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Everything posted by hedgy

  1. hedgy

    EO3.0 event glitch

    Found a bug where players can recieve a higher amount of the item they'll get from an event if they want to. I'm creating the following event: >Show some chatbox >Give 100gold >Set switch (required to activate this event) TRUE, as in already activated, you can't recieve the item again. I spam CTRL 9times before I press "continue". And I recieve 900gold. When you have a high attacking speed this bug could be activated quite easely on accident. I would appreciate it if someone can look into this.
  2. Found a bug where players can recieve many items they get from an event if they want to :s I'm creating the following event: >Show some chatbox >Give 100gold >Set switch (required to activate this event) TRUE, as in already activated, you can't recieve the item again. I spam CTRL 9times before I press "continue". And I recieve 900gold. When you have a high attacking speed this bug could be activated quite easely on accident.
  3. You just open a way for people to connect to your server. Without this 0 people would be able to join (unless you decide to use hamachi or something, but that's basicly port forwarding through another network). With port forwarding as many people your computer can handle will be able to join. Cheapest is to host it yourself which requires port forwarding. But it'll always cost something, you need an stable internet connection & electricity. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  4. I found a bug in the sound system. (this does not happen at EO2.3) When I play a wave sound of 705kbps, 1 second long and 144KB size and try to play in an event it plays once. When I play a wave sound of 263kbps, 2 seconds long and 79,9KB size and try to play in an event it keeps playing untill I close the whole game (it even goes ahead at main menu) I suppose it's not supposed to loop no matter what the sizes are, right?
  5. I'd like to share the formula I've created for the Exp to give. **Server side** Look in modCombat, PlayerAttackNpc for: ``` ' Calculate exp to give attacker ``` The line under it should be: ``` exp = Npc(npcNum).exp ``` Replace it with: ``` exp = Npc(npcNum).exp + (Npc(npcNum).Level - GetPlayerLevel(attacker)) * (1 + Npc(npcNum).exp Mod 10) ``` Examples: A NPC with 70 exp will give 1 EXP difference per level. A NPC with 78 exp will give 9 EXP difference per level. A NPC with 249 exp will give 10 EXP difference per level. The amount of exp your NPC gives will only be the same when the NPC and player have the same level. If the player is lower he'll recieve more, and if the player is higher he'll recieve less.
  6. That didn't change anything. ![:unsure:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//unsure.png)
  7. It does give the buff. But it doesn't update the stat value in 'character'. Untill the player changes to a new map. Also, the movement speed which is in my case based on agility, doesn't see the change in agility untill the player changes map. So I suppose I need something, that also updates those values in 'character' Hope I explained better now.
  8. Thanks for the fast reply ertzel However, it didn't fix the problem. Same results as before. If it matters. I'm testing this with agility. That's the easiest way as agility also increases the moving speed for me. I'll test it with other stats and edit this post with the results. **Edit** Max HP does update when I choose endurance. However it's quite odd how he doesn't update the stats at 'character' unless you move map. ATK works fine. STR works fine, except for updating the stats at character.
  9. Works on EA3.0.7\. There's one problem though. The stats won't update untill the player relogs or moves to another map. Any idea how to update player stats after a buff ended?
  10. hedgy

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    Works fine on **eclipse advanced 3.0.7** with a few changes When opening the client on vb6 I recieved an error message when I wanted to open the chat, to fix that [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Replace (client side):[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]``` frmMain.txtMyChat.text = vbNullString ```[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]with:[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]``` UpdateShowChatText ```[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Also when I relogged after creating the guild, the MOTD was a bunch of strange characters for me. Probably because it's an empty MOTD. I have the same issue with NPCs. To make the starting MOTD less ugly I added this server side in [/background][background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]sub MakeGuild[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Find:[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]``` GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_Members(1).Online = True ```[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Under it add:[/background] [background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]``` GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_MOTD = "Welcome" ```[/background] Thank you!
  11. In this topic ( [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127309-eclipse-nightly-releases-24-30/page__st__520](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127309-eclipse-nightly-releases-24-30/page__st__520) ) I suggested global variables which I still really hope to see. Some other ideas: -Change NPC movement speed -Spell buffs -Fill feature at attributes -Copy-paste events (also to other maps)
  12. A lot of program languages are based on C. Which is why I'm learning C. In programming 'games' C++ is much used I heard, (at least, in the big games.) It's different when you talk about web games or androids. I never heard about LUA btw. ![:o](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//ohmy.png)
  13. With hamachi it should work without no-ip or router port forwarding. Check your firewall settings and see if it allows all connections. Control panel -> Network and Internet -> System and security -> Windows Firewall -> Allow a program or feature through windows Firewall -> Look for your server (or add it) and make sure Home/Work(private) and Public are both checked.
  14. You guys said making the form was an annoying part of the work. Since I'm not a VB6 programmer I though I could help out making the form. I'm sorry if I misunderstood.
  15. I'm not a vb6 programmer, but forms. That shouldn't be hard. Hope you can use this! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) [attachment=256:frmEditor_Events.zip] Added (Hope I don't forgot to list anything) Tried to make the names as similar as possible to the others. cmdCommands (x2) fraCommand lblRandomLabel lblRandomLabel cmbSetGlobalSwitch cmbSetGlobalSwitchTo cmbGlobalSwitch_Ok cmbGlobalSwitch_Cancel fraCommand plenty of lblRandomLabel cmbGlobalVariable txtGlobalVariableData (x5) optGlobalVariableAction (x4) cmdGlobalVariableOK cmdGlobalVariableCancel optCondition_Index (x2) cmbCondition_GlobalSwitch cmbCondtion_GlobalSwitchCondition cmbCondition_GlobalrVarIndex cmbCondition_GlobalVarCompare txtCondition_GlobalVarCondition First time I done a form without a tutorial, criticism is welcome.
  16. Thank you! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  17. Sprite background should be actually transparant instead of a color. Also sprites should be saved as .png in the newest version.
  18. > I think global would really be global, server-wide that saves even when the server is shut off… Or at least, that is what comes to mind :/ This. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  19. Hopefully someone can realize the suggestion and maybe create a source tutorial for it.
  20. I have a suggestion. That would be a very nice touch I think. Global variables and switches. Variables/Switches that are the same for everyone. This way you could for example do an event, where everyone have to collect x items together. The event adds 1 everytime someone gives an item. And when it hits the x it unlocks something.
  21. Description looks great, but the shop price should be lower ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/2u6pr4l.png)
  22. If anyone has a converter for this, it would be very usefull for me too. I have plenty of EE 2.6 maps made.
  23. > Possible to add multiple characters on accounts in this version? No
  24. This works fine with the event system, (tested with eclipse advanced 3.0.7) Thank you.
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