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Kool_dude4ever's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. hm… that's a large name 'imma put more names
  2. Best game ever! I'm gonna play this every day for the rest of my life!
  3. Granted, but the wish came true.. I wish I died :)
  4. Why are we still playing this game?
  5. You are banned for being a tasty snack.
  6. Granted, but you killed the matrix. I wish for a wish that i could wish for a wish that i wished for another wish so i could grant a wish that i could grant a fish for my wish to come true.
  7. It may be your Firewall, it might be blocking incoming connections.. Try to allow the program in firewall, or disable the firewall while your server is up.
  8. @Mikekan13: > people still use ES??!? Yeah, I'm planning on removing this and telling people to upgrade to EO.
  9. Maybe your IP got changed, check.
  10. Awwww :'( I'll miss him :'(
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