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  1. Like I said, no, the player does not have to trip. Everyone's focusing too much on the details forgetting that I said it's not planned out. The basic question is should the player have direction given to them or leave it more mysterious. The way I saw it, starting before the item is retrieved killed the emotion that I wanted the first story to instill. However, I can see it working if the player retrieves the item and upon touching it the world changes (without the player knowing) so when he walks outside everyone's missing. And then as he solves puzzles he gets new information from some of the missing characters through some means. I'll just have to figure out a way to make it all tie together.
  2. Oh I definitely agree that it's played out. Basically I just want to create a game that gives that sense of being the only one around that I got as a kid when I played myst. I wanted there to be some reason why all the villagers went missing without the player knowing and he has to solve puzzles to figure out why and or fix it. I can toy around with your idea as well, I like it. I just don't know if I'd want other characters to come around. Maybe I could make it to where more and more characters could somehow talk to your player without actually being back yet.
  3. Well, as I said how it happens is open to change. I know they're both cliche, but with the God's giving the character direction it doesn't give that eerie feeling of not having a sense of direction that I feel like would immerse the player. At the same time I feel like the worlds just getting lazier and people won't find a world like that as intriguing because they'll think "Oh idk what to do, I quit."
  4. It's not going to be made with Eclipse which is why it's in this section. Neither story line is very panned out at the moment because I'm trying to decide which to go with. The game is intended to be made in html5 and played anywhere: phones, tablets, computers, doesn't matter. Depending on game mechanics, considering adding the ability to use a phone/tablet to control the game while being played on a computer but we'll see. So anyways, here's my options. Story 1: Player had been tasked with retrieving an item. After he obtained it, somehow slips and falls and gets knocked unconscious, or something along those lines. Game starts here, player comes to and leaves the tomb. Once he returns to his village he sees everyone's missing or has been killed. The entire game is a ton of puzzle solving, clue hunting, and riddle solving to figure out what happened. In the end the player realizes it was a dream and either wakes up or something in the game traps him in the dream. I prefer this option because it gives that sense of being alone and lost with no direction. Story 2: Player had been tasked with retrieving an item. When he touches it, he's somehow taken to another world. (whether it be warped, or the cave collapses and he falls to another world, doesn't matter) This world could either look similar to the last one, or be otherworldly, and in this world just as the last everyone's missing or dead. However, in this story, the God's are tasking the character with figuring out what happened here, or obtaining an item to save this world and his original world. I don't prefer this option because I think it's overly cliche and gives the player too much direction. Although I have my preferences I would like to see which version of the story other people prefer as I won't be the one to play the game.
  5. That stupid game? That was never going anywhere, them sending you a cease and desist letter was a favor to all of you…lulz jk. Those graphics were always admirable.
  6. Quick suggestion on the stairs, not sure if anyone's posted one but I don't feel like reading through the 7 pages. try something like this: ![](http://i39.tinypic.com/34he886.png) I didn't repixel anything, just stretched the stairs down a bit so they come off of the cliff but still have that perspective.
  7. what the hell tutorial did you read?!
  8. zade_o

    IPhone Game

    Robin, your torrent comment cracked me up. Slym, you're still killing it man, good to see it. And glad to see you're using your graphics for actual game releases. It looks really nice. Kinda makes me wanna get back in the pixeling game. I've seen some of the other posts on wayofthepixel and the whole project looks nice man. Keep up the work. My only, (sort of) suggestion, is maybe instead of using buttons to jump make it a bit more interactive and allow people to jerk the phone upwards to jump, stuff like that. The iphone and android markets are getting pretty cluttered with similar games. Best of luck to you with the project man!
  9. Haha, true shit Robin. In regards to the original post though, I still don't know what exactly he's showing off.
  10. eh, kinda foolish to generalize about America like that. My high school programming classes were all taught by the same teacher and he was phenomenal. The first 2 years he taught the basics pretty much and after that it was all about problem solving and learning algorithms. For instance, finding the smallest path from the bottom to the top in a matrix of values. Anywho, the first 3 years of college have been a joke, haven't learned anything that I didn't teach myself 1 or 2 years prior. My final year however, I'm now taking Programming Languages, Database Management, and Operating systems. Programming languages forces us to learn 4 separate languages in a short amount of time. Database management goes into specifics about how to set up databases, and not just using mysql queries, but actually setting up the tables to have field sizes that match up with RAM to allow for the fastest access times. It also goes in depth to indexing methods. And operating systems teaches us the actual coding involved in creating operating systems and we learn how to create an operating system. All 3 of these are fairly new to me, I just wish this is how college had started instead of how it had ended. Learning on your own will always trump taking classes but that doesn't mean the education system is flawed…. except for when you need a tutorial to make simple games in an AP class.
  11. Where I'm from AP stands for advanced placement because it's essentially a college class you take in high school. And ryoku, in college, credits are based on how many hours the class takes out of your week. All I was saying when I made that first statement though was that by the time I was in AP I didn't need a guide to make a game like asteroids. Anyways, I still don't know what he's showing off here unless he's just showing that he can make an asteroid appear randomly
  12. Uhm, no but my school system had me take 3 programming classes before taking AP…. because it's AP for a reason... if you're taking ap and just learning about loops and you get college credit for that that's just absurd. I had actually been programming 4 years before taking AP computer science.
  13. You're in AP computer science and you have to use a tutorial book to make asteroids? O.o what is wrong with schools now a days. Anywho, the graphics in the first screenshot have that nice arcadey feel to it. Although it's not very clear if the graphics are yours or not so I don't really know what you're showing off here, I'm assuming the graphics.
  14. /le sigh @Ghost: > The legs are a stylistic choice Legs aren't changing, they're like that on purpose.
  15. which one? the walking one was messed up when I created the gif, so check it again. If you mean how much he swings his arm, I was wondering if that was too much or not and I may just have to fix it.
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