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[EO] Animations


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**Animation's Tutorial!**:

>! Animations are a feature of EO that allow users to create animations so they can use them in other things rather than only in spells.
>! The Animation Editor Form is very simple:
>! ![](http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx155/fdpodesta/animationtutorial1.jpg)
>! **Name**: Name of the Animation.
>! **Layer 0 (Below Player)**: Self explanatory. It's shown below the player.
>! **Layer 1 (Above Player)**: Self explanatory.
>! **Sprite**: The number of the sprite that will be used on that animation. You have to put the correct .bmp files in \Client\Data Files\Graphics\Animations
>! **Loop Count**: How many times the animation will repeat.
>! **Frame Count**: How many frames has the animation. The engine looks over the Animation Sprite (.bmp file) and divides it in exactly frames, so you have to make your animations to allign perfectly.
>! **Loop Time**: At what speed the animation will be shown (higher numbers represent slowers animations)
>! **Next Step**
>! All right. I've made my animation. Now how and where can I use it?
>! NPC Editor: (When the NPC attacs, it's shown that animation).
>! ![](http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx155/fdpodesta/animationtutorial3.jpg)
>! Spell Editor: (Cast Anim is shown when player is casting the spell, and animation is shown when the spell is executed)
>! ![](http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx155/fdpodesta/animationtutorial2.jpg)
>! Easy tutorial, powerful engine ;D
>! PS: Hope that the syntaxis is right, english is not my main language. If you people find any mispelled word's please tell me ^^
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  • 5 months later...

> Is it possible to apply animations to items? Like an aura when you equip x item?

Easy mod to the source. Just use the animation data type in the itemrec and have it send an animation based on the value if it is greater than 0\. It's like 3 lines of code.
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