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Everything posted by MCADAMS

  1. Grats. I think I'm around almost 800 days or something; registered on Christmas Eve 2009… I should probably post more.
  2. @MrSean: > Guess isn't available outside of the while loop. That was it. Thanks!
  3. I'm learning programming for the first time with Python, trying to make a random number game. I have this: ``` #Self-written 'Guess the Number' game import random guessesTaken = 0 print('Hello! What is your name?') myName = input() number = random.randint(1, 20) print('Ok, ' + myName + '. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 20\. Guess.') while guessesTaken < 6: print('Take a guess.') guess = input() guess = int(guess) guessesTaken = guessesTaken + 1 if guess < number: print('Too low!') if guess > number: print('Too high!') if guess == number: break if guess == number: guessesTaken = str(guessesTaken) print('Congratulations! You guessed the number in ' + guessesTaken + ' guesses!' if guess != number: number = str(number) print('Sorry, the number we were looking for was ' + number) ``` When I run it I get "invalid syntax" and it points to the colon after ``` if guess != number: ``` I've double checked the code I'm referencing and they're identical it seems. Any help?
  4. Changing the tree trunk will make it look a lot better. Wouldn't kill if you had a couple of weeds or something to spray about the grass, too. Secrets of Grindea's style can give you an idea of what I mean. ![](http://www.secretsofgrindea.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/2.jpg)

    Site Downtime

    @‭‭‭Marsh: > Oh you know, routine maintenance. Is that what kids are calling it these days?
  6. @Jumbofile: > I played from wrath to now and i liked wrath because it took skill to get to 85. Wrath was the easiest expansion. And also, you got to 80 in Wrath, not 85.
  7. Yes, this game's alpha/beta release is long overdue. Maybe the first time in my life where I've obsessed over a game's release this hard.
  8. @Murdoc: > appears that way lol.. i dig it > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJV2pWFyfn4&feature=related
  9. McAdamz I play Jax and Master Yi mainly, been trying out Ashe and Morgana. Only played for about two weeks, haven't played since then. Best game went 34-1 >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/ULk1G.jpg)
  10. Looks like you can see too much of his eyes from the side view too.
  11. @Zonova: > one of the wealthiest city in the US. Well that rules out New Jersey…

    Game map

    @Kusy: > The fuck am I reading… photosynthesis? Seriously? It's stupid but technically correct. The best kind of correct.
  13. Decided to settle on this for now. Thanks for the feedback. ![](http://i.imgur.com/wus31.png)
  14. ![](http://i.imgur.com/JDlJT.png) Need some suggestions on coloring for the gray areas. The fonts are not final and I will probably make my own like I did for the numbers.

    Edits of Breeze.

    @Eckhart: > Females' legs looks a bit weird, but other than that they're flawless. its dem hips
  16. dose any1 kno how to add quests??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? please respond
  17. That all seems right on my end…I could be wrong though. I probably am. ``` For i = 1 To MAX_NPC_SPELLS If NPC(npcNum).Spell(i) > 0 Then If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).SpellTimer(i) + (Spell(NPC(npcNum).Spell(i)).CastTime * 1000) < GetTickCount Then NpcSpellPlayer x, target, i ```
  18. Could work, unfortunately I was AFK for about 10 minutes and then I got the RTE.
  19. Logging into the server on any account, old or fresh, yields RTE 9\. I debugged and got this line of code: ``` If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(x).SpellTimer(i) + (Spell(NPC(npcNum).Spell(i)).CastTime * 1000) < GetTickCount Then ``` ..but I'm not sure what exactly it's depicting. Could I get some help?
  20. I've opened both ports on both the main router and the adapter, but it still seems not to work. For the record, my IPv4 adresses and Default Gateways are different on each of the connections. For the router, it's 172.xx.x.xxx, while on the adapter they're 192.xxx.x.x
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