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Copyrights and Nintendo:


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I'm bringing this discussion to the Chat area where it belongs. There are many people who do not think this is a serious problem for fan developers or eclipse. The latter may not be held at fault for anything, but the former will.

First I submit to everyone who has not seen it Nintendo's stance on fan games.


As you can tell the question specifically refers to names or images, but they don't hesitate to extend it as far as they need to. Furthermore, I submit this news page from a popular pokemon site detailing information regarding recent letters sent to two popular fan sites.


And finally I recall Kreator also having one.  These are the ones I have in mind at this second. When I have more time I'll look for more instances. 

This topic is up for general discussion, as I have also been talking about it with Marsh. Fan games have always been frowned upon, but maybe it's just time to say no to them period.

Instance of a game shutdown being publicized.

Fansites being shutdown as well....
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lol, that's pretty much what they say to everyone. Some don't listen. I looked a few pages back through Google, with a basic search and found only a few other more notable instances(they've been added), and much of what I did find was publicized on several sites.

As I said I want to draw more attention to this fact for new developers coming to eclipse.
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Yea, I've been in many Nintendo development projects in the past. Mostly with the Zelda series. I've attempted twice, and the team got caught both times. Then moved on to doing a Harvest Moon 2D-MMO, that got shot down too. Not sure who owns the rights to Harvest Moon. Because I wasn't the one that received the email for it. But in a short summary, I don't create fan-based games anymore.
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I think Nintendo is doing the right thing,

For a start your stealing their ideas, of which they paid people to come up with.

Your stealing the graphics (In some games, not others) again people were paid to make them.

And well, the thought of it first and copywriter it, so meh.
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Azure you should get over yourself. Eclipse is absolutely free and only thing it provides to fangames is the engine, nobody here is held responsible for whatever the person does with that resource. Eclipse is not hosting fan game websites, Eclipse is not hosting their game servers, Eclipse is not supporting those games in any way other than allowing them to advertise for free.

It seems you have some serious issue with one of the members making such game because I only noticed you bitching there while there are at least 3 games both in active games and work in progress that run on Nintendo intelectual property. Next thing you will start telling everyone who want to hear you that RPGMaker will sue Marsh because everyone and their grandmother here use their ripped tilesets without license.

And to make things clear - I don't support fan games in this form, to make a good fan game you need to be more creative to run a project from scratch. However it's a bit annoying that you can't simply ignore it and leave it to the peopel who don't bother thinking about copywrights - if they get sued then it's realy not your problem… and Eclipse will not be held responsible for anything - fan games were always developed here, probobly one of the first type of games. Even I was doing a Zelda game in 2006\. So stop bitchin', you won't stop fans from making fangames.

I'm also realy dissapointed with your extreamly unmatey threats of mailing Nintendo.

By the way Hayloskien, it's blasphemy not blasphomy… change your signature
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Though I doubt it's normally enforced, it's actually illegal to know about a crime and not report it. If you want to know why I'm all of a sudden taking this stuff so seriously? Well for one I've seen and just reported a lot of the recent occurrences with Nintendo. Also I've been at the end of the DCMA, I had to change isp's over some bull crap involving it.

Just because you assume This thread is out of spite for one person, doesn't mean it is. Honestly I think at least the link to Nintendo's page on the matter should be put in the sticky. Like I told marsh I'm not trying to get one game shut down I want people to be more informed. If some one is informed and continues anyway then yeah I'll send an informative email to the copyright holder because it's a law.
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It is the law to report a crime to the **police**.

It's not a law to inform a company about a fan-game.

Sending an email just because you hate fan-games is just a douchebag move.  If the company doesn't want it to be made, they'll find out on their own and send a CoD letter to them.
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How about not report them?

Your not going to be charged with Obstruction of Justice just because you didn't tell the companies. :rolleyes:

If a fan-game has the proper disclaimers on them, there is a chance the companies won't bother them, if they do then oh well.
Shit happens, no need to go out of your way to make that shit happen.
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Ah, you make a valid point, and an indirect one I've been avoiding making for a few days.Yes there is a way to have a fan game be made and it be perfectly legal. Though who here actually knows what all they'd need to do for that to work?

Renzo, I'm not hell bent on ruining some kid's pokemon game. I'm making a point. That's why this is in chat not debate.
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Well there is a difference between making a point, and being obsessed with trying to shut down 1 persons game…

You made your point a long time ago, now you just keep going on and on about it. Thats not making a point anymore, thats a debate. You are debating with everyone else in this topic weather u know it or not.

You have the kid a warning, ok thats cool. NOW DROP IT. Everyone knows fan games could/do get shut down. If they chose to make one anyways its there choice they can deal with w/e happens because of it.
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