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Maple Story


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  One MMO that I've played for awhile is Maple Story. It's actually a really good platformer, most people just pass on it due to the seemingly childish or anime graphics, etc. If you get past that, you will find great game play, a pretty good community, cool classes, skills, maps, and most importantly, epic boss fights.

  When you first start, you are a "begginner", but after level 10, you can pick your class. Maple Story Global supports 5 classes, or jobs. Thief, Magician, Bowman, Warrior, and Pirate. Each of these jobs specialize in different things. These jobs then branch out into other jobs specializing in a special thing about the special first job. Here's an ASCII diagram for thiefs, they all work in essentially the same way.

                              |              |
                        Assasin        Bandit

  Thieves have 2 weapon types on their hands. They can either use daggers or claws. Daggers are short range weapons, claws are long range weapons, because they can throw Throwing Stars. The assasin is the class that uses claws, and the bandit is the one that has daggers. Both of them specialize in fast attacking, but they are different in how they attack, but they both branch out from the Thief.

  After this, you still have "Job advancements", but they don't branch, they just give you more skills.

  In Maple Story, skills work like this. You put Skill Points on your skills to make them stronger and overall better. You get 3 skill points per level, and you can only use skills once there is 1 or more skill points on it. You have to decide what skills are the most important to put on, because there aren't enough skill points to "max" them all. You max a skill when you put all of the points you are aloud to have on them.

  The combat system is real time. Most of the newby monsters only have what's called "touch damage" which is damage that you get when you touch them. All monsters have that. But as you level up, you will start to see monsters that have skills like you do, which makes the game more fun and sometimes more challenging.

  There are a few categories of skills. These catigories were made by me, but they are valid.

1\. Range single monster skills.
These skills attack a single monster at a distance

2\. Range Mob skills
These skills attack multiple monsters at a distance

3\. Close single monster skills.
These skills attack a single monster at close range

4\. Close mob skills.
These skills attack multiple monsters at close range

There are several ways to train:

Killing Monsters: This will be done no matter what, and often have to do with both party quests and quests. This is what the game is mainly about.

Doing Party Quests: There are things called Party Quests for many level groups. Party quests are kinda like quests, only you do them in a party, have a limited time, and you are required to work together in that party.

Doing Quests: Like in most games, you talk to someone, find out what you have to do, do it, and go back to that person for your reward.

There is no better way to level up, although usually quests are the slowest way.
I'll add more to this mini-guide soon…
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> A pretty good community? LMAO.
> A band of people that act like Zultar sure is great ;0

75% of them do. But there are some great people there, you just have to find them.

> I'm gonna move this to the MMO section.
> :azn:


> The one thing that put me off was the fact that theres no PVP,
> other than that, its a great game, cept theres a ton of people that are rich

Well, there's this Party Quest called Carnival Party Quest that is kinda close to pvp, but I agree, they need to add it.
What's wrong with rich people?
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I haven't played it in a long time, so I wouldn't know,
and the furthest I got was like level 35, I had a friend who had a couple 50's and stuff though.
Rich people, meaning they would sell and buy stuff for super high prices, and the rest of us wouldn't be able to buy them.

I remember having around 20 mil, and 2 pairs of …. what were they called.. the throwing stars that were little knives with red ribbon the end. steelies. Or something, and a couple maple items
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I still play this game.

And there's PvP in JMS, you didn't know? Just that if you're not rich don't prepare to survive even with high levels, there are level 30 people who can kill third jobs in seven strikes (I,L mages freeze and then dps, you can't use items while frozen).

JMS is dominated with I,L mages mainly for the freezing and sometimes sins use snowballs to freeze then lucky seven all the way. OUCH.
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My problem is that there are way to many bots. Like, my friend bin got his account upto number 2 on the server (he got banned) but he's back in the top 100 and he knows botters with even higher ranks.
And if you go on any azn servers, everyone is a botter, but you (hopefully….).
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> Yep, steelys. 20 mill's pretty good. Steelys are too. Maple items are too. :P
> To me it's sounds like your set. What were you, an Assassin?

I was a sindit, bandit by class, and I think I was pure luck as well, but I used a Garnier or whatever that was called.
I had savage (Or that really beast attack that bandits have) all my points on it.
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> if i were to start playing this again, which server do the majority of youplay on?

I play on Maridia, my char name is "Xaania"…level 46 Cleric

> CPT. CLOWN link=topic=45821.msg473829#msg473829 date=1245279681]
> Yeah its too much of a grind

There are some grind areas, but if you avoid party quests from level 20-29 it's not that bad. Plus, 2nd job is worth it. It's the most fun when you have a lot of people playing with you.

> Shri (shrig94) link=topic=45821.msg470230#msg470230 date=1244845274]
> My problem is that there are way to many bots. Like, my friend bin got his account upto number 2 on the server (he got banned) but he's back in the top 100 and he knows botters with even higher ranks.
> And if you go on any azn servers, everyone is a botter, but you (hopefully….).

I never noticed any bots. If you train in areas where there are "bot catcher monsters" then you won't have trouble with that.

> I still play this game.
> And there's PvP in JMS, you didn't know? Just that if you're not rich don't prepare to survive even with high levels, there are level 30 people who can kill third jobs in seven strikes (I,L mages freeze and then dps, you can't use items while frozen).
> JMS is dominated with I,L mages mainly for the freezing and sometimes sins use snowballs to freeze then lucky seven all the way. OUCH.

I didn't know that there was PvP. Sounds really unbalanced.

Well, I'm off to play maplestory, boss rush comes out today. :P
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One of the main reason that this game sucks is because there isn't any change of gameplay AT ALL as you gain levels, you will only gain new powerful skills that will replace your old ones and be able to use the next equipment in the ladder of equipments as there isn't any diffirent kinds of equipments for the classes around the same levels, of course there are some special stuff like a cooking hat or whatever, but the stats are always lower making them useless.

There are party missions and they are entertaining, but as you progress you see that it becomes a lot harder to find enough people to do the mission. There isn't alot of those missions/quests and that means that you have to level up alot to get to the next party mission and you can't play the old one because you are too strong so they won't allow you to do that mission anymore.

The quests are all crazily stupid, it is all about gaining objects that monsters drop or to talk with another NPC. Gaining the items gets more and more problematic as you progress since they want more and more! It is crazy how many items they want! "I need 1000 of whatever and 340 of cowshits and 1 of those that the giant bossy thing gives, oh and I also want a 1 that requires that you complete another quest where you need 10K more stupid blue snailhouses and 5K red snailhouses, why? Because that one thing I need is a pile of 10K stupid blue snailhouses and 5K redsnailhouses. I need those to make some medicine for a sickness my grandmother has and that she will have again right after you have completed the quest so you can complete it again, actually, she doesn't really have a sickness, she is just growing old and I can use that to make idiots like you do stupid things like finding millions of green slimy liquid that dropped down to our..ehh…flying pile of hardened shit from some gods nose."

You can choose diffirent classes and stats in the game, but there is no point to the stats as almost everyone that play will have around the same stats chosen as there is a class for each stat, so that warriors have most in strenght, bowmen has in dex and so on. You can also choose in HP and Mana, but then rather put it in Strenght and INT.

So what do we have? Shitty quests, shitty stats system, shitty classes and skills, shitty fighting system, shitty security, shit, shit and more shit.

The game sucks.

(This is all my opinion, please do not reply to this post if you disagree, I do not care and I will not change my mind, I only wrote this out of boredom as I wait for something to happen at a specific time IRL and doesn't really want to do anything that is useful)
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  • 1 month later...
Hey, you guys should play DestinyMS. It's a MS Private Server with LOW rates [16x exp|4x meso|4x drop]. My friend and I play together all the time and we are PRO! We have 8 & 9 atk WG's, Yellow and Pink Adventure capes, godly scrolled Pink bandanas. If you join, add us: uugiMrM (Lv.60 Gunslinger) and ImTyler (Lv.60 Assassin)

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> I saw this MMO previewed on TV a few weeks ago, Doesn't look like much fun. Then again Platformer MMO's I've never played, but the're bound to be even more crouded than anything else.

Actually being crowded isn't a problem. I think, personally, when 3d MMOs are crowded, it's the worst. I really enjoyed Maple Story and I definitely wouldn't judge it by first impressions.
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Maple Story was a great idea for an MMO that went kind of sour. Their only gimmick is that it's a sidescroller. It doesn't really offer much, besides that. I got into the 20s or so on level before I was tired of pointlessly grinding. And I've heard it gets worse at the highest levels when you're trying to get materials for the best weapons, though I've not experienced it myself. Also, like many MMOs, the economy went all to hell due to players overpricing things.

It was a great concept and got a lot of hype, but ultimately fell short of the expectations, which kind of sucks. Maple Story could be great.
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