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  1. > @Unknown: If you dislike C# and Java, what language do you prefer, out of curiosity? If you say C++, I'll be so confused. It looks so much harder to use, lol I hate C++ and would not ever want to work in it primarily because I hate managing memory and I don't think C++ is an improvement over C. I'm a RoR developer IRL therefore I also generally dislike Python (whitespace) and I like Ruby.. Ruby is a really cool language. I've also been doing a lot of Coffeescript transpiled to ES6 compiled to Javascript lately with Ember-CLI. Ember is nice for web development especially if you believe in convention over configuration. Javascript is bad, but ES6 modules + Coffeescript helps hide the warts. I'm looking to do more functional programming in languages like Go, Rust or Scala, all of which are incredibly cool. In my experience Java and C# are highly used in industry, Python is also used quite a bit and Ruby is used for startups which is eventually where I see myself going. If you're smart you can work with whatever language you want irl, you don't have to choose Java because there are more jobs in Java. EDIT: Hey wait you said Python is great [here](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135836-dont-know-where-to-start-programming-please-help#post_id_926772)… >! I realize it seems odd that I said Python sucks here and advocated the use of Python elsewhere haha… So I assume most people here are heavy Windows users. You do not want to use Ruby or Rails on Windows, period.. You're going to have a bad time, just trust me. Also I think it may be easier for newbies to read Python code it contains a lot less 'magic', and has consistant whitespace syntax. I would advocate Python to a newbie but not willingly use it myself.
  2. > This is true, microsoft does only oversee it, and it's not really microsoft without the libraries, but I mean really, most of the microsoft .net libraries for C# are cross platform with mono. Idk if chief was calling me out, but As I stated, the only thing I find similar was the syntax, the languages them selves are VERY different. If you work with one you can get the syntax of the other, HOWEVER, you need to be careful with memory allocation. > > > > > > > > > > Unknown, I KNOW you did not just say CLR is equivelent to the JRE, JRE is complete and utter * compared to CLR. And I call BS Mono runs GREAT. Mono > Java, without a doubt. If you wanna run cross platform, use mono. Java is so stupid for game design it's not even funny, like the ONLY thing I really like java for is modifying premade applications. for JARS, but if you wanna use plugins, DLL's are better to use as plugins anyway. > > Just a clear-up, in case you want to make a valid point of CLR compared to JVM, First of all Java's Runtime doesn't declare generic types, it practically relates everything, List in java is the same as List because it won't declare these as generic types. Will java throw an error still? Yeah, but only because the Java Runtime throws for it because string and object value types aren't matching classes. But in C#, List is a COMPLETELY different type from List, in java it's a compiler thing that controls the "different" types. > > So what's this mean? > > It means that you can't have 2 generic types with the same name. You can't have 2 network objects, 2 int objects, 2 strings objects, so on and so forth if their only difference is whether they accept a List or a List For example. > > You can't have a class Network with a constructor that contains a definition for List and another class network with a constructor that contains a definition for List and expect JVM to understand that they're 2 different classes. > > And there are other differnces too, which get into the delegates behind C#, the conveneincy of properly multi-threading your software, yielding your software. > > CLR allows you to define new value types as structures (struct) while java has a fixed set of value types. > > and as stated before… 32bit memory allocation > > > > * In your original post you said that .NET does not run in a virtual machine.. it does in the same way that Java does, which is why I mentioned the CLR. > * Yes, there is a 64 bit JRE. > * On Java vs Mono > > * Mono is not developed by Microsoft so it will always lag behind the current .NET version. Java is installed on more Linux distros by default so the user doesn't have to download it (this is beginning to change for Mono). The tooling for Mono is obviously not as good as Java. If I write something in Java it just works everywhere across a consistant JVM, if I write something with C# I have to choose Mono or the real runtime built by Microsoft and there are some incompatibilities between the two.. It's clearly handicapped and I don't blame Microsoft, why would they support a project that allows development on different operating systems? That being said I think Microsoft is beginning to change, and maybe in the future with Microsoft's support Mono will be better, and a more viable alternative to Java for cross platform applications. > > Your example may be true (or it may not I don't write much Java), but I can point you in a million ways the JVM is better too so I'm just going to link to some [summarized differences](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_C_Sharp_and_Java#Summarized_differences).. C# is great in some ways, in other ways Java is good. These differences don't really sway me from one language to another because they're incredibly minor things like you mentioned. What does sway me is portability which I believe right now Java has the upper hand in but maybe in the future Mono will improve. > > > > To summarize @Officer Johnson: I dislike both languages but use Java if you want better cross platform support. Additionally, both are equally easy for beginners to get started with which is probably all you really care about, so flip a coin and learn something.
  3. > java runs on a virtual environment, personally I don't like java because of how it's run, it's a great language syntax wise, however I also don't like it's compilation or methods of Object Orientation. On the other hand, it is VERY similar to C#, but C# doesn't run in a virtual environment such as JRE (Java Runtime Environment). C# doesn't have specified allocated memory either, in 32bit java your maximum ram allocation limits you to only 2GB of ram, so it's rather bad to use with older machines. > > > > Personally I HATE microsoft with a fiery passion. But I have to admit, C# is one of my FAVORITE languages. It has the perfect syntax in my mind, and runs great. And now that it's cross platform thanks to mono develop (or Xanaria Studios if you're on windows), which can be found at [http://monodevelop.com/](http://monodevelop.com/) . I do have to say I favor C#. > > If you're looking into mobile development however, I think android uses java, Windows Phone uses C#, and IOS uses Objective C. So really if you're looking to be a mobile developer, take your pick there. > > > > Long story short, I personally dislike java, and would prefer C# over most other languages, but that's a personal preference. HOWEVER, do note that java is probably easier debugging as well because it's in a virtual environment. > > It's really among your preference, but there is a decent bit of information about the languages. Either way the syntax is practically the same as Abhi2011 stated. so if you learn one you practically know them both. > > If you stick to C#, go C# mono, NOT Visual Studio, it's best to get in the habit of cross-platform programming now. C# and all .NET languages run on something called the [CLR](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Language_Runtime) which is equivalent to the JVM > Both are basically the same. C# is a Microsoft's try at Java. This is incredibly true.. Many people believe that C# is a better language than Java because Microsoft had the advantage of looking at Java before developing C#. Mono is not as good as Java, it's a great project but will probably never be as good as Java unless Microsoft fully backs and embraces it (and why would they?). If you want your program to run well on different OS's use Java else use whichever one you like better.
  4. > Articles like that are silly. If its so bad why do like 90% of game companies use it? The reason I linked to that email is because Linus Torvalds wrote it. '90% of game companies use it' because there's a lot of code and libraries written in C++ and up until recently there were no real alternatives for AAA studios. I think C++'s popularity with large game companies will change when graphical libraries/resources for Go and Rust mature. There's more lines of COBOL written than any other language. Just because something is popular doesn't make it good.
  5. > It does not matter what language you learn pick anything (not python). Once you know the basics of it any language is pretty easy to pick up. C# is a good place to start. C++ will probably make any other language easy to learn. But it may be a bit tougher at first. I did not get far into the programming books. They were very boring and try. Though do provide some good basic learning. > > > > As General said I would try Unity and C#. You will have more fun making a small game and exploring the code in small sectioned snippets. C# is pretty big these days as well and similar to c++. > > > > Going from c++ to c# is a breeze. > > Going from c# to c++ can have you running into a lot of problems. Mainly pointers. > Say python one more time and I will bite your head off. I agree with Marsh in general ([except the C++ bit](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/57918)) but why not Python? It's a very easy to learn popular language, I'd like to hear what arguments people have against it.
  6. Learn [Python 3.4.1](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-341/) and [pygame](http://www.pygame.org) Python is * Highly [employable](http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=python&l=) * The [top language taught in introductory CS courses](http://www.javaworld.com/article/2452940/learn-java/python-bumps-off-java-as-top-learning-language.html) * Very [easy to get started with](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hello_world_program_examples#Python) Python also works way better than mono on non-Windows Operating Systems.
  7. Hello, I work with Amazon Linux EC2 instances (aka Red Hat Linux boxes with some Amazon love) in my day job writing Rails apps. I've never used Windows EC2 instances but they should work fine with Eclipse after you install VB6 runtimes. If you have any Amazon specific questions I'm sure I can answer them. As far as 'free' is concerned just remember to read the fine print: [http://aws.amazon.com/free/](http://aws.amazon.com/free/) 750 hours Windows Micro Instance ‡ The following Windows variants are not eligible for the free usage tier: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server Web, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server Standard, Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 64-bit for Cluster Instances and Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SQL Server 64-bit for Cluster Instances Micro instances are slow, and even slower running Windows so don't expect your server to be performant!
  8. Hey I just tried it out on iOS, I like it! The only two criticisms I have are: - I feel like it should be faster, I know you're going for a flappy bird clone but your main character is a rocket not a bird - The sound asset you hear when tapping is kind of annoying.. It should be a rocket sound not a menu sound! Keep up the good work.
  9. [http://jsfiddle.net/9wUUh/10/](http://jsfiddle.net/9wUUh/10/) fillRect is what you want
  10. Hey, congrats and good job. I hope you thought a lot about the structure of the code and didn't just run the conversion tool + fix bugs.
  11. > Actually its safe if the other dont know what for an Number you use they wont get it out xD and i dont think youll publish your used number… No Problem :-) > > **You can view the Password you can use the other function which is added to do an extern decoder and view with that the passwords** > > Ahm hows made actually its getting every letter and … Censored dont wanna tell it here because maybe is someone using it and then is this person again easy hackable if you know how coding works (What you do ;-)) then can you see hows done exact else its not needed how just that its working ^^ Nobody should be able to decrypt passwords although I guess this is better than nothing. The right way to encrypt passwords is to use a [cryptoraphic hash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function) with a [salt](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(cryptography)) and lots of iterations.. Or just use a [bcrypt](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt) implementation.
  12. > This still in development? It's not currently in development but still a great resource to make a java orpg. I'm going to work on something more powerful, with a larger audience in the future.
  13. > Go ask one of your systems analysts or database administrators if they feel that CS theory and data modeling are important. If you're trying to say OOP concepts are important in industry I agree with you. In my experience CS professors don't teach OOP. They teach discrete math, big O notation and interpreting time & space complexity of algorithms.. All of these things are more important to researchers then software engineers.
  14. > Did you stop at an associates or something? No I have a bachelors in computer science and work as a Software Engineer.
  15. I've used all of those too. Let me clarify a little bit. Yeah it's useful to use a hashmap/linkedlist/* data structure in XNA or any program/game. It's not useful to implement your own data structure from scratch in C and optimize it to go 1% faster unless you're making a speed critical application. College teaches you how all these data structures work and how to write them, but in the real world you should never have to write them unless absolutely necessary.
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