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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. I entered. Hope they can be animated.
  2. So I assume the whole stick figure thing is the style of WTF comics?
  3. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/iqc50n.jpg) That better?
  4. Lol I was hoping nobody would say anything about the boat cus I had already tried to add more depth and i couldn't get it right, but i went back and tried again and I think i did pretty good. You're always a good critic lol. As for the towers, i thought i added good depth to them but I'll redo them cus I guess they could use more room. I'll post the update in a few.
  5. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/1zoj2hf.jpg) Update 1/15/09 - Guard towers!
  6. zade_o

    Sprite :D

    Looks really good. I like the size and the fact that it looks nothing like anything i've seen
  7. @Hairo: > Who would want to join a team with someone who cant spell the word "the" and uses teh. Please, learn to speak. Who comments on someone misspelling the when they themselves obviously lacks care for proper typing by leaving out the apostrophe in can't. Don't be a stickler when it comes to typing/speaking because the odds are you're doing it wrong as well. On topic - I think you should show more sprites because so far you have a very plain axe that i feel like it's in the default item sheet, you have a blob with no definitive features, a crystal that looks like the same thing repeated 11 frames more, and an eyeball that I feel like I've seen a billion times from other people and other games.
  8. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/10ro9y8.jpg) UPDATE 1/14/09 - Docks done, left/right, up/down, left/right attaches to the up/down - Small Viking ship!
  9. rearrange them in photoshop?…. I did the same thing Walk frame 1 | standing frame | walk 2 (attack)
  10. the angle of the roof looks really awkward. That's like a top down view of the roof but you can see the walls?…
  11. yeah, the whole poem idea may come on kinda strong and or weird to a young girl especially when you're not actually together. I never wrote a poem for a girl until now, after we were together for a few months. Just passed a year now and we're doing good and we definitely love one another sooo… maybe that's a sign not to do poems that early? lol
  12. Lol, not gonna lie, you can tell that you're a young teenager by reading it. However, for a young person that is a sweet sentiment I would say. Hopefully she won't turn you down this round =)
  13. Yup thanks. That was the problem. I didn't even think to do that cus I assumed they had already set the Player(MyIndex).str values and such. Oh well. Thanks Tyr!
  14. I should be finishing it up for him today. EDIT- Done. Sent it to him. Players look goofy with massive hp/mp bars =)
  15. Actually, it didn't solve everything. Now it doesn't give me that error, but GetPlayerStr(MyIndex) returns 0 when my strength is 56
  16. Yeah I just figured that out lol. I did the call to my sub after the loginok packet was accepted and it's working ( i think) shame I deleted 90% of the code I needed for what i was doing cus i thought that code was the problem…
  17. Ok, so I'm in frmMirage's code, and I need to get the player's str… so i did GetPlayerSTR(MyIndex) But then I get Subscript out of Range and it goes to the actual GetPlayerSTR sub... What am I doing wrong? Or rather, how can I do this right?...
  18. Anyone thought of this yet? If it ran fast enough… a user could just jump on this program and imagine themselves in a whole game thought from scratch by themselves... Maybe add a VR aspect to it?
  19. Ok well, I'll try to work on the wing. Low priority right now cus I'm trying to do as much tile making/mapping done as possible before 3.0 As for the houses, I kinda like the new feel it has with updated tiles. ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/2mgr14m.jpg) UPDATES- -Fences aren't perfectly matched in height -Fences/Houses have redone brightness/contrast/and saturation. -Grass tiles have redone contrast -Banners(Flags) On giant standing spears -Animated Pig Roast
  20. Well the whole point of the other thread was to make some Eclipse specific tiles that come with our engine and belong to us instead of using other people's tiles, so I'd suggest not posting those at all and only post the ones you've made.
  21. Sounds pretty simple. I'll help. PM me with some specifics like what stat it relies on etc.
  22. Is that even your tiles? I've seen something similar if not the same in another game…
  23. Pretty sure that can be done… but keep in mind that that means they can put any item they want on their map as well...
  24. What?! You're running 98?! holy crap no wonder your computer is so slow =)
  25. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/qxoqbp.jpg) Is that what you had in mind for the long house? I also through in one of those side additions to show what I meant, and there's the bon-fire too
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