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EE3.0 Graphics, and Script Transfer!


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I have a question that might be a popular one:

**If I have 96x96 sprites (reiners for example) will I be able to put them in a sprite sheet and have it not cut off? If so, How?**

I suck at wording questions, but i think you get my drift.
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**I want to clarify the "Nx8" thing. So is it possible to have 8-frame walking (8x8)? (The frames have to be powers of 2, right?)**


**Can you have 8-frame walking but only 4-frame attacking?**

Sorry for all the really nooby questions xD I bet they've been answered before, but I jjust want to clarify 100%
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> The frames dont have to be powers of two. Just the sheet. So yes you can have a 8X8 frame.
> And for the attacking just leave the extra spaces blank
> ;)

lol, the sprites are power of 2 if the sheet is power of 2
minimum sprite sheet size is 8 pixels down (1/8 = 0, 2/8 = 0, 4/8 = 0)
and 8/8 = 1

you can use math to prove that the sprite dimensions are always power of 2

let the function, xrt(n) return the least root of that function

first find the lowest value, p = 8
xrt(p) = 2
xrt(8) = 2
3rt(8) = 2

let m be a multiple of p, assume that xrt(m) = 2.
now find the next value, 2m since the next valid size is 2x the last

xrt(2) * xrt(m) = 2

since the only value that x can be in xrt(n) = 1 where x is an integer > 0 while returning an integer,

xrt(m) = 2

since xrt(m) = 2, all valid values for m are power of 2.
And since all values of m are factors of p, the sprite size will always be a power of 2 while the sprite sheet is a power of 2.
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> lol, the sprites are power of 2 if the sheet is power of 2
> minimum sprite sheet size is 8 pixels down (1/8 = 0, 2/8 = 0, 4/8 = 0)
> and 8/8 = 1
> you can use math to prove that the sprite dimensions are always power of 2
> let the function, xrt(n) return the least root of that function
> first find the lowest value, p = 8
> xrt(p) = 2
> xrt(8) = 2
> 3rt(8) = 2
> let m be a multiple of p, assume that xrt(m) = 2.
> now find the next value, 2m since the next valid size is 2x the last
> xrt(2m)
> xrt(2) * xrt(m) = 2
> since the only value that x can be in xrt(n) = 1 where x is an integer > 0 while returning an integer,
> xrt(m) = 2
> since xrt(m) = 2, all valid values for m are power of 2.
> And since all values of m are factors of p, the sprite size will always be a power of 2 while the sprite sheet is a power of 2.

Now in human please? ^.^
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> Seems pretty straight-forward in my opinion.
> n and x is the target number, and the number-rooted, respectively.
> Simple algebra.

well i suppose you should send a letter to my highschool, cuz i'm a sophomore almost a junior and i havent learned any of that. especially the wording…
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rt(p) = root of p.
2rt(p) = square root of p.
3rt(p) = cubed root of p.

If something (let's call it "n") is the power of 2, that means that you can achieve "n" by multiplying two raised to a certain power.
HM used 8
3rt(8) = the cube root of 8
2*2*2 = 8
2^3 = 8

first find the lowest value, p = 8
xrt(p) = 2
xrt(8) = 2
3rt(8) = 2

In the above, you're solving for the letter "x", and you already know what "p" is, it's 8.

When he says:
let m be a multiple of p, assume that xrt(m) = 2.
He means, that any number's root of m, = 2
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  • 1 month later...
A question about the custom character creation screen, how will that be formatted?  Right now, it's set up that the different styles are in the long row, but this new format is set up so that it's Nx8.

Now, if there are separate files for sprites and items, how will this work?  Each individual sprite and item is in a different file, but the custom sprite creation thing has all the items in one file.  Will the custom character creation thing read from different files, or what?

I hope I'm being clear….if not, let me know and I'll see if I can clarify.
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  • 2 weeks later...
No.  Please read my previous post.  You can't actually use either of those numbers, because they don't go into 2.  2 times itself 3 times is 8, and 2 times itself 4 times is 16, then 32, 64, 128, etc.  You can only use those numbers.

But don't worry, just go for a relatively large number, and then don't worry about the extra "space" that's there, as it won't be used anyways.
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> No.  Please read my previous post.  You can't actually use either of those numbers, because they don't go into 2.  2 times itself 3 times is 8, and 2 times itself 4 times is 16, then 32, 64, 128, etc.  You can only use those numbers.
> But don't worry, just go for a relatively large number, and then don't worry about the extra "space" that's there, as it won't be used anyways.

No, thats incorrect. The dimensions you can u
se have to be a power of 2 such as:
01 = 2^0
02 = 2^1
04 = 2^2
08 = 2^3
16 = 2^4
32 = 2^5
64 = 2^6
and so on.
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