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Eclipse Sequel [MySql]


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Eclipse Sequel
        … Transforming Eclipse - MySql Saving ...

After a positive response about converting Eclipse's current .dat saving system to a MySql saving system I set off to work. Much like the saving system of vbGore I have so far changed Eclipse's saving system to save Classes, Items, Npcs, Player Data (Includes Spells, Bank, and Inventory), Shops, Spells, and Account data (Username, Password, and email) all to a MySql database.

Completion and Tasks
Overall, I have completed all I originally planned to do. This includes saving the Classes, Items, Npcs, Player Data, Shops, Spells, and Account data to MySql and be able to load it without problem.

Now, I just found out that vbGore has MySql saving and loading so I plan to look at that to get ideas to make my version better, more organized, and have less lag.

After this I will release a beta so users can scope out and report bugs for me to fix.

Look at VbGore MySql saving and loading to get ideas (Done)
-Add Table optimization when server loads (Done)
Maybe add more to MySql such as Elements, Arrows, and Emotions (Done)
Look at saving maps into database (Not Doing)
Add MySql setup options and such (Done)
Add editors to the server to edit classes and stuff that is now in MySql Database (Done)
Document (Later)
Release Beta to help find bugs (Done)

To use this you will need to have the MySql ODBC connector installed on your computer, you can download it from here.

And here is the beta, this only includes the server because no changes were made to client.

Here are some screenshots of the MySql Setup wizard, this does just about everything for you (Create Database and import all tables and info) all you ever need to do is just the MySql server online.

>! ![](http://www.pkmnneon.com/eclipsesql/eclipsesql1.png)

Here are some extra images that show the new feature added to the server (class editor) only visible when INI = 0 in the data.ini (Which means use mysql)

>! ![](http://www.pkmnneon.com/eclipsesql/eclipsesql6.png)

jcsnider - The making of MySql saving for Eclipse

Post any questions or comments here, please.
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MySql is not meant to be hard to use.

MySql is just a way of storing alot of data easier and better.
I plan to make step by step documentation to keep this as easy as possible but if it is the setting up the MySql server that you find hard about vbGore then this will be hard for you, nothing else is being changed.

Also, in the data.ini I put a value called INI, if you change it to 1, this completely disreguards the mysql parts and makes the server use inis and dat files like it originally does.
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Keep in mind that hard and easy are relative terms, what I can however agree with is the use of the word "better". Setting up a MySQL server is extremely simply though (especially on Windows), it's basically just downloading an installer and going through the wizard. Setting up the tables might be harder, but if you want it to be easy either get something like SQLYog or set up something like Apache with PHPMyAdmin, where the latter allows you to configure your database via a webpage.

INI-files should be completely avoided as they're considered _obsolete_ and the DAT-files are kind of flawed (they should be using a _standard_ format).

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Exactly, they are relative.

When I first tried to set-up MySql it was as hard as s***…

But now that I have learned what I have, I know that MySql is so much "better" than INI and .Dat files which I agree are VERY bugged it look me forever to figure the stuff out.

Either way, I plan to make the server detect weather the tables and such are there, and if not, create them and whatnot.

Which reminds me to add them to list of tasks  :P
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> Truthfully I don't know who in the world is Tyler is… I didnt copy but little code and that came from online tutorials. If you wish I can give links to those.

Nevermind, I misread your original post. :P

Tyler = Spodi, the guy who made vbGORE.
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Well, I didn't keep track of everything I changed… I know, if course, that 95% that was edited is in moddatabase but I do not have time to go pick out all of the changes at the time. So for now, there is no tutorial for those with existing projects. Basically I really just need people to test so I can work out the bugs that do exist.
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  • 1 month later...
This is very nice, if you don't mind me asking.. is there any way to get the source code? I'd very much like to take a look at it, and where possible add it to my own server(with your permission and credits offcourse). It's not going to be a private project, but more of a public Eclipse version I've been fiddling around with for a while now.
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