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Lil B


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Oh my God, I love him. I love his message though, as stated by a guy in the comments:

> Okay this video is over a year old and people still think this is him being serious, can you see he makes the dumbest music to make you think he is a dumbass that can't rap. He is showing you that people these days listen to no meaning mainstream rap. Listen to Cold War, illusions of grandeur or We are the World they all are positive and meaningful, why do they have such low views? Think about it.
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Forgive the language, but it's a direct quote for Lil B:

> Hoes on my stick cuz I look like Jesus

What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Seriously, this guy is an idiot… I love the video of him getting punched in the face. It's crap like this that is killing the genre of music I once loved the most.

Did not know there was a censor.. anyways, "stick" is not really what he says. Lol
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> If gucci mane had a kid who was addicted to crystal meth. That would be Lil B. I still think he has more "stupid" shit out than actual "good" shit. You kids these days. Which I'm not surprised jungle listens to it.

His stuff is a joke… he's making fun of 'ghetto rap'.

Yeah, and I'm 3 years younger than you. Stop bitching about my age.
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> He doesn't define rap so if your going to critique every rapper for one rappers 'style' then, duck you =P. But seriously, I can name so many rappers that are amazing and aren't old school.

Did i say a single person, no, I said the endless stupidity of the many. Just divide it up into whats out there and who is listening to it, the majority of it is crap listened to by stupid people.

sure there might be some "good" things in there, but I'm just looking at it with a majority rule.

also a lot of people say there is a message in most of it, most of it just by the lyrics sounds like ignorance and garbage. No other genre has anywhere near amount of crap rap in general puts out. Compare it to any other genre and as a whole you will see less stupidity.

And again, I'm not saying some of them don't have any message, it's just that the high concentration of crap is what is causing a lot of people to dislike the genre.
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I just hate rap in general. The only 'rapper' I like is Kid Cudi because the emotion his music conveys really helps me get through life. He also isn't a stupid "I'm making money now and my life is more awesome than yours now" guy.

On the other hand, Eminem, Whiz Kalifia, etc just annoy the hell out of me with their annoying, whining, ignorant voices.
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> I just hate rap in general. The only 'rapper' I like is Kid Cudi because the emotion his music conveys really helps me get through life. He also isn't a stupid "I'm making money now and my life is more awesome than yours now" guy.
> On the other hand, Eminem, Whiz Kalifia, etc just annoy the hell out of me with their annoying, whining, ignorant voices.

This is my point, some may be good, but the rest… well.... "**just annoy the hell out of me with their annoying, whining, ignorant voices.**"

Thanks Jungle you helped me put that into words better.
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> I dunno about you guys but Eminem kicks everyone's ass

Lets dissect his overall performance, shall we?

His lyrics aren't 'revolutionary' at all and talk about same things that all of the other rappers do. Sure, some talk about how he overcame drug addiction and other parts of his life, but _anyone_ can be in a difficult situation and write about it. The reason I like Kid Cudi though, is because the MUSIC accompanies his lyrics and his producer makes everything peaceful, not just violent and insult-filled like Eminem.

Eminem apparently considers himself a producer now, and I have to give him credit for not relying on another person to create his music, but that doesn't mean that he's good. The beats are repetitive, and nothing seems to flow. For example, "Lose Yourself" has an amazing guitar riff at the beginning… but then what? It just drops into a classic beat. The first time I heard that song, I loved it, but after listening to it again, I realized how horrible the momentum was. It gets you built up, then "drops" into a simple rap beat. I was expecting more and was extremely disappointed.

Seriously, his voice is terrible. Some rappers can at least sing a little bit, but Eminem is just terri-bad. He is monotonous at best, and it sounds like he's shouting for 3 minutes straight during his songs. If I wanted to listen to that, then I'd just turn on a loop of Billy Mays commercials.
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> His stuff is a joke… he's making fun of 'ghetto rap'.
> Yeah, and I'm 3 years younger than you. Stop bitching about my age.

His stuff is still dumb. It doesn't matter if it is a joke or not. If you're a goon, then no matter what happens, you are still a goon, and you will do goon things. If he releases 100 "joke" songs, and 1 "real" song, it still keeps fairly good ratio of shit vs. decent.

And also, I wasn't saying anything about your age you shitless child. I just meant in general for being yourself. Everyone here at Eclipse knows you, and it's never good. So anything you like, should receive a face palm by default. So back the fuck up and quit acting like yourself for once.  On another note, you are just 15, you shouldn't even be listening to shit that will rot your brain even more than it already is. Go outside little boy.
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> No no no, Big L kicks everyone's ass ^^

This man speaks the truth.

Also if we are going to get into a big rap discussion i got to defend Eminem. Now like 90% of Eminem fans are poser losers and dont actually listen to his good music. If you want to get dissect a Eminem song take one of his infinite album. His lyrics are sick and is one of the greatest rap albums ever. Also stop concentrating on the beat yes rap relies on a good beat but if it is to crazy it takes away from the lyrics and ends up just taking away from the true potential of the song. Not to say eminem is the my favorite rapper but he definitely has skills and just judging him off his recent music without a full understanding of the artist is just silly. Dont jump on a bandwagon of artist hating.

If you arent listening to rap for the lyrics then you dont like rap.

If we want to talk about shitty rappers lets all just bash lil wang(wayne)
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