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Everything posted by Lenton

  1. @Owen: > I don't really see the problem. Didn't know Eclipse was a website framework too… Engine development and website development are two separate things in game development.
  2. @Marsh: > Its fine as long as it doesnt get out of hand. Thing is, most people don't post programming related questions here because there isn't a board for, so they just go to another forum.
  3. @Pete: > Because discussing it here doesn't work… Why? This board is meant for Eclipse related questions "Ask for help regarding any aspect of Eclipse development". Website development is a common subject and is part of overall game development therefore deserves its own board. I also don't want to have to look through eclipse related threads to find web development threads that I can contribute to.
  4. [If only there was a board to post these sort of website development questions on.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78548.0.html) Are you hosting your website with a web hosting company or do you have your own web server? If you have your own web server, what operating system are you using?
  5. I new this was fake, right from the point he said he has a girlfriend and goes on Eclipse.
  6. Just bought the domain crzyware.com. Anyone want to buy it for £50?
  7. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    My computars well fast, have you seen how fast my cursor moves?
  8. Are you sure the internal IP is the one of the computer that's running the server? Has the internal IP changed since you made the port forward?
  9. 4001? It says 7001 in the screenshot. Maybe a firewall is blocking connections?
  10. Check with [this](http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/) to see if your port is open.
  11. Entry on behalf of [Simpar7](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=23611): >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/W3ToR.png)
  12. @Crest: > Isn't this considered a debate xD It's debatable.
  13. Voted. I never let down a fellow Eclipsian when in need of blackup.
  14. Lenton

    Looking for a mate

    @Mr.: > THE duck AM I READING?
  15. @SuperSake: > I THOUGHT YOU WERE ALL UGLY NURDZ ;V You thought correctly.
  16. ![](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3327/3294670943_969c0919de_z.jpg) mmmmmmmm
  17. Yeah, I prefer your idea of having an application development and website development board in the miscellaneous category. Tutorials can be posted alongside other discussion/question threads. The current 'websites' board could probably become a child board of website development.
  18. There is no where on the Eclipse forum to discuss programming which is unrelated with the Eclipse engine. I request that this board structure gets added to the 'Miscellaneous' category: Miscellaneous –--Programming --------Non-Eclipse projects ----Website Development --------Websites All topics from http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,107.0.html and http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,106.0.html should be moved into this structure.
  19. So many people ask how to do this.
  20. @Anna: > This isn't 4chan, kiddies. Stop acting like animals and leave the girl alone. Oh wait, humans are animals.
  21. Looks like Microsoft wants you to use Bing instead.
  22. @Wyz: > Lucky for us, your internet opinion counts for two stacks of poo and a 3 week old carton of milk. Haha!
  23. Still waiting for that 16 year old mustache and I'm nearly 18.
  24. ![](http://i.imgur.com/4DWmq.png)
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