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Everything posted by dimx

  1. Don't you have any requirements for the team members you mentioned the most talented. So where yould you draw the line and how would you assess that?
  2. OOP C++ of course once you understand c++ the concept is very simmilar with the rest of the languages just the syntax is a litle different. If you are really dedicated thats is where you need to start and look a little into assembly because it is challenging and tedious but you will really understand what is going on and what you are doing this way. People always try to take the easy way out you need to spend long hours practicing and reading and pulling your hair if you want to be a decent proggramer there is no silver bullet and if this idea scares you then I have news for you, you will find it's a waste of your time.
  3. > Ok listen create a new folder on your desktop > > run the libraries files installers and choose the directory to the new folder on your desktop . > > After it finished copy the wholes files that are in the folder and paste them here : > > **"C:\Windows\System32\"** > > **Never do next with the installer because it don't install to the right place it just create a folder with a name like (SYS32&SYS64) a thing like that (just by memory so it's not the exact name) whatever and for the System64 it's still in the "system32" because if you try registering them using the CMD.exe it won't it will just pop up a message telling you that it's not using the right system bits… > > I hope i helped you ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)!** That is way off, if you have a 64 bit operating system you need to register the 32 bit files in syswow64\. You were probably executing the wrong regsvr32.exe you need to register everything form C:\Windows\SysWOW64 All 64 bit files go into system32 and all 32 bit files go into SySWoW64 Make sure you are running the installer as an administrator and direct it to the appropriate directory if possible. If that doesnt help and your friend is using Vista / Windows 7 try running the client in compatibility mode for xp.
  4. ~~Is the contest over or can we still submit an entry?~~ Nvm too late, I figured it out. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  5. o.o I love these discussions, its what i live for XD. I think you overreacted man let the girl do whtever she want she will fail eventually. Just do what you need to do and don't let pointless crap like that bother you. But you are being judgemental not all people that sag their pants are illiterate. I wore baggy clothes shirts size of my bead sheets. When I look back at the old pictures I can't believe how foolish I looked but graduated second in my class. I think stereotyping is the biggest issue today, just because you look geeky doesnt mean you are smart or if you wear baggy clothes doesnt mean you are dumb or "getto".
  6. > I think the only person here I have to really reply to is slinky. So… > > @Slinky > > First the same arguement can be used right back at you. If I want to leave a rant about anything here, I can! "nobody is forcing" me to type what I am typing now. HA! how do you like that? Hit the spoiler for the rest, because no ones but you is going to care for the rest of it. I'd be supprised if even you cared. > >! The difference is, its quite unproductive to leave unfinished work with our fellow friends here; however, my rant is not unproductive at all. Because if this topic was filled with people telling me to "STFU!" Then I'd realize I was wrong and be able to coorect my out look. > >! This place isn't about releasing half baked crap (for lack of a better word.) We're here to get things done and go further. I always like to joke around about eclipse being 3D with JC, but who's to say that won't happen one day? One things for sure it's not happening with some unfinished half baked peice of crap. Where would we be if Robin just left the engine, he offically released, half done and just said "Good luck guys?" (some might argue thats exactly what he did….) > >! Something broken,unfinished, ect. **IS** useless to everyone expect those who don't plan on going very far. I didn't say you couldn't rant by all means do what you got to do, it feels good to rant once in a while. My argument is just like you can post your rants people should be able to post anithing of their liking as long as its not breaking the rules of course. And just like I choose to post in your topic I could have choosen to ignore it and move on if it wasent in any of my interest and I am pretty sure most of you guys can do the same thing.
  7. I don't agree with this at all (Although I didnt read the whole rant so cant really say that). People can release whatever they please nobody is forcing you to use the custom versions. Something that doesnt help you might help someone else, if there is an engine with tutorials copyed pasted from the forum and released then thats fine some people might have a hard time implementing the feature from the tutorial not everyone is a VB6 wizard. So when they see the acctual feature in a engine they can play around with it untill they understand how it works. Best way to learn is to fiddle with something you dont understand. Now the reason people abendon their projects is again all up to them you are not paying them are you? People do grow up and move on. This is a hobbie one minute you find it interesting and the next you get bored. Some people didn't abendon the project its perfectly normal to take a break 6 months or a year untill you get inspired again. Also if you are making a custom version and for the most part nobody is using it or doesnt have any interest in it. Why the hell would you continue it and waste your time? Look around you and do some research first a lot if not most of projects fail no matter what it is a car design or a clothing line for every 1000 different project maybe 1 is successfull. The key is to keep trying untill you get the perfect formula. I could keep going but its a lot of reading anyway I think I got my point across.
  8. I know that this topic is a bit old but you didn't update the post if you have it working or not. If you do nice I would like to post another solution to this problem if someone else runs across the same issue. Open you VB6 project in notepad and find this line. Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX See the 2.0 in that line if it is 2.0 on yours as well then change it to 2.1 If you have 2.1 then change it to 2.0 or if you don't want to guess check the ocx version that is currently installed but the most common versions are those two then just save the notepad and open your project the regular way. Good Luck
  9. Edit: Well this wasnt a success ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) , I will go back to square one and do it right this time.
  10. Connecticut huh? Small world what part? Cops around here won't do much expecially if its small amount of weed. You get like a 50 dollar ticket thats is it. But it will be on his record forever hard to get a job as is plus you will lose all trust you have with this friend. If you guys are really friends talk to him man to man. If he doesn't listen and you still feel uncomfomfortable find new frends its not the end of the world. Don't listen to these guys it is nice that you care that much about your friend, it is hard around here not to fall for the peer presure. Yea it does feel good when you hit that high but when the smoke clears you are the same guy. Hope it works out. Good luck
  11. I see this ussually happen when there is a windows update happened to me a couple of times too. I just reinstall the OS it is really hard to pinpoin it. If you have a backed up timeframe you can try rolling back to the last backed up point see if that helps. Also what OS are you running if its W7 try the compatibility mode see if that does anything.
  12. Just woundering how you guys got to 9852 and this is post number 9311 on this topic as seen on top of this post. Didnt bother looking trought the posts XD but 9853
  13. Nice Ian550 that looks great. Did you proggram that? They have a sample project [here](http://voodoovb.vbgamer.com/vvbdabl.zip) you can do some testing with. But I have never had any problems with it my project always had a steady 60+ fps.
  14. Hello, I don't know how many people still use Dx7 but if you do you might like this. It is a dll called vbDABL, I came across this a long time ago and have used it in my projects before and some of you might already have seen it before but I tough ill share it with you guys. Let me know what you guys think I know I am late XD. http://voodoovb.vbgamer.com/dd7vbdabl.html
  15. @[Champion Iris](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/user/76717-champion-iris/) I didnt say you have to have the best hardware available, but ok fair enough. > Windows XP, exactly that. I'm running Windows 8, which is taking significantly longer to process D3D8 calls as well as Windows 7 does(vb6 is far from native to these OS's, it loads significantly faster on XP than it does on Windows 7, and even now on Windows 8 with our changes just loading the UI pictures onto the forms takes 6 seconds.. The statement "But it works for me" is one of the worst things you could go by in IT, especially programming. There's millions upon millions of different setups and configurations. They all work different one way or the other.). And besides, low CPU usage doesn't mean it's written efficiently ;] have you ever seen the abomination that is the event system's source code? As well as a bazillion unfinished or poorly written sections of code all over the engine? I would assume not.. But it is far from complete or anywhere near done proper. > > Different systems and setups will give different results, please keep that in mind. And also keep in mind I'm not saying your opinion and statements are invalid, it's just that there are still plenty of things to rework and fix up on various fronts, as well as stuff that could be restored to previous functionality as much as possible, because the way it is currently handled is just a major "What the ef" situation. I understand that you will have performance issues on different systems, but there is not a single fix for everything, the vb6 language is restricting if you want a wide range of devices go for Html5 and javascript everything that has a upto date browser will run it (Just trying to backup my statement I dont mean it literaly). I am all for what you guys are doing here and would like to help also you are right I didn't look trought the source code to see how bad it is but I will.
  16. > Because the main playerbase for these games have terribad computers for christ knows whatever reason. That is why, and over here, even on my current computer EO3.0 by default takes 16 seconds to load, on an i7 2700, 32gigs of RAM and a friggin SSD. [http://www.touchofde…releases-24-30/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127309-eclipse-nightly-releases-24-30/) Is this the engine that you guys ar optimizing? I am sorry I am not from around here much. But if it is by default that engine takes me 8 seconds flat to load and login to the game and I am on my 1gb of ram, dual- core 2.6ghz processor, hdd 7200 rpm read write speed right now running windows xp It uses 1-4% of my cpu 190k memory usage. I understand what you guys are saying but what I am seeing here and the numbers that you guys are giving me don't match up at all, I really dont understand why would it take you that long to load the client data considering i7 could load the whole W7 operating system probably in 30 seconds or less.
  17. I was exadurating on the size just to prove my point. I am just trying to help out based on my previuos experience. 15mb of tilesets should not take 2 minutes to load, I have 512mb ram and a 2ghz processor and it would not take me that long. If someone can play BF3 or MW3 why wouldn't they be able to play your game that has 15mb worth of tilesheets people that play PC games have computers made to play pc games. 120 seconds / 50 tilesets = 2.4 seconds per tileset. 2.4seconds * 6 tilesets = 14.4, so it should take about 14 seconds to reload everything when changing maps according to your numbers above. But also according to you 6 tilesets = 1 second then the client should load 50 tiles in less then 10 seconds, this doesnt add up. If the persons computer is "slow" why would you want to make it compute different information every time you change maps. What if someone decides they want to use a little of something from each of the 51 tilesets, this is a hobbie people are not that organized you are loading 51 tilesets again or even the surrounding maps 5 maaps cached or 3 tilesheets used per map that is still 15 tilesheets that are being loaded. If you are really that worryed about performance switch to c++ or build an engine from ground up it would be easyer. I was just trying to help out by giving my opinion. 8gb of ram you can buy now for $70 a processor 8 core amd $180 not very expensive so don't tell me people cant afford or can't have high performance pcs.
  18. I think waiting for the files to load in the beggining is better then having them load and reload every time you change maps, there is just more room for mistakes. Also by the looks of it you will be caching adjacent maps so that means you will do this everytime you change maps? Yea it will bring the overall memory consumptiond down but people have hardware now that will be able to run that with no problems now. If you go your way then I would make each tile as an object and then load only the object that you are using on the map that way people dont throw in tilesheets and probably just use 1/5 of what they acctually have. Alos what someone would do is make a 50mb tileset sheet and only use one tile on the map that means you still need to reload that sheet everytime you change maps. I like this idea of everyone collaborating together and to help eachother because even the smartest people sometimes overthink something especially if you don't do much planning ahead when proggraming and when you have someone look over your code they will probably see an easyer way of doing something. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  19. Try DispMode.Format = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 DispMode.Width = 800 DispMode.Height = 600 D3Dwindow.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_FLIP D3Dwindow.BackBufferCount = 1 '//1 backbuffer only D3Dwindow.BackBufferFormat = DispMode.Format 'What we specified earlier D3Dwindow.BackBufferHeight = 600 D3Dwindow.BackBufferWidth = 800 D3Dwindow.hDeviceWindow = frmMain.hWnd I wouldnt reccomend it this way, I would get the user resolution first and then adjust the game screen based on the resolution, but that would streatch everything depending on the the persons resolution. Maybe have a couple of options available and let the user decide which one works the best for them.
  20. dimx

    Right Click Player Menu

    Which version are you using?
  21. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Yes torrents are the solution to everything these days. Most torrents if not 95% of them contain some sort of malicious software. I was just trying to let people know about their college options if you read the above post its not just vb6\. Some people actually have pride in owning legal software.
  22. dimx

    Max Payment?

    No scroll bar value have a limit to max value of just a little over 32k because it is an integer data type. You can make a text box and enter the item price manually. Or you can make A long type variable and every time you scroll up the long variable gets incremented. When the scroll value reaches 32k just set it back to 1 again and keep Incrementing the long variable. But I think that is just way too much work for just setting a value so just make a text box and write in the number manually. But then you just have to reject all of the inputs that are greater then 2.1 billion. Because that is about the max value you can store in the price variable.
  23. @‭‭‭Marsh: > Not sure if this is a canadain thing or just my school but we get the same thing through a program called "dreamspark" So if you cant find it google that aswell. Oh ok, there you go guys check out dreamspark as well then if MSDNAA is not the name of the program. Its probably the same thing just under a different name. So you can even try googleing your college name and free Microsoft software or something similar to see if it is under a different name. Thanks for pointing that out.
  24. Yea i was thinking that as well but people attending college already might find it usefull. Also it's not just vb6 that's in there there is other usefull software in there as well.
  25. I don't know how many people know about this or if this was ever mentioned before but here it goes. Most colleges have an alliance with Microsoft to allow their Engineering, IT, Computer Science, Networking major students free copyes of Microsoft products. (Its not free its included in your tuition) This includes operating systems Windows ME, XP, Vista, W7, Server R2, W8 and development tools such as Visual Studio 8, XNA game studio and Visual Basic 5 and 6. If you guys didn't know about this program you should defensively check it out with you college most likely the department chair will know the answer but the signup is simple and you can download your free copy instantly or order a cd. If your college is not enrolled in MSDNAA you can always check if near by community colleges are just do a simple Google search "'College Name Here' MSDNAA". Some community colleges are free to apply for and all you would need to do is sign up for a course get your MSDNAA account and drop the course before the drop date expires so you don't need to pay for it. Below is a screen shot of the MSDNAA menu.
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