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Everything posted by hedgy

  1. hedgy

    Forum Moderation Team

    Link to ban panel pl0x
  2. Here at school I also recieve the upload > download speeds. ![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/2584581622.png) 0ms ping is just impossible…
  3. Thanks, great tutorial! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) If anyone needs the code for DAMAGE MP add this to npcspellplayer before end select ``` Case SPELL_TYPE_DAMAGEMP ' Make sure an npc waits for the spell to cooldown If Spell(SpellNum).IsAoE Then For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then If GetPlayerMap(i) = mapnum Then If isInRange(Spell(SpellNum).AoE, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).y, GetPlayerX(i), GetPlayerY(i)) Then InitDamage = Spell(SpellNum).Vital + (Npc(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).num).stat(Stats.intelligence) / 2) Damage = InitDamage - Player(i).stat(Stats.willpower) If Damage
  4. Done this in EA 3.0.7\. May work in other versions too. This will not re-cast a spell if the same spell is already casting. The spell will still be cancelled if you try to cast another spell. If you don't want the spell to be cancelled no matter what other spell you cast, then simply change "If SpellBuffer = X" and "If SpellBuffer = spellnum" to "If SpellBuffer 0" (client) at modClientTCP in Sub SendHotbarUse under ``` If PlayerSpells(X) = Hotbar(Slot).Slot Then ``` add ``` If SpellBuffer = X Then Exit Sub ``` at modInput in Sub Spells_DoubleClick under ``` If spellnum 0 Then ``` add ``` If SpellBuffer = spellnum Then Exit Sub ```
  5. Thanks a lot! Will be using this. It would be nice if you could get an image (which could be a shade or something) going through the path you're jumping.
  6. > well we have a bug in this system > > when you kill an NPC you cant kill other in same line because the dead npc in front let a invisible block to next projectile Try replacing sub handleprojectiles with this one: ``` Public Sub HandleProjecTile(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal PlayerProjectile As Long) Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long ' check for subscript out of range If Index < 1 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Or PlayerProjectile < 1 Or PlayerProjectile > MAX_PLAYER_PROJECTILES Then Exit Sub ' check to see if it's time to move the Projectile If GetTickCount > TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile).TravelTime Then With TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile) ' set next travel time and the current position and then set the actual direction based on RMXP arrow tiles. Select Case .Direction ' down Case DIR_DOWN .y = .y + 1 ' check if they reached maxrange If .y = (GetPlayerY(Index) + .Range) + 1 Then ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile: Exit Sub ' up Case DIR_UP .y = .y - 1 ' check if they reached maxrange If .y = (GetPlayerY(Index) - .Range) - 1 Then ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile: Exit Sub ' right Case DIR_RIGHT .x = .x + 1 ' check if they reached max range If .x = (GetPlayerX(Index) + .Range) + 1 Then ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile: Exit Sub ' left Case DIR_LEFT .x = .x - 1 ' check if they reached maxrange If .x = (GetPlayerX(Index) - .Range) - 1 Then ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile: Exit Sub End Select .TravelTime = GetTickCount + .Speed End With End If x = TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile).x y = TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile).y ' check if left map If x > Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).MaxX Or y > Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).MaxY Or x < 0 Or y < 0 Then ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile Exit Sub End If ' check if hit player For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex ' make sure they're actually playing If IsPlaying(i) Then ' check coordinates If x = Player(i).x And y = GetPlayerY(i) Then ' make sure it's not the attacker If Not x = Player(Index).x Or Not y = GetPlayerY(Index) Then ' check if player can attack If CanPlayerAttackPlayer(Index, i, False, True) = True Then ' attack the player and kill the project tile PlayerAttackPlayer Index, i, TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile).Damage ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile Exit Sub End If End If End If End If Next ' check for npc hit For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS If x = MapNpc(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Npc(i).x And y = MapNpc(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Npc(i).y Then ' they're hit, remove it and deal that damage ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) If CanPlayerAttackNpc(Index, i, True) Then PlayerAttackNpc Index, i, TempPlayer(Index).ProjecTile(PlayerProjectile).Damage ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile Exit Sub End If End If Next ' hit a block If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(x, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then ' hit a block, clear it. ClearProjectile Index, PlayerProjectile Exit Sub End If End Sub ```
  7. I'm personally going to skip the main quests. (Maybe only the first few ones) then just grind the best dungeons to level & nests to farm. Dragon nest in open world would be epic and probably annoying at the same time. Most likely less doors & cutscenes in the levels too so it may even become worse.
  8. I love dragon nest, played on SEA quite long. I've signed up for the EU closed beta a week ago
  9. hedgy

    Playstation 4

    For me (netherlands, GMT+1) it'll be starting at thursday 0:00, I'll definately watch. I've bought a xbox 360 in the last gen, simply because it was cheaper to buy, even though both the xbox & playstation have some exclusive games, from the xbox I only played & enjoyed 1 so far. While at the playstation this would be at least all of the ratchet & clank games. Also, I've been fighting through this whole gen without online play on HD consoles, so I definately won't make the wrong mistake again…. Unless Playstation makes the same mistake to make the ps4 that expensive again. Hate money! >_< I've heard rumours about next gen consoles blocking used games. That's another part that may affect the console I chose… But not as much the prices will.
  10. You can put tilesets client side at data files/graphics/tilesets name them 1.bmp, 2.bmp, and so on. (I think PV uses bmp, but I may be wrong) each tile in a tileset should be 32x32\. And the first tile in the tileset should be filled with the color you wanna use for transparency. I'm sure pv has some examples for you in the same folder.
  11. > GivePlayerItems Sub or Function not defined…. Why??? replace the whole HandleGiftTime sub with: ``` Public Sub HandleGiftTime(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer If frmServer.scrlItem.Value < 1 Then Exit Sub If FindOpenInvSlot(index, 1) = 0 Then Exit Sub GiveInvItem index, frmServer.scrlItem.Value, frmServer.scrlItemAmount.Value PlayerMsg index, "You Got '" & Trim$(Item(frmServer.scrlItem.Value).Name) & "' value '" & frmServer.scrlItemAmount.Value & "' from login 10 seconds", Yellow ```
  12. I like the point, shoutbox channels and have you searched pop-up at the Q&A board ideas.
  13. hedgy

    Wont drop items

    Right clicking should either drop the item, or, (when it's stackable) a question on how many you want to drop shows up in the chatbox.
  14. I don't see a message from Garbran he solved it, so I like to add something else you can try. Download & Install: [http://www.oldapps.c…ectx=4#download](http://www.oldapps.com/directx.php?old_directx=4#download)
  15. Before I used to connect to Sonic Online locally. With neox hosting, I do not recognise any lag. In fact, it's just as fast when I connected to it locally. (Speedtest from me to france http://www.speedtest.net/result/2515780564.png ) And you can test it yourself if you play Sonic Online. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  16. When I heard the word for the first time and asked what it ment, it was told me it's simply another word for 'newbie'. I never found it a very offensive word actually. I saw plenty people calling theirselves a noob. But I guess I was wrong.
  17. Global variables & switches. For EO 3.0 (variables & switches that will change for everyone when changed, saved in a .ini file server side Example: An event where all players together have to collect 1000apples, each time a player delivers an apple to the event NPC the variable will be +1\. 10 players each collecting 100apples would be ennough already. When the 1000 is hit, a door with the global variable requirement 1000apples could then open. ) I also love: Npc spell casting, Improve the attack animations There is a npc spell casting somewhere, but it wasn't complete if I'm right the attachements where removed? The multiple drop worked fine for me in EO3.0 so I'm not sure why that one has to recieve a new tutorial.
  18. Music can be midi and mp3 (I think), and sound .wav
  19. global IP ( http://ipchicken.com/ ) works for some routers too to access your router. When I was new to this stuff I used to use that one because it worked, but when I recieved a new router I noticed I had to use my default gateway. In case anyone new to port forwarding reading in this topic is getting confused by the different IPs. Default gateway = best way to connect to your router. LAN IP (aka IPv4) = An IP that mostly looks similar to your default gateway, in common cases only the last number is different, this IP tells to which computer on you network you open a port for/connect to. You'll only note this at port forwarding, or to connect to your server from a computer that's connected to the same network. You can find it the same way as your default gateway. In command prompt -> ipconfig Global IP = IP other people from other networks will use to connect to your PC. Put this one at config.ini for the client you send to others. You can find this IP at sites like ipchicken.com (I'm no expert either so correct me if I'm wrong. )
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