warning: Radiation Plume Heading To USA


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If the american government is hoarding potassium iodide–Which if you got this information from Info Wars it is probably crap--then It is because the government is preparing itself for serious meltdowns. Not for us but for the Japaneses.  America gets involved with anything and everything. As much as we suck sometimes we can also be really awesome. America isn't going to just sit around with sodium iodide up our asses when our bleeding ally might need it. The world is so interconnected nowadays that this affects everyone, not just Japan. You shouldn't be worried about getting too much radiation, you should worry about what greater effects this will have on the world when a huge developer of technology and so many important products is shot in the leg. There is already enough to worry about without stupid false news.
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> Um. That's exactly what I was stating; My point was that Chernobyl was much more worse, and that Eastern Europe wasn't obliterated. Unless if I'm misreading something here…I think I am ;/. And I did do some research before responding, thanks.

How is that exactly what you said though?
Read the wiki article I posted on the effects of Chernobyl aswell.
Definitions of Dwarfing on the Web:

> * Dwarfing is a characteristic in plants and animals whereby one or more members of a breed or cultivar are significantly smaller than standard members of their species.


> Tom, the reactors haven't hit a full meltdown yet. Hell one reactor meltdown has been pretty much avoided as they have coolant lowing back through it.
> Again, very small amaounts of radiation have hit the USA, nothing to panic over. Second, though the mainstream media does lie (psst, everybody lies Tom) Infowars is NOT a reliable news site, and never will be. It's a man in a tin-foil hat trying to spread fear to people who will believe pretty much anything.
> Again, this is not the first time you've spouted utter rubbish like this on the forum. Nothing has happened, you're losing credibility.

Read what Anthony posted:


> Sadly I don't speak french, but I did find a video with a [worldwide projection](http://www.irsn.fr/FR/popup/Pages/irsn-meteo-france_19mars.aspx).
> Not sure how valid it is, though.
> [Side note:](http://enenews.com/iaea-if-radioactivity-continues-from-fukushima-health-hazard-to-usa-may-have-to-be-reassessed-cnn-video)
> _CNN’s Matthew Chance reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency spokesperson made very clear that only miniscule amounts of radiation have made it to US and no health hazard exists at this stage, but “if the reactor continues to emit radioactive particles into the air **like it has been**, then that situation may have to be reassessed.”_


> Infowars is NOT a reliable news site, and never will be. It's a man in a tin-foil hat trying to spread fear to people who will believe pretty much anything.
> Again, this is not the first time you've spouted utter rubbish like this on the forum. Nothing has happened, you're losing credibility.

Utter Rubbish? Your very existence is utter rubbish.

Infowars is not a reliable source of news?
Dude, if even know this man predicted 911 even before it happened.

That was July 2001 two months before it happened.

Hes the man with the tinfoil hat? Dude he tells people to invest in gold and silver.


He states the country has been hijacked by bankers. And yes it has. Do you even know what the Federal Reserve is? Its a privately owned bank. And they say they are above the law.


I am not going to get any further into this. I can prove a million things and still there will be some idiot saying that isn't happening cause I say its not.


> Doesn't matter whether the source is mainstream media or not - basing your opinions on a single news source is stupid.

I am tired at the moment so here you go:


> If the american government is hoarding potassium iodide–Which if you got this information from Info Wars it is probably crap--then It is because the government is preparing itself for serious meltdowns. Not for us but for the Japaneses.  America gets involved with anything and everything. As much as we suck sometimes we can also be really awesome. America isn't going to just sit around with sodium iodide up our asses when our bleeding ally might need it. The world is so interconnected nowadays that this affects everyone, not just Japan. You shouldn't be worried about getting too much radiation, you should worry about what greater effects this will have on the world when a huge developer of technology and so many important products is shot in the leg. There is already enough to worry about without stupid false news.

Yeah don't worry just keep drinking that water with Fluoride in it that you probably don't know about.


**Why Does Toothpaste Carry a Warning But Fluoridated Water Does Not?**

>! One of the first things he did was look at a tube of toothpaste, which clearly carries the warning: “Do not swallow,” and “in case of accidental ingestion, contact the poison control center.”
>! The amount of fluoride they’re talking about is a quarter milligram of fluoride, contained in a pea size amount of toothpaste.
>! But here is the kicker, This is the same amount of fluoride you find in 8 oz of water. Yet toothpaste carries a “Do not swallow” warning, whereas you’re typically told to drink eight 8oz glasses of water each day, without any concern for the amount of fluoride you will ingest.
>! One of Dr. Osmunson’s main concerns is water fluoridation for infants. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that infants NOT receive fluoridated water for drinking, nor for making their formula, as fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than mother’s milk.
>! “We shouldn’t fluoridate water and harm our most vulnerable,” he says.
>! Personally, I also strongly advise you do not give your children fluoridated water.

Many Regards,
Tompwnage :star:](http://img710.imageshack.us/i/88438754.png/)
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> Yeah don't worry just keep drinking that water with Fluoride in it that you probably don't know about.

….I have no idea what that has to do with anything, But I will go ahead and humor you. I happily drink tap water now and then just for the fluoride. Fluoride is important to the body and also ingesting it helps teeth whereas rubbing it around in your mouth does little. The main reason tooth decay is so high is because of bottled water. Drink some fucking tap water take off your tin hat and join us in the real world. Maybe you need to watch some Penn and Tellers Bullshit, because you seem to be full of it.
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> http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002420.htm
> Read up on fluoride. Digesting it in small quantities is a good thing.

Interestingly enough, there's no long-term studies done on the affects of fluoride, other than  [some studies](http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/healthy-living/is-fluoride-safe-780948.html) that have shown tooth decay has usually increased in areas which are fluoridated, as opposed to places where the fluoride as ceased, and some case studies that have shown cities with heavier fluoride intake usually lower it's population's IQ.

Everyone knows (or at least I thought they did) fluoride has only recently been used for teeth when companies realized they can use the byproduct for fertilizer in toothpaste instead of rat poison, based on a study that it increases the hardness in bones.  Drinking it to help your teeth is like eating bandaids for a cut, it only works when applied directly.
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> Interestingly enough, there's no long-term studies done on the affects of fluoride, other than  some studies that have shown tooth decay has usually increased in areas which are fluoridated, as opposed to places where the fluoride as ceased, and some case studies that have shown cities with heavier fluoride intake usually lower it's population's IQ.
> Everyone knows (or at least I thought they did) fluoride has only recently been used for teeth when companies realized they can use the byproduct for fertilizer in toothpaste instead of rat poison, based on a study that it increases the hardness in bones.  Drinking it to help your teeth is like eating bandaids for a cut, it only works when applied directly.

Fluoride occurs naturally in nature. Many foods and waters already have fluoride in it. Humans have been drinking it long before governments put it into tap water. Yes too much of it is a bad thing, but that is the case with most things. you are correct though that there just isn't enough research for us to know, good or bad. It is in such a small quantity that it is ridiculous to worry about it. It is just another thing for people to point fingers at. Arsenic is also present in most drinking water, even in some bottled water. Is there a scare for that? Probably… Point is people get worked up over very small things. The human body is an amazing thing and it takes a lot more than some trace minerals to damage it, or a couple rads of radiation.
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> Fluoride occurs naturally in nature. Many foods and waters already have fluoride in it. Humans have been drinking it long before governments put it into tap water. Yes too much of it is a bad thing, but that is the case with most things. you are correct though that there just isn't enough research for us to know, good or bad. It is in such a small quantity that it is ridiculous to worry about it. It is just another thing for people to point fingers at. Arsenic is also present in most drinking water, even in some bottled water. Is there a scare for that? Probably… Point is people get worked up over very small things. The human body is an amazing thing and it takes a lot more than some trace minerals to damage it, or a couple rads of radiation.

I'm not one to comment on the rads that's going on, but a note on the fluoride.

Firstly, the naturally-occurring fluoride in which there is a minute amount in the water is usually calcium fluoride.  Toothpaste and fluoridated water usually has Sodium Fluoride, and in much larger amounts than naturally-occurring in the water.

It is true that taking small amounts is not going to harm you in the short term.  But that is like saying taking very small amounts of rat poison wouldn't be dangerous, but having large amounts will (we'll ignore the fact that fluoride is an ingredient of rat poison).  Eventually what's going to happen, is it's going to adversely affect your body in the long term (though are you implying by saying "trace minerals" that fluoride is not going to affect the body at all?  If so, you're implying that it wouldn't affect it positively or negatively).

I know you're saying it's the case with most things are bad for you, and that there isn't enough research to determine if it's good or bad, etc., etc…  But the fact remains that most of Europe has stopped fluoridating their water, determining it's unsafe, and most cities that have more fluoridated water (as said before) usually have higher tooth decay.  And I'm not even considering what happens when it binds with metals in your blood to make things like Aluminum Fluoride, because now you're dealing with Alzheimer's, Dementia, etc.

You take in little bits of dangerous things throughout the course of your life, it's going to build up, even if the short term effects are hazardous.

PS: On a side note with the "too much of something being bad for you", if you consider things like coke, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, etc, it is.  Matter of fact, I've seen first hand the result of too much sugar leading to dementia.
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> The US would issue a warning if a dangerous cloud of radiation was going to hit the west coast. I have no doubt that the radiation did ht us, but I believe it was such a small dose.

Hahah no they wouldn't. They don't even give a fuck about the Solar Flare that could wipe out their electricity, "oh, we'll tell 'em later."
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In all honesty I find soda to be much more harmful than fluoride in my water. Why people drink that shit is mind-boggling, but at the same time I am a strong believer in what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I can only truly base things off my own experience. I find myself to be in above average health. The last time I got sick was in middle school.(I'm 24 now). I have only had 1 cavity and the last time I saw a dentist was at least 6 years ago. Never broken a bone and I have always consumed tap water. Sure 24 years might not be a long time in the scheme of things but my experience is really all that matters to me. I think a bigger issue with people's health is lack of exercise and sleep. The body is made to filter impurities to a certain extent and build up resistance to toxins over time.  So yes in very small amounts the body isn't harmed by rat poison. Like I said, you consume small amounts of arsenic everyday. give some credit to the human body. I will continue to live outside of a bubble and drink my cheap ass tap water–fluoride or no fluoride.
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I preferred when Admiral was the resident conspiracy nut. It was funny with him, he argued undingly without calling people idiots. He provided… Ok I wouldn't say he provided facts but, he roveided more thn Tom.

When Tom does, it only succeeds in annoying people.
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> Jesus Christ. Nice scare mongering there.
> The more it travels the more it disperses meaning the better it is for everyone. Radiation levels in America are not a lethal dose, you cannot die from it.
> Oh, and the Jet Stream speeds you posted are bullshit. I suggest you start questioning your "real news" source.

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3\. Profit.
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