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DayZ Mod (Arma II) - FINALLY! After 8 hours of playing DayZ, I'm starting to get


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So there I was, two monitors on, one with the map, one with ARMA II. I had just died from a few zombies slapping me to death, re spawned new Electrozavodsk.

Just then I had a brain wave! I'd read a few of the "Survival tips 101"'s around reddit and the internet but nothing really stuck, then I noticed the eye and ear icons on the right and wondered if these were just for players or zombies or what. After a few seconds of mere pissing around in the game I realised that these represented how 'visible' I was to the zombies.

With this new found knowledge I deemed it time that i was to waltz on into the town, raid the hospital and the store and leave unscaved! Not quite how it ended up turning out.

Instead of waltzing into the town I proned all the way through. Yes, literally crawled on my stomach through the entire town. NOT A SINGLE ZOMBIE NOTICED ME! After finding an Alice bag, a few blood bags, morphine, bandages, cans and tins I had decided it was time to escape.

On my way out of the town I noticed a house which you could enter. Instantly I thought, HA! Time to raid! As soon as I entered the house I managed to break my leg turning round a fucking door frame… After I fixed this up with morphine and a bandage I then continued scurrying around the building, finding a few empty tin cans etc, I headed upstairs. I couldn't hear or see a single zombie anywhere, so I just stood up and walked around normally, I went into one room and found a Lee Enfield with a few mags. Prior to ever finding this gun I had absolutely no idea of just how loud it was.

Whilst I was looking around upstairs I don't know if a zombie had triggered seeing me through the window or what, I have no idea, all I know is after finding the gun one little white point appeared on the screen, followed by a few clangs and bangs. Next thing I know a zombie is crawling through the door, I take my stance, aim down the barrel, and...

BOOM! MY FIRST ZOMBIE KILL WITH A HEAD SHOT! With a lot more emphasis on that boom...

I then found 2 revolver mags on the zombie and begin to squat my way own the stairs. About half way down I suddenly hear the song of the dead. 7 fucking zombies come walking through the only exit, I'm guessing it was from the sound of the gun, 9 shots left, took out each one. I left the building to be great by a further 3 zombies, 2 of these managed to land a hit on me so with my amazing Arma II No Scoping skills I (wasted an entire mag) shot all three of these vile creatures.

Then the entire town's population of zombies appeared to take notice of my presence and with that I ran off into the distance, over a few hills, occasionally turning back and shooting off a few from the top of the hill. Once I had ditched the zombies i had one full mag left and another with just a single shot in it, used my bandage, ate a tin of beans and drank some pepsi.

AND THAT! Eclipse, is how I killed my first zombie and my first (kind of) horde.

If you haven't played this, you need to! Happy Surviving Guys! :)
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