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Trippy, Neon, Glowing, Flashing, Retro game idea


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So i was thinking of a ultima/rogue style game, very retro. But the graphics would be very very very bright alsmot neon looking. It will hurt your eyes, and make you feel like you just ate a very bad shroom.

Edit: The tiles will flash into another very neon color so the entire screen will be changing neon colors on you! Lets hope this idea does not get me sued for envoking a seisure.
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Its really an experiment right now, seeing how trippy i can make the game look. I think i have a name for the game! Acid! Its mainly going to be different shades of blue and red, with some really cool neon green too. The tiles and not going to be that hard to make but I think the game will turn out with a cool and unquie look and It will give you a laugh and a trip to the E.R. Your sprite will be a flashing smily face that walks around…. ohh god this is going to be da bomb!
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> So i was thinking of a ultima/rogue style game, very retro. But the graphics would be very very very bright alsmot neon looking. It will hurt your eyes, and make you feel like you just ate a very bad shroom.
> Edit: The tiles will flash into another very neon color so the entire screen will be changing neon colors on you! Lets hope this idea does not get me sued for envoking a seisure.

Retro can always be fun, but this seizure idea sounds completely stupid. Who is going to enjoy a game which is "Trippy, Neon, Glowing, Flashing". Not me.
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> Yeah, this does sound like a bad idea.
> People won't want to play something that physically hurts their eyes.

Uh, people like to play the Dangerous Flashy Lights Game on addicting games…
Wouldn't it be a bit similar? (the flashy colors part, not the collect stars part.)
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Hmmm, I don't think it's gonna be that bad, but here's an idea:
Pacman-ish gameplay, try to get a pacman sprite, with custom colors, make pd for it (yes, a pacman with a bikini w00t) and have the ghosts be the monsters, and stuff like that. you'd use classic game monsters as the ennemies :D
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