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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. Guys, it could very well be possible… It's just the irony of it all that makes us laugh.
  2. In Flames - Quiet Place
  3. Happy birthday mouse! Sheesh imagine if I didn't have my mouse… All of those hours spent playing CS:S wouldn't have been very fun.
  4. Sheesh… First online game ever played... I can't even remember what mine was. I think it may have been Warcraft II battle.net edition, my first MMO was runescape back when I was like 10, oh the good times.
  5. Sure ya don't Bone… Sure ya don't.
  6. Psh, little do we all know Marsh is never the same person. Ever. So technically he has left… Lots of times.
  7. Welcome back Gwen :P Just out of curiosity, what would happen if I messed with that cat in your avy?
  8. Reguba

    700 posts

    I will never get out of the 300's… I'm doomed to an eternity of chit chat and forum games.
  9. Chuck Norris once hit a man with a thesaurus, all that was left were dazzled and opprobrious witnesses.
  10. Haha, wow… Let's see if we can keep this thread out of the gutter as best we can! Anyways, Marsh your siggy made me lol more then once :P It makes such an epic point!
  11. Well monkey boy… Perhaps you could go around and become a super hero! Shirt Ninja HOO!!
  12. Awesome I now have a way to easily share my deepest, darkest secrets with Marshy…poo :P
  13. Reguba

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy B-day Miss Anna! Don't worry unlike some people here, I know you turned 21… Again, like any properly aging person :P
  14. Way to go man! Enjoy it while you can I guess. :P
  15. Reguba

    Major LULZ

    I can't even believe that someone would say something like that to get some damn tickets. Even after finding out that the thing was a joke… Honestly would you forgive someone that easily for scaring you like that? But I suppose that for cheating on his gf/wife (Don't know what it said) he got what was comin' to him.
  16. Haha, don't worry Dezire I did the same thing with my steam account, I got so used to it logging me in all the time I forgot what the pass really was when I actually had to give the user name and password :P
  17. Niko got it. Like he said it doesn't really matter your age, it all depends on how long you have been working with this stuff as well as how much time and devotion you put into it. So Sting, long story short don't feel bad! I'm almost 17 and I'm still not an amazing programmer of any sort I started about 2 years ago… It just takes time :cheesy: Keep working at it!
  18. Good call on buying a new one. I avoid at all costs buying a computer when they say it is a "GREAT DEAL"
  19. Ya, it seems to be really picky about when I shows lol it keeps going on and off for me. So, I posted a link as well.
  20. Hmm, to be honest guys… This game looks like it was made by students. Haha, it's got that amateur but professional look to it :P
  21. If chickens is talking about the one I think he is, the person here who used it customized it to show a thread from these forums in it. Pretty clever I must say :P Link: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.digyourowngrave.com/content/cubicleman.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.digyourowngrave.com/2005/crazy-cubicle-man/&usg=__AP9DVCo-o2g4Fe8NjJ3NCP2tSIE=&h=128&w=128&sz=10&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=FmA-tl437Rya_M:&tbnh=91&tbnw=91&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dguy%2Bsmashing%2Bface%2Bon%2Bkeyboard%2Bgif%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN Click on the pic and it will show you the gif version of it. Thats what you're after right?
  22. Reguba


    That song has become a classic :P
  23. Reguba

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Sure it is. Your just not trying hard enough!!! Slaves did more work then you and got paid less >.> pull your weight Doc and you would be a rich man!
  24. Reguba

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Nice logo :P Happy Thanksgiving guys! Doc, perhaps go visit your family :P That way you could get free food!
  25. I must say I agree with the Doc on this one. Although I don't know if directly "thinking" about being dead would kill you. You could attempt to calm yourself to a point which your body begins to move to slow to support itself, thus shutting down.
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