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What's wrong with people?

Zachary Herring

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So apparently my family and grandma think its wrong for me being 19 and dating a 32 year old… Now I would like to know what the hell is wrong with this? love sees no age and its legal i hear about it all day all night saying why are you with her blah blah blah can someone give me some advice to make them stop? besides breaking up with my girl
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I have no experience with this, but these are my two cents. Feel free to ignore it if you want. I believe people usually react like this for a few reasons, but I think it's somewhat of a normal/expected reaction just because it's uncommon. Another reason they could be reacting like that is because they're afraid you're being taken advantage of or the other way around be it for money, sex, or other things. From what I hear, couples like to be roughly around the same maturity. This could mean your girlfriend is immature, or you're mature for your age.

That being said, I have nothing against it. If you're in love, you're in love. If you make/made a mistake, it is/was yours to make. I personally know a family of five kids whose parents are fifteen years apart. It was their first and only marriage, and they're stable and doing very well.

Best of luck!
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I don't really have any advice here but your family really needs to calm down. Although it is a pretty big leap in terms of the age difference, love is love. I guess all I could suggest is having a talk with your family telling them to back off.
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> So apparently my family and grandma think its wrong for me being 19 and dating a 32 year old… Now I would like to know what the hell is wrong with this? love sees no age and its legal i hear about it all day all night saying why are you with her blah blah blah can someone give me some advice to make them stop? besides breaking up with my girl

In a sense of society ethics, I could see how it would be viewed as wrong, but than again, my ex is 17 dating a 24 year old. I think that's kinda weird.
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> i dont see how its wrong i'm legal lol… now that 17 dating a 24 yr old is wrong as hell

Now if the situation was inverted, it might look good for you, but bad for her.

In my case, the 24 year old looks all pedo dating a 17 year old, it's really a matter of perspective and opinion
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Last year I was talking to a few 18 year olds and a few below 22\. Me being 29 I found that there's definitely a cutoff. I couldn't find absolutely anything in common with them because I'm at a place in my life where I know exactly what I want, what type of person I want to be with, and I definitely want financial security and something long lasting that isn't founded on lust.

Younger men and women have absolutely no clue; they're just starting to figure themselves out. A 32 year old that is with a person younger than 25-30 has something wrong with them; they've either never grown individually, they're lonely, or there might be a chance that she's got her shit together and simply fell in lust/love. You mentioning her having anxiety and being easily startled tells me that there's something wrong.

Whether or not you can fix her and grow together is solely up to you and her. Good luck.
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I find it amusing you start your post saying that, where love is concerned, age doesn't matter. Then when someone talks about a relationship between someone 24 and 17 you find that wrong.

I don't really see a 7 year age gap being more wrong than an 11 year gap. Unless, of course, it's a 20 year old 'dating' a 10 year old.
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My mom found a guy 10 or 11 years younger than her, age difference become less of a thing as you grow, however I understand them reacting at it when you're 19\. Remember to take it slowly with your partner, I am not sure how you both look(Who is/is there a dominant, is it a same sex relationship, etc), and it sort of matters how you want to move after that.

While age does indeed matter, and I personally think that serious relationship before you're 25 sort of ruins you, since you do not get the best out of your youth, it does not always matter, and it is only you who can choose over your life and if it's right or wrong.

Edit: Adding some onto this.

I think that while people differ a lot, usually if you are "in love", it does not always last, especially when you're still a teenager.

15 year olds dating people 20+(no matter who is what sex) is in my opinion rather odd, but in Sweden, that is still legal, so I can only really just accept it happening and move on, I do not see it as straight up wrong, however I do think that relationships before you're older are more likely than not going to fail, and I believe that most ones will do this before 20 anyway, so just be careful, and don't do anything hastily.
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Budweiser is right.

Love has no age if we understand love as sex and the will of caring for each other. 

Despite this, the modern concept of relationship is based on the premise of sharing the rest of your life with someone, live together and have kids, and so many people follows this premise because it makes a lot of sense considering there will come a day when you will be unnatractive, and soon after that you will be handicapped, unable to take care of yourself.

You both are hungry of sex and satisfying yourselves, but you won't build up a life together because you can't. You're a kid and she's already old for reproduction.
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