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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. Server side, sub CastSpell. i can't remember any other subs that have that notification. Those notifications are handled by the server so try looking around in the server source, generally modPlayer and modCombat and as well as modGameLogic.
  2. Are you wanting it as a stun duration or a perma stun until you heal? also i need to know what engine you are wanting to put this in.
  3. > Your girl friend is hot by the way. Don't think I can say the same about you though. > > >! jk he's sexy mang
  4. This does look pretty good. can't wait to play the game! ^_^
  5. > First of all the definition of a 'clutter-duck' engine is a bunch of poorly written source code tutorials nailed together. E.O. 4.0\. doesn't contain any and thus can't be classified as one. actually i can. you're just putting in useless things and just "disabling them" until the "dev" needs that system. woopdie doo that's totally not called inefficient. it all comes back down to closed/open source accessibility. anywho i don't want to continue this conversation in this topic any longer so if you so desire to reply, please put it as a pm and not a post.
  6. > You was doing same about my engines, so your are contradicting yourself Growl. I only made one engine and it was crap to begin with. you're Mirage Miracles or whatever the name was(haven't remembered all the names of all the CVs on here) is looking better than your others. I never said my engine was great so i am not contradicting myself in no way.
  7. > Great, another clutter-duck engine. i can say the same for EO4\. if you don't want ppl talking crap about your engine, then don't talk crap about someone else's engine. /nuffsaid
  8. > Haha thanks for the support! :) and haha yeah idk what i was thinking my head must still be in java mode lol lol no problem and lol it happens :P
  9. it should be ``` LV = "[LV." & val(GetPlayerLevel(Index)) & "]" Name = Name & LV ``` not with "+"s instead of "&"s :P but other than that, nice little tutorial. keep them coming! :DD
  10. > ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/553366_3916670404282_1417933458_n.jpg) it's the mafia! lol :DD
  11. Sorry for this necropost/bump but i need to state that this errors at Line 4 of sub Fill so i would not use this unless you want everything after the password to be gone. this will hopefully be fixed when i release the Item Editor i am working on. Sincerely, Growlith1223
  12. I sent you a message, Rory. It's about the programmer thing.
  13. tutorial: this has been done countless times. help: vbCrlf = a new line. you don't want to use that unless you intended to do that.
  14. Have you tried restarting? that usually helps
  15. Where did you install the run-time files?
  16. holy crap these are awesome. I really love the Mario sprites ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) nice job on these! hope to see more from you
  17. > [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/133211-coming-soon-project-austin-2d-world-improved-june-32013) > > Would also like to say the engine store would be a good way to distribute user made systems. 10/10 would play. i would totally recommend this game to anyone ![:o](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//ohmy.png)
  18. > Oh really, 25 million? You're game must be amazing then.. i noticed that as well but didn't feel like calling it out being as almost every newb that joins comes in saying they own/work for a company and creates awesome things. i would really like to see 1 example of a game he/she has created.
  19. the newbies need help by actually learning the code and how it works. not from downloading a pack and installing it. what if it doesn't work? then you're ducked. what if it crashes the game? then you're ducked.
  20. > Who said anything about scripting? > I'm all for it. > > The matter is finding where to upload said **scripts/plugins/whatever**, ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  21. yay we're going back to broke ass scripting
  22. Your IPv4 is a localhost cover. you're just connecting to yourself therefore you aren't connecting to the internet. make sure that you restart your router if you portforwarded. sometimes routers need a restart in order to use that new port. also make sure that the NAT is enabled. if this fails, then are you changing the port in the ini of the server and client?
  23. have you installed the runtime files?if you have, then try re-adding the components to the project. if all fails, then im not sure how to fix that. :/
  24. When you open up the .vbp project, does it say something about something didn't load? or something like "log was written in frmMain.log" or something like that. To fix your issue, look at the left and see if you find ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/f88a47bb047655546cb90c4d97f86e2d.png) if you do, click dat and make a box on the frmMain screen and boom, you got your problem fixed. im not sure how to describe on how to click and drag to make a box >_>
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