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Everything posted by Helladen

  1. > That isn't even the windows 8 GUI. > > If you don't like the new App menu don't use it, i get along well without it. Hell there is even a program out that adds the start menu back if that's what you prefer. That's called fixing a problem Microsoft should of addressed. I'll pass on bogging down my OS, and quite a few programs don't even work with Windows 8 (used the customer preview). There's basically no incentive to use this OS. Please tell me one aside from maybe being slightly faster. The apps suck, they aren't good at all. Microsoft shouldn't install them by default either, because I'd much rather use Android for tablet and phone. Windows will never be cutting edge for mobile. It is a waste for them to destroy the desktop experience.
  2. > One thing has started to bug me, all those metro apps force themselves into fullscreen. Really a pain in the ass when im trying to multitask. My biggest compliant is the metro interface popping up when I played games, but I switched back to Windows 7, thank god. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  3. I do agree that the spells in the game suck. If it had the spell system of World of Warcraft with the play style of Guild Wars 2, and some other tweaks here and there, it would be a much better game.
  4. > You're complaining that the OS you've used for a year (despite not liking it) is too unfamiliar? Obvious BS. > > You are also calling an app-based OS a step _backward,_ of all things_._ lool_._ Welcome to the future of tech. You're going to hate it. Not unfamiliar, it is just designed wrong. The way they did it is completely horrible, and even if they are using it as a transition phase, it is still not the right way.
  5. I used it for almost a year, thank you very much. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  6. We're aiming at some sort of reward for previous players. This may be a feat of strength (part of the achievements system) that doesn't really give you any real perks, but it can be displayed for bragging rights in the new game/website. Other than that we strongly encourage people that haven't completely experienced the game to still try it, because we need valuable opinions on changes we're making to the new version. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  7. Windows 8 sucks. I won't be using it until the next generation consoles come out, because I heard that the new Xbox will allow Windows 8 to run games on it. Other than that perk, it is simply a step backwards in my opinion. Although, I don't know how I would make a seamless OS across all platforms. Sometimes it is best to keep things separated for what users are used to.
  8. > Umm i wrote it so obviously i like it. Your logic is dumb, and void. Only nerds like their own stuff. It is a given when you write something you support it, and liking something doesn't always mean you actually like it, but can understand or relate to it in some way. Tip of the day for you. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  9. > Will we get our accounts wiped? Yes. It uses a new engine, with refined content, and a whole new approach at leveling. Why wouldn't it? There is a lot planned to improve in the game, and letting players skip over that would be unfair to those that just started (since it is officially a new launch). Plus, they would miss out on the enhanced world. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  10. I'm in the 40 range, and it is kind of boring after awhile, but it is still a fun game for a good amount of time. It just is a game you break from for a few weeks when you're bored, play a little when you feel like playing it, and repeat for years to come. The F2P model for the MMO is amazing (buy it and can play indefinitely), so that is one of the sole reasons I still support ArenaNET.
  11. We're going to have paperdolling and the UI is going to be revamped to match the art better. Those item/spell icons are placeholders for now, too. This may change at anytime though.
  12. Helladen

    New Developer

    > If the community is going to vote, I would like someone to do a breakdown of the code, for each one or for a few of the more promising ones. Maybe a couple of people could do it so it goes faster or whatever. > > As far as engines go, if anyone rewrites the packet system with UDP packets they have my vote, unless they seriously duck up. Why would you want UDP? UDP is more for p2p type of networking. TCP is more trustworthy, and managing packets would become a much bigger mess in my opinion. I think anyone who wants to improve the core engine and not add more features would be a good replacement, but good luck to whoever wants to take Jscinder's place.
  13. I think you're crazy to compete with RPG Maker/Game Maker/Stencyl/Construct 2/Construct Classic if you plan on using the Visual Basic 6 language or Mirage for the core engine. There are so many engines out that work fine for single-player games.
  14. > I tried WoW once i think it was just before cataclysm i was bored by the time i reached level 10 World of Warcraft has always had a slow progression to get you addicted, but once you get addicted you're hooked. This expansion is pretty fun, better than Cataclysm. I really hated that expansion, but I sure do miss the good 'ol days of Burning Crusade and WotLK.
  15. > You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 17 That's a rotten way to look at life. There are many amazing things about our body. You just look at it in a negative way. I agree with Devo, if what you are saying is true just let him do what he wants. You should perhaps confront him about it if you are that worried. Although sometimes it is best to let people deal with their own problems, Human emotions are extremely unstable, and people use different things to cope. Not everyone thinks the same, and when you involve yourself in their problems, you may cause further harm to them than what you are trying to help them resolve.
  16. > You know you didn't have to purchase the expansion just because you signed up for the annual pass, right? I didn't and my AP runs out next month. I still have three months left, and I wanted to get my final moments of the game. I had $20 from my Diablo III balance I made from auctions, so it only costed me $20 for it; I would rather try this expansion out anyway and not waste the subscription time doing absolutely nothing.
  17. I bought it only cause I did the annual pass for Diablo 3, but I don't think I'm going to be playing it after that. This game has just got really stale, and they just keep doing the same old thing hoping their player base will remain happy. This honestly has been a big letdown to me and the expansion was just a way to market to more casual players, good thing I got Torchlight II/Guild Wars II to keep me occupied after.
  18. Obvious troll. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  19. > It say i dont have dx8vb.dll but i installed run times and ect… If you are using a 64 bit OS, you need to place it into C://Windows/System.
  20. I would completely throw out the entire DirectX class and use Jscinder's version if I was him. The Eclipse Advanced posted above has the GUI and everything. It is a huge amount of work and not hard, just a pain in the ass. Crystalshire is cluttered with bugs anyway, I don't want to help people who are completely lost in their own vision and ignore any feedback they receive.
  21. The thing is people don't even want to fix it for money. It is a waste of time and effort when Jscinder already replaced it. If you like the feel of Crystalshire you can just adjust the movement and editors slightly. It takes like 5 minutes. Fixing that DirectX class would take a lot more time. I have replaced DirectX classes a few times, so I have some experience in this, and every single sub has to be modified if you make any breaking changes. Robin has preset constant values in each sub most likely, so to revise this I would have to go through each sub and clean it up, and alter it to be dynamic.
  22. Honestly, your target audience wouldn't be other game developers, and not very many people have seen RPG Maker tiles. I would like to clarify that they are overused, but it doesn't mean they can't be used/viable to use.
  23. When people suggest better alternatives, we're just trying to help you out - not rob you. > Not completely broken, Robin figured it out, so why not some1 here? It just needs some thing of unloading/reloading textures when form loses focus, that is main problem Robin didn't fix his DX8 class, he still uses preset sizes for his assets, and Jscinder did a much better job at making the class flexible. That is bad practice and just plain horrible. He may have a fancy UI, but deep down it is probably a bloody mess. As much as I would like to say Mirage itself is just not worth using, why people use it is beyond me, and if you want to take the extra time to code in this ancient thing more power to you. I can't even get Visual Basic 6 to run on Windows 8\. I'm stuck using portable, which has a load of problems in itself. The big thing here is if your data can be converted why not just use the better engine? Your data can be converted easily to EO 3.0 or whatever version it is now.
  24. I sprited with them for an attempt a long time ago for my game, but I lost the files and all. I know Green Raven is the author, so if you Google that plus Breeze it will surely pop up somewhere. I did a quick search and found [this](http://www.phanxgames.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9108). Good luck on finding them. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  25. You should use the newer version of Breeze. It has been years since I messed with Breeze though, but the new version is worth the effort to find.
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