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THE Cult


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**THE Cult is at war with the Gwendalins and Teh Cult.**

**THE** darkside.

Join The Cult if your cool.
Join The Cult if you use grammar.
Join The Cult if you are educated.
Join The Cult if you prefer to spell correctly online.

**To join simply put the work THE in your name**

**Because we're better than you!**

Place this in your signature:

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* Epic music plays in the background… *

I gotta say, you have some courage to stand against us. Courage, or… Pure folly? We are Teh Cult. We are **_TEH_** Cult!

Of course, you _can_ oppose us. But to what purpose? Grammar? Let me see words, books and dictionaries back you on this one. Let me see them stand against an army of followers, against _Teh Banhammer himself!_

You cannot. You have no weapons at your disposal. You are weak. We are strong. Our numbers are overwhelming (partly because _some of us_ throw people in prison nonstop). We are invincible.

We are Teh Cult.

Resistance is futile.

Some of you might ask "Why all this? Why this war? Why all this ~~flaming~~ constructive arguments for a simple matter of two interchanged letters? _Why this madness?_".




* Epic music fades… *

_How will this saga unravel? Will The Cult fall to it's enemy? (Yes) Will an admin finally snap and ban everyone with his similar but (sorry Thor) more effective banhammer? (Likely) Find out in the next post of:__**WTH DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ECLIPSE???**_

P.S: I am honored. ^^
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I just have one thing to say…

* Epic music resumes in the background… *

I gotta say, they have some courage to stand against us. Courage, or… Pure folly? We are The Cult. We are **_THE_** Cult!

Of course, they _can_ oppose us. But to what purpose? 1337ness? Let me see chans, n00bs and The Urban Dictionnary back them on this one. Let me see them stand against an army of followers, against _The Great Marsh and The Banhammer himself!_

They cannot. They have no weapons at their disposal. They are weak. We are strong. Our numbers are overwhelming (partly because _some of us_ actually own the forums). We are invincible.

We are The Cult.

Resistance is futile.

Some of you might ask "Why all this? Why this war? Why all this ~~flaming~~ constructive arguments for a simple matter of two interchanged letters? _Why this madness?_".




* Epic music fades (again)…*

_How will this saga unravel? How will Teh Cult's members react to this reversal? Now that Niko tried to stop this madness (proving my point =P) and with The Great Marsh now taking sides and The Banhammer changing alongside him, what will Teh Cult's remaining few do? Find out in the next post of:__**WTH DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ECLIPSE???**_
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