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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. Well, I'm not gonna lie… I was really excited for this game when it was in development but when I actually got to play it, it was extremely disappointing. The lack of creativity in this game is ridiculous, the game was hyped up to be the free "WoW", that's great and all, sure they did a damn fine job coping every single tiny detail of their game from other games... When I see a new game I'm hoping for a NEW game not a reconstruction of other games. On top of all of this the amount of lag in this game was terrible... Honestly I see this game as a complete failure, I had high hopes but after playing the game for two days I wondered to myself "why the duck am I playing this?". I apologize to anyone who is or has enjoyed the game, I just needed to share my opinion on this even though it was harsh.
  2. Well I just had a crowning moment in Left 4 Dead the other day… I was playing vs. mode and we were trying to move as fast as possible to stay ahead of player zombies but we had a witch sitting right on our path :O But I managed to run straight up behind it take a shot and miss then take another shot and nail it's head just right and killed it before it even started to stand up :P Ironically I got my CR0WND achievement for doing so.
  3. Hehe you saw the movie? I thought it was called Benjamin Button. Anywho, I wanted to see it but never did. Looked good.
  4. I play on Lighting's Blade, Allies. Btw Marsh did you switch back to playing your Alliance?
  5. Artists would still be needed, the world would just have more of them easily. Although I do want to see what crazy people think.
  6. Reguba

    WTFcomic - Splat

    By the looks of things you better slow down on that churning… It's coming out as cheese. Haha, nice comic man. :P
  7. Did someone hear something illegal? Oh I didn't either.
  8. Mmm, I feel the grind kicking in just by watching the trailer. And oh btw, now that the game is owned by Outspark I guarantee 100% It will have a cash shop. That is how Outspark operates, without it there is no money that goes to the company aside from ads.
  9. Reguba

    DS Games

    Man, I got a ds but haven't touched the damn thing in over half a year… Nintendo didn't do as much with the handheld as I would have hoped :sad: As for games, FFIII wasn't bad, ending was hard as hell and I gave up though.
  10. DDunit, if you get stuck looking for an anime get some manga! It solves all of your problems… As a matter of fact I'm about to go and buy all of the Nausicaa volumes from Barnes & Noble!
  11. Click the link perchance :P
  12. I agree they are nothing amazing. But I will say they have made a large world which is always good,
  13. Best of luck, George William Allen.
  14. Reguba

    Anna Comnena

    Comon' I was hoping someone would actually know lol. You sir rely on the Google too much!
  15. Reguba

    Anna Comnena

    Wait, Spike weren't you "Acid Spike" previously? Also Gwen… What is a Gwen anyways? A cookie to anyone who knows where my current name is from (::)
  16. Reguba

    Anna Comnena

    Why did I for some time pick the name Locke… Aside from Ender's Game? (Because people in my history book are cool!)
  17. I feel the nostalgia kicking in :P
  18. Reguba

    Free movies?

    Hmm, I enjoy www.surfthechannel.com it's a good one and is legal. Gets by with the linking only thing as well, but it has partnerships with the discovery channel and the Scifi channel.
  19. Reguba


    Well, I'm not a Gwen clone… BUT! I did have to take the cat thing because it's the perfect mixture of scary and cute.
  20. I suppose I would call myself a closet runescape lover, although I can't play the game anymore because it's far to boring I can't say I didn't like it when I played it. But indeed you do make a good point about the community, it does suck… Balls to be exact.
  21. Hmm, I don't mean to be a party pooper but you guys… People work hard on RS and enjoy it, even the people who created it... So are you really going to go on and become complete ass wipes (for lack of better terminology) and attempt to ruin other peoples enjoyment for your own? I'm not here to say you can't but it's a bit immature.
  22. Hehe, just and FYI you guys do know you are arguing over anti-virus software right? Anyways, as for the slowing down on start up pretty much any AV software that is worth anything will most likely do that reason being it has to nestle itself into your computer nice and snug every time you start up. Other wise it cannot do it's job when you need it to :P
  23. I have to leave this thread… Makin' me want things I can't have. The nerve! :P
  24. Aww, well damn Spike look what you went an' done… I want the friggin' Gordan shirt but I can't buy that stuffz, not off the interwebz at least. :sad:
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