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Everything posted by Exception

  1. Well, I did say basic for a reason. Take the theory, and adapt it to your use.
  2. If Drag.X + Drag.Width >= frmMain.**ScaleWidth** (NOT Width, that counts the windows borders, ScaleWidth doesn't) Then Drag.X = frmMain.ScaleWidth - Drag.Width If Drag.X
  3. Perhaps you should mention the source for your image, considering you did not make it. All you did was add indecent-looking text.
  4. Exception

    Account converter

    Let's imagine we're loading two NPCs. The old structure has a name, a sprite, and a certain music that plays when you attack it. The structure looks like this: ``` Private Type OldNPCrec Name As String * 20 Sprite As Byte Music As String * 20 End Type ``` But, now, I want to add HP to it, and I also want to extend it's string limit to 50\. Problem is, if I do that, my UDTs'll mess up, and won't work. So, the new one would look like: ``` Private Type NewNPCrec Name As String * 20 Sprite As Byte Music As String * 20 HP As Long End Type ``` So, how do we overcome our dilemma? Well, we load our old NPC UDTs in the converter. "Get #F, , OldNpc(i).Name" And, we then simply put the old ones into where they're meant to go NewNpc(i).Name = OldNpc(i).Name And, then we save the new rec, preferably, in a new location. "Put #F, , NewNpc(i).Name" Now that we've stuck the old data into it's "correct place", we can effectively edit what's new, and not mess anything up.
  5. Exception

    Account converter

    @Synergy: > Fair enough. > Although he did ask if someone had one, and there isn't currently one.. ;) > > Out of interest though, how would you go about changing the quest converter to work for accounts? It's the same principle. You list both UDTs, and load the old one, write the old one into the new format, and save the new one.
  6. Exception

    Account converter

    @Synergy: > No, probably not. Shush, plox. Making a converter is quite simple. All you need is the old player structure, the new player structure, and then you need to load the old player structure, copy the data across into the right type, and just write it into the reorganised player structure. As an example, I believe there's a converter for the Quest system, which functions in exactly the same way, just with different structures.
  7. @Ariel: > does anybody fixed the shaking map issue when map is bigger then 24? :O So, I take it you completely ignored me?
  8. jcsnider, a little problem. Setting a player variable causes the client to CTD. I was testing it out, making a simple conditional quest, and when I tried setting variable #1 to 1, it crashed. No RTE.
  9. I'm assuming that in txtSendTo, and txtToSend, you have the players' names? You need their indexes. I believe you can use the function FindPlayer to compare the names, and return their indexes. Modify it to: ``` Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(txtSendTo.Text), FindPlayer(txtToSend.Text), sldColor.Value) ```
  10. Little tip: It involves calling a sub to re-initialise the values every time you change maps, and the drawing sub has been modified to just render the already calculated values, and that alone. If you're stuck for that, look at how the actual map drawing itself works, and look at how beforehand, all of the TilesetX/Y, Tileset, etc, values have already been initialised and calculated for use, and aren't just looping every call.
  11. @Vitin: > Also it is a game event why the hell did they bring that? Well, the show _is_ called the **Electronic Entertainment** Expo. It's not just for video games, it just focuses around that.
  12. 1) In the Player structure, I would add an additional "VisitedMap(1 To Max_Maps) As Boolean". In the map warping procedure (Can't remember which one) I'd flag VisitedMap(CurMap) as true. When the server receives the packet from the client, I would have the server quickly loop the VisitedMap rec, make a quick list of what's set to true, and send that back to the client, from there, how you handle things is down to how you make the interface. 2+2) I'd make a duplicate warping routine for this, but at the end, I'd add a little If Rand(1, 100)
  13. While Nintendo definitely stole the show. Again. It was still disappointing. I was hoping for a Zelda 2012, a Metroid 2012, or a Super Smash Bros 4\. I was even hoping for Sega to turn up with their major Sonic game for this year…none of them. Instead we're given Nintendo Land, and several other games that sound like terrible innuendos. :3 Still, Batman Armored Edition, New Super Mario Bros 2, New Super Mario Bros U, Scribblenauts, Tekken, Mass Effect 3 (for the Wii U), and Pikmin 3 seems good. As for Sony, they're just doing what they've always done, so, what's to be expected. ;d
  14. There's one on Echostorms that I used a while ago with DX8.. http://www.echostorms.net/programs/Bitmap%20Font%20Builder.rar It exports a .DAT, and it also exports a BMP, so it requires you to do some further tweaking in Photoshop, or Paint.NET, or whatever you've got, to make the background transparent.
  15. @Deathbeam: > omg you cant just look at that code?? Use GetPlayerX and GetPlayerY > > look at mouse movement tutorial ( not that one with 4 triangles) and look how its getting player position I hope you realise that GetPlayerX/Y get the players x/y according to their map position, and not on the picScreen, right?
  16. @‭‭‭Marsh: > * * * > > **Rules** > > Must work with Eclipse or use Eclipse as a Base. > Must be all your own work, or submit as a team. > Source code or tutorial must be submitted. > > * * * Does that mean I can submit my CRC32 Updater, yet being an external program, but still working with Eclipse? If not, I'll make something else I can submit.
  17. Well, I tried to recreate it too, and it just randomly happens at the first and last event. Sorry that it's not very helpful, but it's the best I could figure out. xD
  18. Well, it was a bit random. It seems to happen on any event, and, I accidentally clicked add instead of edit, and it just happened. However, the strange thing is that it doesn't always happen, and it seems to only apply to the first and last event in a page.
  19. RTE9 appears to happen when you use "add" on an existing event. Lemme go in the source, see what highlights… EDIT: In modGameEditors > AddComand, at Line 2059. ``` ReDim Preserve tmpEvent.Pages(curPageNum).CommandList(curlist).Commands(p) ```
  20. Wow, nice job. I'll help you out on debugging it, downloading it right now. :D
  21. Use Dropbox. Also, your client map cache could be causing the issue, seeing as they could probably have revision values that are under the cache's one.
  22. Wow, I love the forest! I'd love to use that sometime, with credit to you, of course. ;> Seeing as you're doing requests, could you do a mossy brick-like one? Much like the forest?
  23. *eh, nobody seems to want this. ;d. Locked*
  24. Anything is possible if you can program it. Because you're asking, it's likely that you won't be able to, but if you ask nicely, or pay somebody to do it, then, you can probably get one.
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