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Grassland/Forest Tileset


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I really really like these. The style you are going for is great.

My only pet peeve is the way everything is leaning… err the perspective I guess is a better word.

To be more precise:

Use the grass as a base view. It's tilted so you can see the front and top view. The trees are drawn as if you are viewing them from the front and _bottom_ view. The rock seems to be a straight on front view, no top or bottom sections can really be seen. (You can see some of the top, but its not at the same angle as the grass.

But like I said, I love the style, and realistically, I realistically would never notice this whole perspective thing if I wasn't staring at them looking for something wrong. :P

Edit: I don't think the palm tree really fits. Its only viewed at a front view. And the leaves I think need to be bigger and floppier… if that's descriptive enough.
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the palm tree branches are extending up in the air. they wouldnt look like that in real life from the view angle you have there. not to be rude, but i suggest looking at some real life pictures of palm trees at that angle to get a better perspective.
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> the palm tree branches are extending up in the air. they wouldnt look like that in real life from the view angle you have there. not to be rude, but I suggest looking at some real life pictures of palm trees at that angle to get a better perspective.

Actually, some palm trees do. He should make at least one other variation of the tree in favor of your opinions, though.
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