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Is it possible for eclipse origins to get hacked?


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Is it possible for eclipse origins to get hacked because ive heard in a lot of games that get hacked (gold hacking,server hacking,etc.).so if no how does eclipse origins protect itself from hacks?if no do we have to download some kind of shield that protects the game from hacks?thank you in advance.
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Hacking 'shields' do nothing more than close the game if they detect a memory editor or something.

Origins doesn't handle anything client-side so it doesn't need to protect client-side data.

If someone is 'gold hacking' then they've simply found a bug they've abused. I highly doubt that bug is in the default source.

No idea what 'server hacking' is, but I've had everyone and their Grandma try and take down Crystalshire's server and I've yet to come across any problems.
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Stop saying 'hacks'. There are two type of people. You'll get cheaters and griefers.

Cheaters will try and find nuances within the systems which allows them to do things which shouldn't be done. For example Silverdale had a pretty wide-spread problem with party currency sharing due to a syntax error. It cause people to duplicate currency items.

As far as I know Origins has nothing like that. Adding tutorials from the forum can easily cause these to come to the surface, though.

Griefers will just try and take your game down. Right now you can quite easily take down an Origins server with a very simple system. Luckily the only people who know how to carry it off are Jake and I.
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> Ive taken down an Eclipse Stable server by typing a command in a friend list and it worked. It might be possible to do certain commands if you your players can type anything in their text bars. But ive nvr tried it on origins

Once again you're making the fatal mistake of assuming that the people who worked on the last few versions of Eclipse could actually program.

I honestly don't think you realise just how different Origins is.
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Im not making any mistake. I didn't know if you handled that issue. Personally i thought the guys who made Eclipse 2.7 just didnt think about disabling use of symbols in text bars. Im sure if someone had reported it, it would of been fixed.

But anyway im glad that doesnt happen in Origins. It was annoying because players had a pretty decent amount of commands availible to them if they knew what they were doing.
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> Im not making any mistake. I didn't know if you handled that issue.

Why would I handle that issue?


Anything which was a problem back then has no standing in the current engine _at all._
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I know that. I didnt mean "fix" i mean't "implement" i suppose, some kind of protection against that. Whether it was based off of Total Eclipse or my Grand mother's tits, if the release doesnt have a protection against that, than it can be used. Thats all im saying.
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Eurgh. Being able to type commands in to your friends list has nothing to do with the engine. It just means the person who programmed the friends list was an idiot.

Every system in Origins includes rudimentary data and access checks.

Please stop giving advice on how to handle the security of my engine. It's obvious you don't understand how the client-server system even works, let alone how to properly handle data security.
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> Griefers will just try and take your game down. Right now you can quite easily take down an Origins server with a very simple system. Luckily the only people who know how to carry it off are Jake and I.

I find this interesting. I also know that if you and Jake know how to carry it off, that someone else could find out how. ;)
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> I find this interesting. I also know that if you and Jake know how to carry it off, that someone else could find out how. ;)

Quite easily. Luckily most people don't bother reading the existing code. It's an easy fix, I just can't be bothered doing it till I actually need to.
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> Botting is not hacking.

Packet Editing? Change from 10 exp to 1000000 exp?
Just a thought.
I mean, if it is possible, maybe we should encrypt our packet, if it isn't already encrypted.
Sorry if I'm wrong. Networking is still on my list of To Study so I'm not fully understand yet. Once I learn that, I'm confident, I know how how EO work completely.

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The hell are you talking about? The only packets you can edit are those going in and out of the client.

Surprisingly Origins does not have a feature where you can send a packet to the server and it sets your EXP to that amount. >_>

The client is a dumb terminal. It sends commands to the server and receives the data needed to render the scene. That's it. No point encrypting data which means nothing.
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Most private servers nowadays exist because:

A. The server files were obtained.

B. Most of the processing is client-sided (the server acts as a dumb terminal - . ^).

C. Packet sniffing was done over a long course of time.

For all the games that I've seen that have been hacked into were poorly coded. Sad to see that paid programmers do a poorer job than free work from Robin, the independent programmer.

tl;dr: Origins is better coded than most games requiring a "gameguard" or "hackshield." Don't worry about anything ;]
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> tl;dr: Origins is better coded than most games requiring a "gameguard" or "hackshield." Don't worry about anything ;]

Just wanted to say something, the problem with making the client the dumb terminal is that it's computationally expensive for the server to manage many players at once, so most of them leave the some processing to the clients. This leads to hacking (if you call it that). Origins is so lightweight this doesn't need to happen, not many computations are very expensive.
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Soul got it right there. I can do pretty much anything I want with Origins because I don't have a budget or a deadline.

When you start dealing with huge, huge games like APB then the cost of hosting the server goes through the roof.

World of Warcraft and Runescape both do the 'dumb terminal' model pretty damn well, but for companies without that kind of bank then it becomes harder.
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If you're looking for a cheap server then I recommend a VPS (Virtual Private Server), it's basically like an online storage container that looks exactly like a desktop but it never shuts down. In order to use a VPS you would have to transfer the server program to the container and then change your host IP and port forwarding IP address to the address of the VPS. It's usually around $24.99-$27.79 if i remember correctly at www.VPSland.com
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