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Everything posted by Zexion

  1. > That is absolutely incorrect. 2007scape has substantially less players and has continued to decline. > > > [http://www.misplaced…/2007online.php](http://www.misplaceditems.com/2007online.php) You're forgetting that the main game has 20+ free to play worlds, where 07scape **requires** membership. Honestly, even I completely don't play runescape once my membership runs out. I wait until I'm a member again and then I'm back into 07\. If 07 had free worlds, I would definitely play more often, so what's to say that others wouldn't. :s
  2. Tbh, the worlds have more people than the main game. Of course there are less, but each worlds has 100+ in them and most are usually 250+ the main games worlds are only ever at 150+ and 200+ during updates :S I think runescape in general is dead, not just this section.
  3. Idk if anyone still plays. I quit like during the third week because college. I've been playing for almost a month now though and I've gotten a lot better. (Although, a lot has not changed lol.) This is most of my bank atm :S not including like cb runes seeds pots etc. ![](http://imageshack.us/a/img802/3531/v9gp.png) Aaaand these are my stats :D low cb stats ftl :s ![](http://imageshack.us/a/img850/1920/1m9u.png)
  4. Why exactly did you need to "fix" the offset of the map? What was wrong with it?
  5. I can try I guess, but no promises ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  6. Open any mod, and press ctrl+f then tick the "current project" button. Type in picscreen, and look for any places where it shows the old resolution. Replace with the new one.
  7. Thanks, that commented line was kind of throwing me off…I didn't want to put the wrong formula there lol.
  8. It is under modCombat in the server. ``` ' take away armour Damage = Damage - rand(1, (Npc(npcNum).stat(Stats.Agility) * 2)) ``` What exactly does that line do? Reason being that I'm trying to rewrite the formulas, and change stats to make a difference from bonuses that armours give.
  9. Way better now Imo. Better contrast and shading overall.
  10. Zexion

    Limit the backpack

    Which engine are you using? @swizl I think he is talking about the inventory.
  11. Do you have visual basic 6? If so just open the project file (server.vbp) and click file > make exe > overwrite
  12. Here's my bank lol ![](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8581/bankhr.png)
  13. Lol, as long as it works, then you can change whatever you want ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  14. Did you make sure to add the part in modGlobals, and if so, are you sure it is in the right place?
  15. One question, are these global?
  16. Ohh I hope I can still make the Android List! If not, I do also have an iPad. I'd prefer it to be on my phone, though. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  17. Okay, first off I'm using EO 3.0 How much would you charge to convert a complete gui to be rendered via dx8? (This includes the menu's that pop up.) Also, instead of that, would you be willing to make a tutorial, step by step, on how to do this myself? If so, what is the charge?
  18. Nice! I've been wanting to get 50 prayer, but I don't like training attack for some reason, never have… so I just been skilling lately. Though, I recently started a project and I haven't really been on rs alot.
  19. Zexion

    System Random item

    Can you be a bit more…concise?
  20. Just a stat update ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Working on getting all 50+ I have 50 herb banked (just need damn vials), but i want 60 :\ Also working on getting 70+ fishing and cooking sometime… ![](http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2859/statssr.png)
  21. On the plus side, your line art and coloring are great. You just need to work on your anatomy as nook said.
  22. I think I know what you're doing here ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Nice maps actually
  23. Zexion

    GUI Artist Needed

    Dang, I was hoping for program GUI. Fantasy GUI's are the hardest for me…I know a great style for it, but there are too many fancy things I can't do ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) so I hate it.
  24. Zexion

    GUI Artist Needed

    What kind of GUI would it be? Like a program GUI, or a game GUI? If game, then what genre (sci-fi,fantasy,modern,etc)?
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