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My first computer drawing ever!


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> it is the first drawing i ever draw on the COMPUTER, i drew a bunch of stuff already. But thank :)

Drawing on the computer and drawing on paper are two completely different things, maybe the methods are similar, like shading is used in both. You still have to remember, it's a mouse and not a pencil. ;) Good luck learning. There are hundreds of pixel art tutorials all over the web that can help you too. I have made a few myself, they are in the tutorial section if you want to take a look.
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> This is ingenius almost.. Very well done.. it could use more shading and highlights but it looks good

Seriously Murdock… stop using Travian banner with your game's name slapped on it, that's just ridiculous.

It looks well... bad. But don't take it too seriously, what is bad is the technique, colors are completely off and they are flat, beyond that I don't really see any kind of need to point out mistakes - I don't think it's something you can help at the moment so just keep on drawing and you'll eventually should get better. And since you're 13, you have a lot of time for getting better.

Try looking at professional work, copy some parts of it, just keep working with graphics and first of all - do it on paper if you don't have a tablet, that way you practice and have a chance of making something that looks acceptable.

Kris, she's not doing pixel-art and I think that's quite obvious.
Drawing on computer IS similar to drawing on paper, the only difference being that lines are showing on your monitor, not directly under your pencil - and that's quite much of a difference in reality. But again, without a tablet - don't draw on a computer, it's just a waste of time.
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> That was a free template that I edited. :-P Click on the link and you'll see.

It might be bro but since Travian advertises with it, it kind of associates with it, they even [bags](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Bags/Travian-Bag-Classic-Village.html), [mugs](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Mugs/Travian-Mug-Classic-Village.html) and [mousepads](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Mousepads/Travian-Mousepad-Classic-Village.html) with that graphic, not to mention it was and probably is all over the internet because they use it as a banner to advertise with google ads and things like that.

It's nearly as bad as using fucking cliparts as logos.
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> It might be bro but since Travian advertises with it, it kind of associates with it, they even [bags](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Bags/Travian-Bag-Classic-Village.html), [mugs](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Mugs/Travian-Mug-Classic-Village.html) and [mousepads](http://www.traviangamesshop.com/products/en/Mousepads/Travian-Mousepad-Classic-Village.html) with that graphic, not to mention it was and probably is all over the internet because they use it as a banner to advertise with google ads and things like that.
> It's nearly as bad as using ducking cliparts as logos.

I wasnt aware. But truth be told I wasnt going to keep the site as  the official forum anyway. Its just a temporary location ;-)
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> Alright Kusy… thank for giving me critism... Yep i know im suck... Im suck at everything... and i dont have a tablet. I do have an ipad, but i hate it so i dont want to touch that thing.

Its not that you suck its just that your learning. Give it some time your only 13\. Its a good start and if you keep working at it you will probably be pro in no time.
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I'm not telling you that you suck. I'm simply suggesting that you draw by hand for now, practicing with a mouse won't really teach you too much since it's a whole different thing and mouse is not to be used as a drawing tool, you are not obliged to buy a tablet, but just the same - you are not obliged to draw on a computer.

And even more - if you do get a tablet some day, your practice with hand drawing on paper will do you way more good than trying to do anything with a mouse. Don't waste your time on it because you just can't make graphics comparable to hand drawn with a mouse.

Again, don't take negative comments as personal insults.
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> how do you know? Im not a pro, i was never a pro, i would probably never will

Quit being such a damn sad sack, have some confidence damnit. I sucked too, but I like to think that now I've reached the level of adequate, but I didn't get there by saying I'll never get there. Listen to Kusy's advice, once you learn the basics of drawing by drawing on paper with pencil first, then drawing digitally is an easier transition. When you get t the point I suggest a Wacom Intuos4 Tablet.
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