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Everything posted by Jimmy93

  1. > Run as admin. Make sure Command Prompt is pointed towards the System32 folder yes im running cmd as admin and he says in main post to point it to syswow64 and not system32
  2. regtlib is not a functional command on win7 :(
  3. Jimmy93

    Login UI

    Alright, thanks ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  4. Jimmy93

    Login UI

    Updated main post ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) new image.
  5. How do i make it so it adds .dll files?(on patching) not same folder
  6. What command should i use to delete folders then?
  7. Using Joyce atm and yes i would like to have its DX8 supportive.
  8. I tried to add maps removal on launch but i get run time 53 errors… I added ``` Kill (App.Path & "\data files\maps") ``` infront of ``` Shell App.Path & "\" & ClientName, vbNormalFocus ``` Like this ``` If FileExist(App.Path & "\" & ClientName) Then Kill (App.Path & "\data files\maps") Shell App.Path & "\" & ClientName, vbNormalFocus Else ``` Any suggestion on how to get it work? I want it to delete the maps folder when pressing launch
  9. Possible to add multiple characters on accounts in this version?
  10. So im in need of someone to make me a "launcher" like the crystalshire one. It will auto update when i have something new to add and it will stand text in it what updates been made. Also it will show like 53.8KB / 163KB done -> Client is up to date Paying somewhere between 5-10$ for this, Can change if you make it much more complicated and useful.
  11. > Do note that you need to re-download a fresh copy of the source after you install anything to do with the runtimes, because your copy you opened is already messed up now. oh i see. will try it now ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) tnx Edit. Didnt solve it either.
  12. > This error has to do with VB6 SP6, not with .DLL registration. > > Download VB6 SP6, run it as an administrator with compatibility for XP SP3\. Then, redownload Eclipse's source code. Tnx, i'll try this now edit, Didnt solve it. > Actually, he is missing the dependency. So if he registers the .DLL correctly, he will no longer be missing the dependency. What .DLL i need to register?
  13. Jimmy93

    Login UI

    I'll try add some "life/colors" to the screen and see what it looks like ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Thanks for the comments
  14. Jimmy93

    Login UI

    ![](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/971/reseo.png) What u think i could improve on it?
  15. Getting same error with ``` cd c:\ cd windows cd system32 regsvr32 MSCOMCTL.OCX ``` I'm using Win7 btw if that has anything todo with it.
  16. module c:\users\jimmy\desktop\MSCOMCTL.OCX was read in, However the call for dllRegisterServer failed with fail code 0x8002801c. Still dosnt work…
  17. What you mean by register? i've ran the runtime installer & i downloaded MSCOMCTL.OCX and placed it in the system32 folder.
  18. Getting this error when trying to open it in vb6 ``` Line 2967: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabCommands was not a loaded control class. Line 3047: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabPages was not a loaded control class. ``` I tried adding MSCOMCTL.OCX to both folder and system32\. none solved it.
  19. Jimmy93

    First map

    A small part of my 60x60 map My first map that i have been serious enough to make something good of. >! ![](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/535238_272038279548879_173502652735776_633633_569384236_n.jpg)
  20. I answered this on someone else thread. Use the search button… Some ppl have the same questions and it could be answered.
  21. Jimmy93

    Death Spawn

    Open map editor go to propertise then change the BOOTx/y/map or what it is to where you want them to pop up after dying?
  22. Jimmy93

    Giant Title

    Not that i know of
  23. Jimmy93

    Giant Title

    @madyotto: > 1\. max drop amount =50,000 for gold to drop of mobs as they can only drop 255 of any item (not found/ struggling) Client side, open frmEditor_NPC Select the scroll bar beside value: 0 Scroll down in the properties until you see "Max 255" Change the max to 50 000
  24. Client side, modGameLogic search for: Public Sub UpdateDrawMapName() This is the placement code: ``` DrawMapNameX = Camera.Left + ((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2)[color] - getWidth(TexthDC, Trim$(Map.Name))[/color] DrawMapNameY = Camera.top + 1 ```This is where on the Y axis the title is displayed. ``` DrawMapNameY = Camera.top + 1 ``` this is where on the X axis the title is displayed. ``` DrawMapNameX = Camera.Left + ((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, Trim$(Map.Name)) ``` Do not change the ``` - getWidth(TexthDC, Trim$(Map.Name)) ```if you dont know what it does. Hope it helped some.
  25. Jimmy93

    Shop mode

    You mean like this? >! ![](http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4346/likethism.jpg) How to: All client side, In modGameLogic Search for: ``` frmMain.picCover.Visible = True ``` Remove this line or change to = false and the shop window shows above the picScreen
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