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Everything posted by Murdoc

  1. good stuff.. ive been wanting to do this for awhile since seeing it in "endless online".. all of the good equipment in game are made by collecting several items from different parts of the world and trading them in.. its a nice addition to simple reward quests.
  2. just a small bug i thought id point out.. with a collection quest if items are recieved through resource the collection count doesnt go up
  3. The houses dont fit the style… mixing rmvx with rmxp makes no sense
  4. This is a super idea. Knowing your work you'll take it to a new level. Good luck!
  5. This is great work man. Nice palette and the pixel art is tight.
  6. This music is great.. kudos.. anyone know if ogg is supported by default eo? if not im pretty sure they can be converted to midi if im not mistaken
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdp5AcNqmc4&feature=relmfu
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFWZY-ttt8c&list=UUipHMy4o8mMCGrDPatF_Omg&index=0&feature=plcp
  9. @Kajamaz: > Hmm, any more updates soon? @Nelda: > NOTE: I highly suggest you look into Eclipse Chronicles instead of this. It uses some of my stuff but makes the game a TON better and has fewer bugs. Eclipse Starlight is primarily good for its resources and built in games/maps. i dont think they are planning on any updates by the sounds of this post.. just sayin
  10. @Scypher: > I couldn't care less about hitting a woman, they're human. I'm human, they piss me off so I shove them aside and in extreme cases fight them properly. What's so weird about not being a stick and forcing differences upon genders? > > Anyhow, that video takes it a bit too far. But I would personally smack my kid over the head pretty damn hard if they grow up like most kids I see on the streets nowadays. You know WHY all those kids are acting out and screaming/being complete douchebags? Because they never get anything but "No you shouldn't do that". That doesn't teach you any damn boundaries. If I as a child ducked up, I would've been flung across the room and probably whacked on the head a few times. Sure it hurt a little every now and then, but it did teach me what I can and can not do unlike what a small "Oh you shouldn't do that silly" would. all hitting a kid does is reinforce the idea that hitting others is ok.. then they end up beating their children too or taking out their anger on peers… taking away certain priviliges and discussing with children WHY what theyre doing is wrong or harmful to them or others is the only way to deal with children being disobedient to rules... and sometimes the rules are stupid.. i mean this guy whipped that girl over downloading shared music on the internet so we know his rules are fucked up.. no wonder she rebeled... anyway, i was given the belt as a kid too.. but i have children now and i dont even think about hitting them... some of us are becoming more civilized than our grandparents/parents despite what some elders say about "today's generation".. i think people get worried that their kids will become extremely chaotic and criminal if they DONT beat them.. but i dont see how it changes anything.. everyone makes their own choices including kids/teenagers and all beatings do is force them to behave while their under your roof (because they get scared shitless of another beating) but when theyre not under your roof theyre gonna do whatever they want anyway, and when they grow up theyll continue to rebel against authority... some of the most violent people i know were beat hard by their parents, even punched in the face... it obviously does no good other than make people more angry at the world and afraid of their own parents who do the same stupid shit that kids do anyway... if this kind of punishment was good for people then police wouldnt take people to jail theyd beat them instead, oh wait they do.. i wonder how they got the notion it was alright to beat people... just take a guess.. plus its complete hypocrisy.. parents are allowed to beat kids that piss them off.. but if those same kids beat someone else for pissing them off they are bad people? o.O .. no wonder america is fucked.. we expect youngsters to follow an example most parents cant even live up to themselves.. so maybe the kids should beat the parents whenever theyre bad instead.. just sayin
  11. Murdoc

    Desert RPG

    u need to work big time on your shading.. looks pillow shaded lol.. jk they look GREAT
  12. i want to take a strap and whack it across his face yelling "did you learn your lesson yet!?!" and then kick him over a cliff and light him on fire :D .. not really i dont care THAT much but this video did piss me off for real
  13. This is great.. if im upgrading from 1.1 do i need to replace all of the extra files?
  14. ![](http://www.deviantart.com/download/117026929/Spaceship_Sprite_Package_by_Kryptid.png)
  15. ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gSxlBwkT9tQ/TjOlZraCUlI/AAAAAAAAAC4/g_n_9GA9xXk/s1600/fow)
  16. Murdoc


    @John: > ![](http://www.graphics44.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Weird-Guy.jpg) lol
  17. Murdoc


    @Ï‚à ¹€Ï‚à ¹€: > The heck xD ![](http://s3.media.squarespace.com/production/465215/5307116/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Iconic-Clockwork-Orange.jpg)
  18. Murdoc


    @John: > ![](http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/Cane_5/meh.png) > I lol'd… ![](http://www.morethings.com/fan/night_of_the_hunter/night_of_the_hunter-018.jpg)
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