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  1. Good day, Thank you Growlith1223 for your response. I have found out that my Global IP isn't static. Every time I do restart my router, the Global IP changes too. How to enable NAT? Please help. Thanks for your help. —Catapult
  2. Good day, Please forgive me if this question seems to be newbie. I have searched already the forum and also in Google about port forwarding and I have followed them each by each and yet no luck. My problem is if I put in _IP_ in _config_ my Global IP, it does not connect to the server. But when I put my IPv4 address, it does. I have already port forward in my router. Is there anything I missed? Please tell me. Thank you, —Catapult
  3. Please attach a fresh Eclipse Origins with feature said.
  4. It does not work for me. I put already anything but still does not work. I put 7001 as my Port. Anyway, the Internet Protocol I put in my configuration file was the Internet Protocol I can see at http://www.whatismyipaddress.com/ . Also, I put in the Remote Internet Protocol in the my router's Web site is the same as I put in the Local Area Network, which is the one I see in IPv4. Please help me port forward. Thanks.
  5. Catapult


    Thank you for all of your help.
  6. Catapult


    Hello, I am very getting confused with this, Hamachi. I see many people using 'Hamachi' to host their gaming servers. I don't know why. Is Hamachi free to use? What is the role of Hamachi in gaming server? Does Hamachi hosts your gaming server for free or what? If Hamachi hosts your server, does it need your computer to be running as well? Cheers and thank you!
  7. Catapult


    @Aeri: > No, just in case I need to alter something or give a character a reward after a competition or something. Thanks :) Why not use Lightning's Account Editor?
  8. Catapult


    @Aeri: > Is there any way to find out your player's passwords in EO? Yes. Go to \server\data\account and open your selected user's file using Notepad. You will see three words there and the rest the symbols. The first word is the user's Username, the second one is the password, the third one is the name. Hope this helps. Also why would you want to find out your player's password? Revenging?
  9. May I ask you where I can find those script? Thank you.
  10. @Nothing: > Did you see what I wrote at the bottom? > > Then go to ipchicken.com and in the clients config.ini file put the number you found on ipchicken.com as the IP instead of or whatever it is. Your client should now show your server as online. Yes, I did. What should be the Local IP Address ?? (that's my address) :) that was .150 when i made my ip static coz it's dynamic. i use portforward.com setup static something like that my remote ip (that i see in ip chicken is dynamic so. any problem pls help
  11. I am afraid but it's still not working. Help?
  12. @Catapult: > Another "Port Forwarding" thread I created. I am afraid to ask it to the community again but I have to. :confused: > > I finally found the Port Forwarding section on my router's Web site. > > Please look at the image I attached to see the Port Forwarding section of my router's Web site. > > I don't know what values should I put. Please help me.
  13. Another "Port Forwarding" thread I created. I am afraid to ask it the community again but I have to. :confused: I finally found the Port Forwarding section on my router's Web site. Please look at the image I attached to see the Port Forwarding section of my router's Web site. I don't know what values should I put. Please help me.
  14. Do you mean when somebody register in your game, they will automatically receive an item? Play around with server/data/classes.ini . You will see something like > StartItemCount= > StartItem1=1 > StartValue1=1 > StartItem2=2 > StartValue2=1
  15. Catapult

    Website Builder

    @Harris: > Website builders are really a bad way of getting a website. HTML & CSS are very easy to learn. Read up on them and then make your own website. > > That's a web host, not a website builder. The clue is in the title. It also offers a free Web site builder as listed in their packages for Free Plan.
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