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Everything posted by Helpmeplz

  1. Is that an edited MapleStory sprite? ![](http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff170/legendweaver/maplestorybasesprite.png?t=1290823141) Hmm probably not, but it reminds me of it.
  2. @Zonova: > reflex is a type of scope. No, that's reflex sight. Well if anyone decides to host a Ps3 one, pm me. ;D
  3. Actually it takes longer to kill someone in Black Ops. Btw, reflex is a skill isn't it?
  4. La' tale palette. I guess that La' tale influence grew on you. Looks nice, Chak.
  5. Awh…If someone hosts a PS3 one I'd join.
  6. Awesome Tom. Gratz. I thought you got married already though. XD
  7. Helpmeplz

    Black Ops

    I preordered it on PS3. norbit27 for who ever owns a ps3
  8. Helpmeplz

    One Year

    Woah I've been here longer than Thorn. I feel accomplished about something. ;D
  9. Helpmeplz

    One Year

    Who cares. ![](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b263/CWheezy/Trollface_HD.jpg)
  10. @Chief: > Uhh, from a graphic artist's perspective, its better than most of the garbage on this website. You guys would be lucky to have him on your teams, considering the crap youre making on your own. Yeah, guys seriously get off his balls.
  11. The red stuff around Resistance ruined the effect.
  12. Helpmeplz


    Why did you post this? Future pedophile.
  13. Took the test a while back. I'm a moderate right brain.
  14. The game got boring the first day I played it. Also, pictures plox.
  15. No one is aiming the gun towards people with poor vision though. We're just saying that dubs are horrible and some people do them because of laziness/ignorance.
  16. This is a game. The stirge will be dead soon anyway. Anyways, great work as always Wraith. Keep it up!
  17. English Dubs are horrible. Reading subs isn't even hard.
  18. @Dezire: > What's up with everyone obsessing over Robin now? Like yeah, he's pretty cool, but no need to like crave to be him You stole words right out my mouth.
  19. Nick, I want 7:43 minutes of my life back.
  20. Helpmeplz

    My bday!!

    Happy one year closer to meeting the grim reaper.
  21. @Opportune: > @LegendWeaver: > > > On the second one. Make the N bigger than the other text. Underline the rest 'ecropost'. Put the logo and the text 'gaming' under the line and reduce the size in the text 'gaming'. > > Wrong thread XD this isn't the design your own logo competition… Oi, I was just trying to help you improve 2\. Did you know that advice is optional? :rolleyes:
  22. On the second one. Make the N bigger than the other text. Underline the rest 'ecropost'. Put the logo and the text 'gaming' under the line and reduce the size in the text 'gaming'.
  23. Whipped up an icon in Photoshop. It's not exactly gray scale but I think it looks nice. It reminds me of the Pandora Radio icon. ![](http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff170/legendweaver/Meh%20stuff/RoTaIcon.png) ![](http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff170/legendweaver/Meh%20stuff/RoTaIcon2.png) Yeah, there's a difference. Woah, it blends better on a light background
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