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Everything posted by Nook

  1. Shush. I never get things right the first or second time. You stare at something for a while and your abilities go numb… it happens. I'll be damned if someone with talent goes and gets discouraged over a few pixels.
  2. This was the more recent face: [http://new.weavesilk.com/?23u](http://new.weavesilk.com/?23u) The bat was mine as well. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Here was an earlier attempt before the other two. [http://new.weavesilk.com/?1xt](http://new.weavesilk.com/?1xt) The app is a lot of fun.
  3. I recommend giving more info about what _kind_ of game you guys are wanting to create. Y'know, more than just a fantasy RPG. To lure in a real talent that'll work (for free?), you're going to have to give more information. Raise appeal. Right now there's nothing to distinguish your project.
  4. Nook

    Tileset revamp

    Dissatisfaction lead to abandonment. Here's try #3 ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/2gt69w3.png) I'll get around to the grass tile next.
  5. Nook


    I like your tiles, as you know. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) They're well done. My complaint is that there are many dark and mid values but very few light values. It's a bit like a permanent overcast minus the saturation.
  6. Nook

    Sprite Work

    The hair looks a little odd to me. His muscular core seems to take up so much room that his shoulders look puny and drawn back. The lack of a visible neck tells me this is a top-down perspective, but in a truly top-down the pectorals aren't so high that we can't even see the top of the shoulders. The arms should reach the bottom of the pockets (not the end of the shirt). The thighs are thicker than the hips for some reason? In this size of a canvas, a pixel can be several inches, so that bulge can't just be his baggy pants. I've never worn baggy clothing that sticks out several inches from my thighs. Until the latter two are fixed it's hard to say what else needs fixing with the leg proportions. The shading under the knees makes them look bent a little. The feet look like balls. That's not to say it's bad… just sharing what caught my eye ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  7. It's much better already. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) I think the stance is too wide. The feet are technically placed right, but it appears off because her legs are too skinny. Part of that might be due to the conflicting perspective. Shoulder-to-crotch _looks_ ground level, and crotch-to-feet _looks_ like 45* from above (making the legs seem more stubby/awkwardly bent). I took a pixel off the face height and tried thickening the legs. Not claiming perfection, but you're free to take what you will from it. ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/2j64f14.png)
  8. > Females have smaller waists, boobs, skinnier legs and arms. I'm going to remake these completely. > > Please pixel a sprite with realistic proportions and show it to me. I said what I did in regards to anatomical proportions. Women are more _curvy_. You're right about waists (and arms), but I said ribcage for a reason as don't feel like that part of the body was done as well as your ability allows. Also - most women's thighs (leg) are much thicker than a man's. Or else… everything I learnedsaw in highschool was a lie. In regards to your last statement… I'm too lazy and that's not my burden anyway. You post it here, I critique. There's plenty of stuff out there on the interwebz from which to draw reference. A Google search on sprites and a little pr0n should do nicely.
  9. Sounds nice and distinctive. There was plenty I genuinely enjoyed, but parts got chaotic with hyperbolic sounds and distortions beyond my personal taste. My preferences aside, best of luck to an underground band. ![:wub:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wub.png) I hang out and work with some close friends' band a lot so I can relate a little. Hope you all can move on up the chain.
  10. Long torso's and stubby legs? No. Don't ever. Also, try shrinking the woman's shoulders and the man's hips by a pixel. The only difference between genders' anatomy atm is a pair of tits in which the ribcage no longer exists underdeath. It just looks weird.
  11. I'd rather listen to a dictionary audiobook than those beyond shitty lyrics.
  12. Long torsos and stubby legs don't mix.
  13. > /fanboy Fixed it for you. You're bashing two games you've never played to promote one you have. GW2 is a different game, not an expansion. Therefore, it _is_ the new kid on the block. To judge it based on GW1 is akin to judging WoW from Warcraft's success. _IE "Hardly anyone plays Warcraft anymore, so MoP will probably fail."_ I thought, from your marketing knowledge, that you'd know better than to consider it fair to compare the new GW2's sales to the longer-running WoW expansion's sales. For the record, it took 3 years for WoW to amass 1 million active players. GW2 has 2 million in a month. Obviously the market was different back then, but that's still a substantial analtyical defeat. If anything ever surpasses WoW, it's not going to happen instantly. In truth the entire argument is subjective as hell. _Anyone with a brain_, however, would only argue about something if they've actually tried it. fyi - WoW's playerbase is shrinking. If I had a nickel everytime a someone in map chat talks about how much more they enjoy GW2 than WoW…
  14. > And what MMO's are those? The Old Republic? Guild Wars 2? Both flops with dwindling subscription numbers; one of the two is going Free to Play inside it's first year post-launch. lol. Stop there. Don't just ignorantly slap the shortcomings of SWTOR onto the new kid on the block. It's too early to call GW2 a flop, and the whole "dwindling subscription numbers" would have to have been pulled from the dark corners of your anus. Personally, I'm willing to bet on longevity. /fangirl Point is - Diablo 3 wasn't worth a 10 year wait and MoP, based on the trend, is likely to be a regurgitated _flop_. That's my reason, anyway, for not getting my hopes up. I'll have to wait and see.
  15. The walls look nice, but they don't look like wood. They look as though they're made of gold. That is due to the saturated color, lack of texture, and the highlight you added around the bottom left edges which gives it that reflective look. The tree's not good. Trees are hard, I know, but I think you should start over. Imagine the foliage differently. Right now it's a single blob with poor shading and random "wrinkles." Instead, picture it as a mass of blobs melted into each other… if that makes sense at all. ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/2lm87wn.png) As for the trunk…if the foliage is only going to be a tile in size, then make the trunk thinner and less clumpy.
  16. Have you tried seeing what two-tile-high buildings look like? I know the shortened homes work with the style you're going for, but to me the tall city walls present a stark contrast to the ity bity home walls in a way that ruins the continuity of it all. I'd be curious to see how it would look the other way. The shadows are a keeper imo. Adds some welcomed depth. Don't forget the shadow cast by the top of the city wall entrance onto itself. Also, what's up with the undetailed grass outside the entrance? It sticks out like a sore thumb. All in all, what you have so far is awesome possum. Keep it up ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  17. I can't really agree with you on PVP. I do WvWvW and tourneys mostly, and I rarely have that problem. As luck would have it, I've been working on a Necro and Guardian on the side, but I still play on my 80 engineer the most. Can't disagree with you on the combat not being perfect. Once you learn your build and how to kite, you're pretty much a god in PvE. Much if it is a game of outsmarting the AI. Thing is - that's how all the other MMO's are. And since ANet never promised combat was going to be _hard_, I don't see that as a con. The rest of it… ehh. I guess we can agree to disagree. I definitely don't mean to suggest GW2 is the perfect MMO.
  18. That's to be expected. Necros are one of the tankiest classes with not a lot of complexity. Trust me - if you're spamming auto attack, you're not living up to your full capabilities. In terms of PvE, the challenge lies in dungeons. Well… a few dungeons. The only _real_ challenge is found in PVP. > Level 77? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the max. level 20? Or am I missing something? xD GW1 had a max level of 20\. We're talking about Guild Wars 2, which has a max level of 80.
  19. It was an assumption of play style, not character. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) The Shiverpeaks happen to be my favorite. Dunno what you mean about "lolautoattackandrun" because if I do that I die. Of course, I also fight multiple monsters at once. I can certainly appreciate what you've said. It's good to hear the negative feedback because there are _plenty_ of faults. Like you said, the main story is mediocre at best and the frequency of recurring events takes away from their legitimacy. People don't talk except in map chat. Low levels are slow. The whole game concept is executed decently. Overall it's still a wonderful game to me, however. I'll have to see where I am a few months from now, but currently there's so much to do and I love it. The classes and the strategy make for the best combat I've played in an MMORPG. But you're right; it's not for everyone.
  20. I still play. Chances are you're not playing the game right, Stein. It's more sandboxy than most MMO's. Cycle through activities all the time, whether it's jump puzzles, PVP, WvWvW, story, dungeons, exploring, dynamic events, crafting, or farming. The XP just comes on its own. That's the wonderful thing about this game - practically EVERYTHING gives decent XP. BTW, don't worry about hearts. They're a waste of time unless you're also doing a dynamic or going for world completion. If you still have that archaic desire to just level-up, then I recommend exploring areas 5-10 levels higher than you, ninja all the waypoints/POIs, and do every dynamic event you come across. I know the higher leveled Charr area has loads of chain events that practically hand out XP.
  21. Oh cool. I've gone a few times myself several years back and always had a good time. Have fun ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  22. It's not actually badly drawn per se, but the above posts are right. That stylized anatomy is just not appealing to look at. The head can only be enlarged so much before things start getting weird.
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