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Everything posted by balliztik1

  1. You'll be mistaken for a blueberry, as you are a Smurf, and be baked into a delicious pie of sweet, confectionery death.
  2. I've never used MySQL and VB together, but it is possible. Variable retrieval should be a fairly simple process. I'm sure there's a tutorial on the web somewhere.
  3. I assume the values are saved in your forum database. It's just a matter of finding out how to retrieve that number from the site and use it in the server.
  4. *raises hand* I made one. Let me find the link. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,26143.0.html This is a basis for DoT spells, not the spells itself. I give a simple example in the post, but I could go into more detail on how to use this if needed. Interestingly enough, when I tried to sort the topics in the Script Database by name, my DoT topic wasn't showing up. I had to find it through the Script Index sticky.
  5. No, that merely sets the variable. You'd still have to add that variable to the message. This would all go in ScriptedNpcs. Like so: ``` Case 1 x = GetPlayerX(index) y = GetPlayerY(index) m = GetPlayerMap(index) Select Case GetPlayerDir(index) Case 0 y = y - 1 Case 1 y = y + 1 Case 2 x = x - 1 Case 3 x = x + 1 End Select z = 1 Do While z < 16 If GetNPCX(m, z) = x Then If GetNPCY(m, z) = y Then NpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNum(m, z)) End If End If z = z + 1 Loop Words=Rand(1,10) Call playermsg(index, Trim(NpcName) & ": " & GetVar("Words.ini", "Words", "Words"& Words), WHITE) Exit Sub ```
  6. It's a long process to determine the NPC, but it's possible. Get the x and y coordinate of the space you are facing, run the coordinates against the coords of each of the NPCs on the map. If there is a match, get that NPC's index and plug in in through the GetNPCName function. I'll throw some code down here in a sec. ``` x = GetPlayerX(index) y = GetPlayerY(index) m = GetPlayerMap(index) Select Case GetPlayerDir(index) Case 0 y = y - 1 Case 1 y = y + 1 Case 2 x = x - 1 Case 3 x = x + 1 End Select z = 1 Do While z < 16 If GetNPCX(m, z) = x Then If GetNPCY(m, z) = y Then NpcName = GetNpcName(GetMapNpcNum(m, z)) End If End If z = z + 1 Loop ``` As a side note, it's an easy addition to the source to add an NPCNum parameter. I did this to my ScriptedNPC and ScriptedItems to make things more versatile.
  7. @Kreator: > But the coolest never leave. =D Kreator, I left. Did you forget? Haha. Welcome back Gwen. *waves* I stayed a MILFS in case you returned one day. :3
  8. Hmmm. It should. It's calling the same function. In fact, OnAttack uses that sub now by default, doesn't it?
  9. Hmmmm. The two white rooks, being placed first, have 64 * 63 combinations of placements. In each of those arrangements, there are either 36 * 35 or 42 * 41 combinations of placements of black rooks, dependent on whether or not the white rooks are in the same row/column as one another. A rook in any position threatens 14 squares, and therefore has 14 chances to be in the same row as the other rook. This comes out to mean there are 64 * 49 * 42 * 41 + 64 * 14 * 36 * 35 positions, by my logic. Using a calculator, that gives… 6529152 combinations. I have no idea if that's right, but that would be my guess. Use that answer at your own risk, I suppose. EDIT: Oops. That's backwards. I elect to change mah answer! It's actually 64 * 49 * 36 * 35 + 64 * 14 * 42 * 41\. That would yield... 5494272 combinations. I think I'm going to write up a program to check the answer. I'll get back to you on that. EDIT: Yeah. 5494272\. Shazam. That's your answer.
  10. @Rithy58: > There's no one here want to kid nap kids. Where'd Renzo go? ;)
  11. Whoa whoa. Ladies, quit fighting over me. I used to go to school with lightdemon23, guys, it's cool. He's with me. Lower thy pimp hands and banhammers. I'm flattered that you're all so passionate about me. Light, I suppose I'm popular for scripting. *shrug* I showed you some stuff I had done last year. Guess I made an impression. Lol, I suppose it is weird, though, seeing someone you know from school in their internet life. Totally different setting.
  12. @Kreator: > And if they do, they will play Runescape. Ah, beat me to it. Yes. If people wanted to play a game _like_ Runescape…Hmm...You'd think they'd play Runescape, no? RS does have a lot to consider though. It is a world packed full of things to do, even if those things are repetitive. The skills all work in conjunction with one another. If you want to make a game based on Runescape, I suggest you do it conceptually, not literally. There's a reason they have so many users, after all. Personally, I'm still not sure what that reason is. ;) Had to throw some RS-flaming in for kicks.
  13. No, GetPlayerLeg(index) is a command, for the custom sprites. I think it's GetPlayerLegs, though. Plural. Not quite sure. Never used custom sprites, mahself.
  14. *ponders* I never thought of replying to one of those…until now. :cheesy:
  15. > Case 1 > If getplayermp(index) > int(4) Then > Mana = Getplayermp(index) > Call SetPlayerMP(Index, INT(Mana - INT(5))) > GetPlayerTarget(Index) > Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) > Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, INT(5)) > NPCTarget = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) > Call DamageNPC(Index, NPCTarget, INT(5)) > Call Playsound(index, "magic19.wav") > Call Spellanim(50, getplayermap(index), getplayerx(target), getplayery(target)) > Else > If getplayermp(index) < int(5) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Not enough mana.", RED) > End If > Exit Sub Woo. Colors. *ahem* Red: These things must go. The floating "GetPlayerTarget(index)" Is serving no purpose As it stands. The "If getplayermp(index) < int(5) Then" doesn't need to stay because you are using an Else-statement. It already does the required inverse-check. Green: Just highlighting the If-statement. The lack of a second "End If" For the second statement Is a code-breaking syntax Error. Since that line will be removed, As per the red denotation, there's no need to change any of the green text. Purple: Int(). You don't need to get that crazy with it. Sure, it's a precaution, but numbers are constants. They're already integer values. For the most part, Int() isn't even required in most scripts. Orange: This Is the target-selection stuff that AkselJ hinted at. It needs To be rewritten, checking If Target Is greater than 0\. If so, use a player, If Not, use an NPC. I'll write it out below. If Target > 0 Then x = GetPlayerX(Target) y = GetPlayerY(Target) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, 5) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(index) x = GetNPCX(GetPlayerMap(index), Target) y = GetNPCY(GetPlayerMap(index), Target) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, 5) End If Call SpellAnim(50, GetPlayerMap(index), x, y) All in all, the final result should look something like this: ``` ' Executes whenever a player casts a scripted spell. Sub ScriptedSpell(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted spell has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case 1 If getplayermp(index) > 4 Then Mana = Getplayermp(index) Call SetPlayerMP(Index, INT(Mana - 5)) Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) If Target > 0 Then x = GetPlayerX(Target) y = GetPlayerY(Target) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, 5) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(index) x = GetNPCX(GetPlayerMap(index), Target) y = GetNPCY(GetPlayerMap(index), Target) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, 5) End If Call SpellAnim(50, GetPlayerMap(index), x, y) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Not enough mana.", RED) End If Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No spell script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ```
  16. How about this? ``` Sub OnPVPDeath(Attacker, Victim) Call GiveCurrency(Attacker, 4, CInt(GetVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Victim), "Bounty"))) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BRIGHTRED) Call PutVar("bounty.ini", GetPlayerName(Victim), "Bounty", "0") bounty = GetVar("bounty.ini", GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty") If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 1999 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 500) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 1499 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 500) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 999 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 250) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 749 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 250) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 499 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 250) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 249 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 150) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 99 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 50) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(Victim) > 49 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini",GetPlayerName(Attacker), "Bounty", bounty + 50) Exit Sub End If End Sub ```
  17. What have I got to say about that? Krusade Online. That's what. You can't deny the fun memories! You wouldn't dare raise arms against me, brother. *shakes fist* Oh my. Kreator…Moderator? I suppose it keeps you picking on the noobies without incurring all the warnings and such. Must be a dream job, eh? And yes, Marsh, I plan on sticking around a bit.
  18. _Footsteps echo in the empty halls. All around, not too much has changed. He remembers this place. It's just like in the dreams. He has returned._ *ahem* Hullo. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by for a little peeksy into how my favorite online community is doing. :cheesy:
  19. Just to add my two cents, I'd say to not get a tattoo of something current. Get a more conceptual one. One day, you may regret getting a Pokemon tattoo or whatever, like people have said. If you get a universal 'idea', so to speak, chances are it will still apply years down the road. I'm getting one soon, too. I'm getting a Kanji symbol tattoo. I'm not saying you shouldn't go through with it, I'm just saying that a tattoo is pretty much permanent. Make sure it's what you really want before you decide.
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