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[Pixel Art Tutorial] Leather Archery Armor


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The pictures are mostly self-explaining. So this tutorial doesn't contain much text.
If you still don't understand a specific step feel free to ask.

Difficulty: 2/5

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As in any tutorial I made the first step are the outlines. Get a basic idea of your armor and try to get your outlines as clean as possible. You can use "black" as your color. Use the mans best friend http://www.google.com to get some examples/ideas.

Second step is adding the shoulder part, neck and waist. Details make the armor special.

Seperate the breast. This armor will be muscular. P:

Draw an upsidedown cross in the stomach area for the muscles and below the cross use one pixel for the navel. (We'll make it look like a real body).

Follow the image below to make the stomach muscles look more detailed.

Choose one brown color (it's a leather armor) and fill the big white parts with it and a golden/yellow color and fill the "stripes" with it.

Pick a way darker color than your brown and fill all the black thats left except that one wich is on the yellow stripes. Now pick a way darker color for the yellow and do the same for the rest of the black pixels. We also set the lightsource right now. In this case the light comes form the top left corner.

A brighter color then your main brown color should be chosen. This is used for the parts wich get some light and appear brighter. Try to paint those parts. DO the same for yellow.

Last step is chosing a brown wich lays between the main brown and the dark one for the outlines. This one is used for the shadowed part wich doesn't get much light. Those parts should be bottom right. Just have a look at the example.

So all in all you are done.
Of course there are several ways to make it perfect but that's not the aim of this tutorial.

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> very nice, I think this would be a very helpful tutorial.  Also, a quick question why does he have only one shoulder thing?

That's why I made it. ;) Many people would like to do pixel art but they either don't know the basics or where to start.
One shoulder-thing because it's for archers. If you google some archer armors you'll see a lot of those. This one shoulder gives you (as the archer) some defense while shooting your arrows :P
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Who the fuck cares if it usefull for pokemon and who cares if ghost can't read?
I don't see many pixel art tutorials here.
What i read through 2/3 of these comments that there is no need for more tutorials.

If you can't use it don't comment.
If you think it can be improved read the topics last part.

BTW Ghost.. I own a real leather armor and it shines a lot more then the one in this picture.
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chill the fuck out. What do you want us to read? that it's not perfect? Clearly we know that, we're giving suggestions hoping you can be mature and modify your tutorial to actually help people that are learning instead of giving them second rate shit.

BTW, doucher, http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/060/8/a/Leather_Armor_and_Helm_by_random_soul.jpg

Shiny? No. Leather is dull. Now if you have pleather that might shine. Or if it's leather with metal parts to it, that might shine. Leather itself does not really shine like metal.

I would give more tips but I don't want you to shit yourself or have an aneurysm. Instead I just did a 5 minute touch up.

![](http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7056/fagarmor.png) vs. ![](http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7171/57767921.png)
I'm not saying mine's perfect cus I know it's not, I'm not the best at dithering but I figured I'd try something new, either way it looks more like leather than bronze armor.

Now shut the fuck up and quit bitching about us actually giving constructive criticism. Nobody bashed you we just gave advice and if you can't spend 5 min to improve your tutorial, then you shouldn't be making a damn tutorial in the first place.
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use a bit leatherfat to keep the leathers quallity. This makes the leather shine. Yours has also shine. The one who has to come down is YOU.

read through my answer and then through your own -.-
this tutorial is rated by myself 2/5 so this is a newbe tut.
those who are "good" at pixel art can improve on their own. if they can't they fail and should stop pixel art.

now bitch digg a hole and make a better tut -__-
"hey we hae a new tutorial, lets destroy it niggers"

if you dont need tuts then you shouldnt get some
there are enough communities to post them on where people can an will use them.
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Haha calm down man. You've got a nice tutorial here, props. Really clear and easy to follow. But people are trying to offer some advice to help improve it so you ignore it and curse them out because you don't want to improve your tutorial? At least respect that they're trying to help you improve. They're not insulting you're tutorial, so chill out man
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