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Mohenjo Daro

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Everything posted by Mohenjo Daro

  1. I tested it a bit more and it does *technically* work, there is a lot of cyan placed around things, so I don't recommend doing it. Looks like you'll need to learn LaVolpe
  2. @xlithan Any reason you aren't just drawing to frmMenu? You said cyan was made transparent, have you tried making the backcolor of D3DColorRGBA(0, 255, 0, 0.5) into cyan? I don't know much about LaVolpe so I can't help with that.
  3. @solidlink Ancient chinese secret ;) There's an eye you can click in your responses (Zyn found out he already implemented spoilers when I asked about them last night lol)
  4. Hope you don't might, I changed the link in the OP to have the correct hyperlink.
  5. I like keeping the community in the loop of what's going on :)
  6. I'm sure some of you have noticed I haven't updated ER is a bit, and the reason is pretty simple: I'm working on a few other projects. *** ~~Andur Engine - I'm helping SolidLink with Andur by removing the old GUI code with ER's. ER's GUI code was made for ease when adding or removing GUI elements and features. I'm trying to help Solid by giving his engine that ease as well. This will in turn improve Andur and help the community to use it.~~ Eclipse Connect - EC came out a little while ago and as the new game and engine manager for the site, it needs constant maintenance and improving. Lately I'm been working on bug fixes and deciding what direction I want to take it (programming language). ~~Program Updater - So a lot of people were having trouble with the program updater I made, so I've decended to redo it and improve it so it's easier to use.~~ Program Restarter - I'm going to be adding support for multiple programs as well as getting a process's file location without the user needing to locate it. Eclipse Renewal - I've come to a few bumps in the rod with programming a couple features (namely server options) and have decided to put a few more important projects ahead of it (see above). *** ER is not at all dead, but because of a few bumps and helping/working on some other projects, I haven't had the time to update ER in a month or so. As soon as I finish with Andur's GUI and EC's bug fixes, I will resume work on ER. ::: ~~As a side note, upon finishing ER's next update, it should be ready for the community server. More news on that will come closer to the next update release :)~~ ERCS will be ready after version 1.9 :::
  7. I'm played a few games that have different map sizes, and it can work well if you use the warp attribute instead of the map's default teleport when you walk into the side. The warp attribute will make it feel more consistent but take more time to implement.
  8. You might also want to try installing this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7030
  9. You might also want to delete it and redownload the engine.
  10. If the rest are checked and it still doesn't work, then open server.vbp with notepad and find the line Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.1#0; mscomctl.OCX If your's says 2.1 then change it to 2.0, if it says 2.0 then change it to 2.1
  11. Open the server.vbp with VB6, then press Ctrl + T and make sure the following boxes are checked Microsoft Rich Textbox Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0 (SP4)
  12. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16018271/object-library-not-registered-when-adding-microsoft-rich-textbox-control-6-0 Follow this but use the lib name you're getting the error with
  13. Try installing this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5721 What do you mean "accesses"? Also, what engine are you using? ER and Andur (in Andur's next update) both have their admin ranks in modEnumerations. To give a player admin access, go to the server and right click their name in the player list. If you're using a different engine, then you should be able to find the admin ranks in modConstants.
  14. @zombieunit Please update the main post with the new link :)
  15. $80 should cover these systems. Those telling you it won't are over charging you. (No I'm not offering my services, I'm too busy with projects as it is) Factions system Pet system Talent system Forge system Crafting system Or, you can save $80 and wait for Atlas. You can always work on the story/lore and get custom graphics while you wait :)
  16. I'm pretty sure you can use a gif as an image on the form, it should support transparency.
  17. Mohenjo Daro

    Tile Size

    Off what Coyote said, you can also click the check box "Match Whole Word" (that might not be the exact name, but it's close) in the search box. This will make sure you don't search for numbers like 432 or 320 (not sure if those numbers are in the code but never hurts to narrow a search).
  18. Mohenjo Daro

    Tile Size

    Sadly, that is the case. Doesn't matter what engine you're using: the base engines only used PIC_X and PIC_Y part of the time and used 32 the rest.
  19. You can always use RenderTexture Tex_GUI(22), 0, frmMain.ScaleHeight - 64, 0, 0, frmMain.ScaleWidth, 64, 1, 64 Just make sure the form scalemode is Pixels and not Twips
  20. Try this https://archive.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-Rob-39-s-Feature-Request-Thread-33?pid=925656#pid925656
  21. @newwun I'm pretty sure it will have item info on hover, and I know it has the updater already.
  22. I'll ask the simple question to be sure: have you installed the runtimes? There is a link for them on the downloads page on step 2 https://www.eclipseorigins.com/downloads#step_two
  23. DungeonJob is now a featured game ~~(still needs a link :P )~~ It now has a link, but will stay in ad phase until I update EC to use direct links
  24. No problem :) To change the button locations ' Loop through the locations For i = btnCount To 1 Step -1 ' Rows are done in order, columns are reversed: enum order is right to left and top to bottom If i = btnCount Then BTN(btnEnabled(i)).X = frmMain.ScaleWidth - BTN(btnEnabled(i)).Width - btnOffset Else If btnCount - i
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