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Everything posted by Redevenz

  1. Does that mean that there is no possible way of editing classes and creating new ones without this error?
  2. So I basically finished updating my server information and my client but now my server says "Run-time Error '9': Subscript out of range" I was wondering if anyone could answer the question of why it's doing this and what the solution may be. Finding topics on here is like trying to find a sane person in an asylum. Edit: If anyone would know how to reverse these changes also that would be very helpful in my project's progression.
  3. Thanks for your support! I'll use the feedback for future tracks and all of these tracks are MIDI convertable by the way.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. Just started composing on a new platform and it's coming along pretty fast if I say so myself. Everyone has their own taste in music so what you dislike could be liked by others but I liked hearing what you had to say.
  5. !SpamBot! v2.4 comes with full instructions and does exactly as the name says. Spams a single text box even if its an online game box, notepad, etc.
  6. Here I will post things such as Visual Basic 6.0 & Visual Studio 2010 projects, possible tutorials/directional images and more. I will update this every time I complete a project worth sharing whether it's simple or complex everything has a use for it. Most likely I'll upload everything in a .rar file so make sure you have WinRar. If you don't have it get it free here at http://www.win-rar.com/ EDIT: Please leave feedback and comment along with some things you'd like me to make along the way. Limit your requests to things of a casual basis not something that you would use for illegal purposes. Please note that most of these programs are in their final stage and production is no longer in progress. –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **MiniWeb v1.3** A browser extension created to maximize you web speed at the expense of your addons. **!SpamBot! v2.4** It's just as it says. It's a SpamBot in it's final version.
  7. I am testing out a new riff for a type of introduction title screen/beginning map. This demo is an actual cut guitar demo called "Morning" using the "step-by-step" method. This content is licensed under my band name but I give permission to anyone to use it as part of their project. But you must credit me as part of the copyright agreement. I will keep posting my progress as I go and eventually make a MIDI version but until then it might be a little slow on updates. EDIT: I have added other intro demos below including map themed. Enjoy! And please leave me requests, feedback, and comments so I know what I can do to improve on my skills.
  8. Because the default spawn point is set to that map in a certain position. If you want to change spawn points you will have to edit it in the script if I remember correctly.
  9. Redevenz

    1 Question

    I just stated that. You just completely repeated what I said in a different context….
  10. Dude, EO is an open source. All of the sources should be right in the servers folder. Browse around.
  11. Redevenz

    1 Question should be your default gateway. Type this into your IE browser and a login screen should come up. It depends on your router but your default settings should most likely be User: Admin, Pass: Password. Once you gain access to your routers internals there should be a label along the lines of "Port" or "Port Forwarding" once you find this go to add new port forwarding rule. Input your port in both the in/out boxes and label your rule so you remember what it's there for. If all else fails you can find your default gateway by going to start>search and typing cmd and enter. Once in the command prompt type Ipconfig and it should show you all of your info. You want wireless/lan settings.
  12. There could be many reasons. Maybe the error is in your script, you misspelled something? Provide more information.
  13. Maybe the fact that i took no time and effort "In a few minutes" makes sense. Example, template, bare minimum is the point of this.
  14. I worked on this for a few minutes just to give users something to work off of for a style. This is based off of the old school game Endless-Online. I played for many years and decided to give developing early EO style UI a go and here it is. Use it as you want as a template or part of your project. It was developed via MS Paint and GIMP.
  15. If you're looking for a cheap server then I recommend a VPS (Virtual Private Server), it's basically like an online storage container that looks exactly like a desktop but it never shuts down. In order to use a VPS you would have to transfer the server program to the container and then change your host IP and port forwarding IP address to the address of the VPS. It's usually around $24.99-$27.79 if i remember correctly at www.VPSland.com
  16. All you need is a virtual pixel program like MS Paint and just use the zoom for significant details.
  17. 1\. Access your server application and locate yourself on the online players list. Make yourself an administrator. 2\. Your graphics have to be to a certain dimension or they will not show up or be shown off center. Use caution when developing sprites. 3\. You can create certain instances within the game with the built in moderation system itself but further detailed modification will require programing.
  18. Redevenz

    Item cutting

    Usually the image splitter can only handle an image of a smaller size without error. If you really want a way to split them then look at the dimensions of the images default and clip the items close as visually possible. Then later you can change the resolution to match that of the default.
  19. If you are trying to run the server 24/7 then get a VPS. It's only 25-50$ a month and its always up.
  20. Redevenz

    EO Requirements

    The more resources like graphics and custom scripts you add to it the more resources it takes to run. A 3D MMORPG on average that I've seen takes about 50-70% to run at full graphics with ultra high surface textures. i'm sure a 2D MMORPG engine will be easy to handle if you have XP or higher.
  21. Redevenz

    How to?

    Microsoft has some really good tutorials to help you with writing those kind of variables.
  22. Actually you go into modules and then modConstants and the GAME_NAME= should be located in that code. Just need to scroll down a little bit until you run across it.
  23. Wouldn't that require major changes in the code and image additions as well along with several other components?
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