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Eclipse Cloud


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This sounds like a nice idea. I'm no expert at all at this. I'm a second class newbie. But I love the name (: Eclipse Cloud. Cloud just sounds like. Any easy to use. And that perfectly describes this. I may test this out. Where do I download the server+client? Or is it not up yet? Anyhow. Would there be plug-ins for things like quest systems or Guild systems ect. And would they slow the engine down? Anyway. Sounds good. I'll keep an eye on this ;)
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> - Snip -

Ho my bad, I didn't look at the download link provided at the end of the original post, it's out-dated. Fixed, the download page is available at http://www.minikloon.freemmorpgmaker.com/ . There's still not much interesting stuff out there, very abstract for new users, but development continues. I suggest to create your game using Eclipse Origins for now and if you want to switch in the feature, I'll create an auto-converter.

Regarding of high-level features, this is the main attraction of the plugin system and I plan to do gameplay programming on top of the lower-level plugins to provide most-wanted features.

Regarding of the engine horse-power, it's still up to much testing. Current tests aren't relevant enough to have a decisive robustness insight, but I'd be ready to claim that dozens of plugins won't slow the server down more than by 10%.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey Eclipse! Long time no see!

Some news from the front…

First, I'm now back full codding time on Cloud, no more side-projects until I find the right opportunity to go indie.

Second, I've designed a new client system and trashed the old Zap sources. The copy-cat code coming from Cloud Core wasn't satisfying enough. I've tought of something even better to fit with the plugin-based design and user-friendliness approach. It's first about streaming all the content from the server to the client on a need basis and cache it on the client. For example, if there's a new tile on a map, it'll be streamed to the client and ready to be used again if it's used again. This also means the client plugins creation workflow will be much nicer, because you won't need to write one for the client.

Third, this thread is dirty, I'll need to rework with my PR departement on that matter. AAAnd reading this thread made me realize some stuff… http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74770.0.html .

Finally, please expect some results and if I don't give enough, because I'm a lazy arse, please ho please, kick my butt.  :embarrassed:

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In a few months we'll be at 8 years. 8 years worth of failed port attempts which last about a week before being dropped.

Doesn't matter how good a programmer you are, without a huge amount of dedication a project like this simply won't be finished. It's very easy to sit there looking at my work and claim, "I can do that." but in practise it's a hell of a lot harder than it seems.

Hell, look at this entire section. Not one of these ports or edits of Origins works properly and barely any are even supported by their author.

There's a reason Origins is the _de facto_ version and all these projects do is spawn thousands of PMs in my inbox from idiots asking me why some half-arsed quest edit they found from 2009 doesn't work properly.
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As far as I'm concerned this is a slow project, but it's not a failed one.
This project has been running for 8 months, interrupted by 3 game projects, learning and real life.

I've never tried to claim I'm a great programmer, I've never said I can do as much as you did.

Why are you trying to dismiss my efforts?
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I'm not talking about your project specifically, I'm talking about this section in general. Unfinished projects cause more harm than good. The amount of people who've started working on a game based around an unsupported engine then asked me how they can possibly convert it to my latest version of EO is depressing.

If you're the one to prove me wrong then I would be ecstatic. When it comes to matters like this I love being proven wrong.
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Your work is amazing.
Everyone knows you've worked hard on this.
I agree, an unfinished project causes more harm then good.
There is A LOT of ungrateful brats on here.
Finally, no other 2D MMORPG Maker works as bug free as yours.

But you seriously have some social problems. I understand the ungrateful lot have a lot to do with that, however, you should think about if you may be hurting someones feelings. It's a communication thing.
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> But you seriously have some social problems. I understand the ungrateful lot have a lot to do with that, however, you should think about if you may be hurting someones feelings. It's a communication thing.

Think about it like Java….
There's the IRobin class, which is an interface to Robin's data for his life, history and knowledge and loaded trough a method called "LoadFromFile". And there's that method called "Behave" which is meant to return a "Behaviour" object of some sort.

But here's the implementations hierarchy:
|-> RobinIRL : Overrides LoadFromFile so the Behave method returns a BehaviourGood.
|-> RobinGamer : Overrides LoadFromFile so the Behave method returns a BehaviourAnalytics.
---|-> RobinGamerFirst : Overrides LoadFromFile so the Behave method returns a BehaviourCrazy.
|-> RobinWeb : Overrides LoadFromFile so the Behave method returns a BehaviourBad.
---|-> RobinEclipse : Overrides LoadFromFile so the Behave method returns a BehaviourTrueBadAss.

If you think Java's shit, understand that Robin is playing a role. Under the hood he likes flowers, ponies and stuff.

Now that's not related to the topic is it?
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> But you seriously have some social problems. I understand the ungrateful lot have a lot to do with that, however, you should think about if you may be hurting someones feelings. It's a communication thing.

Telling the truth is always an important tool when giving feedback to a project. In this case I'm bringing up 8 years of personal experience to point out to people that a project which doesn't post an update for weeks on end is dead. Simple as that.

It takes a couple of days to string together a working socket system and graphics engine in any language. Hell, Mirage was completed in 2 weeks. If someone can't show off more than a couple of half-arsed logos then he doesn't have the talent to write the basics in a satisfactory amount of time which says a lot about what he will be able to do in the long run.

I'm a realist. If you want someone to go around saying, "Wow, this project looks promising and not dead at all. Keep it up, you're amazing!" then you're talking to the wrong guy in the wrong place. Lying to avoid hurting your feelings is a pleasure reserved for your parents, not a drunken Brit who has better things to do.

Once again, this is simply me talking from experience. If he decides to actually do something with this then everyone wins. I love being proven wrong when everyone wins. You won't catch me holding my breath, however.
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