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Everything posted by Ne-o-x

  1. Finished the game ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Is really good ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  2. Best game I have even played and even worked for ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  3. Misused. Youcan make very nice maps using them. But many of the new games that come are not focusing so much on mapping.
  4. @Erwin: > Which programm do you use to make this? You can grab a free copy from here (microsoft link) http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-csharp-express
  5. Ne-o-x

    Site Downtime

    OMG OMG :) What are you hiding? :D
  6. Ne-o-x


    http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Akhlis-2798/hero/3077659 :D Well the game is starting to be stupid :) To hard if you ask me =]
  7. I'll help you too with a bump :) BUuUuUMP
  8. Ne-o-x


    @Agoraphobic: > I loved the game first time and second time through. After that I came to rely on the AH more and more because of my summoner build. Cookie cutter builds emerge and you're almost forced to use the AH. Inferno mode is silly and items at that level cost so much gold or real money. > > **Spoiler** > > >! I agree with you Neo, what happened to Leah was wrong. The angel didn't even try to save her, just caught her on fire to reveal Diablo. I wanted revenge and all that sweet stuff
  9. Ne-o-x


    Well the Act 1 Act 2 and the last act are well made. And the story line :) Is awesome, but when Leah died I expected more -.- Not only a "What sort of hero you are neph" This is my biggest disappointment. I loved Leah
  10. Neat stuff! I love it. I really do!
  11. Well I just want to point out that Sound System have problems.
  12. I wish you guys good luck.
  13. Ne-o-x

    List of Donators

    Nooooooo I'm not on that list :) GOing to kill my fav Marshmallow :)
  14. @Düsk: > ![](http://oi42.tinypic.com/35a3p90.jpg) > Lazy'd out on the hilt, bleh my mind cant work diagonally D: Omg! Nice Sword!
  15. As expected :) Well I have been started to read the script, I don't wanna copy+paste something without understanding it, so here comes the first question: In this block of code ``` Call DDS_BackBuffer.SetForeColor(RGB(255, 255, 255)) MapNum = Player(MyIndex).Map XX = Map.MaxX YY = Map.MaxY With BLOCKrect .Top = 8 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With PLAYERrect .Top = 0 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 4 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With NPCrect .Top = 4 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With WALKrect .Top = 4 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 4 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With BLANKrect .Top = 0 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With ``` You tell to the client(?) from where to read(?) that dots from the minimap.bmp ?? *I hope you understand what I mean* Also even if I'm a noob when come to scripting (0/100
  16. Well I have tried and no luck >.< Can you make a small .exe example and share it? I'm sure if I see a working example I will know how to adapt it to Origins.
  17. Okay guys, so I want to make a "ToDo:" textBox. Well I have been added the text box on the form and named it: txtToDo And Also I have created a todo.txt file in the same folder as the server is. But now how can I Save anything I added on the text box to that todo.txt file and also when I open the server how can I make it to auto read/open the todo.txt inside the txtToDo? With Love, Neox :D
  18. So, can someone convert this to EO 2.0? Many thanks.
  19. How can I remove the Pink area near the character when you wanna make a new one? Is there any way to remove it? If yes, can you explain?
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